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my unknown monster!!!


Active member
hey CBF.... Yes I have already broken at least 8 different large colas. They bent fully over and grew right back up above the knuckle!! I may have to perform a few more strategical snaps here and there!

Thanks for all the info!


dammit man that monster is about to engulf your house...thats gotta yeild atleast 2 lbs...way to go hope its killer smoke you deserve it bro.g13:D


New member
Very beautiful plant bro ! Just curious, I know a lot of you guys cure in a mason jar, how the hell do you cure that much ? I've got 8 females, mostly 8 ft. growin outside. I'm gonna stay up all night trimming !


Active member
smokinjoe said:
Very beautiful plant bro ! Just curious, I know a lot of you guys cure in a mason jar, how the hell do you cure that much ? I've got 8 females, mostly 8 ft. growin outside. I'm gonna stay up all night trimming !

As I said earlier, I would trim only the biggest, fattest, top colas and throw everything else into the freezer to run through bubble bags when I have the time.


Active member
We gotta Know,
she is part of our Family here now
,, well till you chop her down and burn her!....lol
you big ole Brute...lol


Active member
Tropical said:
As I said earlier, I would trim only the biggest, fattest, top colas and throw everything else into the freezer to run through bubble bags when I have the time.
You damn Bubble Nut...lol I know and Cannabutter the leftovers :)


Active member
hey ya'll ....
The beast made it through the storm no problem.....
We did not get very much wind or rain where I live.......one of the lucky ones!!
She was tied down and is starting to flower........I think LOL!!

I'll snap a pic tomorrow in the afternoon.


Have you taken any cuttings from this outdoor monster? Maybe a nice plant for outdoors here in cali on my next outdoor grow ;)


No Shit Sharpie, we can disguise that beast as a Redwood. It gets so damn big.



"Holy Slammin Sativa, Batman!!"

"Holy Slammin Sativa, Batman!!"

You know, ppl go to great lengths to try to ensure their plants turn out females. There are seed soaks, reducing stress to a minimum or none at all, feminized seeds, ect...... and this guy can just "toss" his seeds out the window and BAM!!! Hes got a monster female plant with the minimum amount of work. :rolleyes: ;) :D Man, she shure is georgeous!! Maybe you could do some crosses with some pure indicas to try and tame her for indoor cultivation? Either way, you also have my vote for pic of the month! Nice!! L.V. :wave:
Damn HOG that looks good, nice and big :D hope all goes well and u don't have any "confrontations" with pests (including feds lol)



Plant Manager
here comes the sun, do do do do, here comes the sun I say, its alright. . . sorry your plant gets me in the singing mood.

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