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My Tropical Outdoor


Well-known member
Looks like the Haze19/Skunk is starting to put on weight. Not a lot right now, but a good difference from a week ago. Hard to tell at this point, but I'm thinking she'll be ready around the end of march, beginning of april. That'll be around 90 days for her. Could be as little as 70 days, but we'll see. The 2nd picture is a bottom branch pollinated with Leb pollen. I also have a Leb in the greenhouse that didn't autoflower like the others. If it's a boy, I'll hit up a 2 1/2 foot Mixed Skunk/Haze girl I have going (not pictured). She might stretch another 6 inches or so, but not much more. That one will probably be ready in 2-2.5 months.

The Z99 is going well (will have pics soon...they're small), but already starting to show sex. I think the C99 in her is going to keep her from vegging too much. Will be fun to compare those to Motaloca's because we're at the same latitude, but he's going to veg for a few weeks before putting them out to flower. I forgot to bring out the food for them last time, so tomorrow I'll give them some food and love. I'll plant some when our light is 12.5/11.5 and see if they veg a little longer. 11.5 hours of light right now and it takes a good sativa to veg much at all.

Also still trying to figure out what sativa to grow next for the rainy season. Hard to pick just one, but I'll figure it out in a week or so. Will probably play around with some more of the Z99 and these Leb/HazeSkunk seeds for the rest of the dry season.


Well-known member
Z99 "C"

Z99 "C"

Finally fed the poor Z99. They haven't grown too much in the last week or so. I haven't grown a ton of different strains, but enough to know that this is the hungriest plant I've worked with. Hard to get too close to them and look for sex, but it shouldn't be too long before they're showing. Hoping they'll stretch out at least another 6-10 inches or so because they're only about 6 inches tall right now. Guess that's what happens when you plant them outdoors at 11.5/12.5. I have some seeded Leb27 girls that I'll pull pretty soon and make room for at least another 5 of the Z99. I'll try Don's method of just sowing them directly in the ground to see how they react to that.


Donald Mallard

el duck
hey kaymo ,
heres 2 products i use liberally ..



the growth potential in the tropics is enormous ,
and so one needs to feed accordingly ,
likely we need to feed heavier due to the massive growth spurts ,
and the leaching each year ...

if your able to reach the potential of your climate ,
it will exceed the same indoor potential ,
ive not seen a plant grown indoor at 12/12 outgrow a tropical one at the same ...


Well-known member
Thanks Don. The soil I'm using out there is probably devoid of many nutes. It was old soil from previous plants that I collected and mixed with the native soil. I always plan on top dressing, but I forgot to mix in some food before planting. One thing I forgot is that I put them in the mix to germ with no nutes. Usually, I'll mix in a light mix for my germ/veg soil, but I forgot that I didn't. With more food from the start, they'll definitely grow better. I'll get some more out very soon and make sure they get a supply from the start. Those Z99 are at about 3 weeks and should probably be twice as big.


Well-known member
Haze19/Skunk is coming along nicely. Not bad for $17. I still give her until Mid-End march, but she's starting to put on weight now. Growing well each time I visit. I harvested about 25 seeds from a branch I pollinated with some Leb. Also harvested about 15 seeds from some Leb x Leb. They grow tiny for a sativa, but they have such a nice perfume/fruit loops smell.

All except for one of the Z99 were males, so I kept this one and put a bag over him. He already released a little pollen, so the Haze19xSkunk might have been hit with some. Started 7 more z99 on Wednesday and all 7 were above soil today. 3 are in pot in the greenhouse and 4 have their homes in this garden. Hopefully no ants decide they want the little sprouts. For those keeping track at home, 100% germ rate for 12 z99 so far. I'll get a thread going over at Z99 test area when I have some more info.

Also have a bunch of Ace gear on its way. Golden Tiger, Panama, and Purple Haze x Thai F3. The PHaze x Thai has been selectively inbred for a couple generations toward the Purple Haze side of things. Looking forward to some big plants to run through the rainy season (and any other time of the year, too).


sounds like we're neighbors

sounds like we're neighbors

High guys,, Kam ,Don,,new member here been cruising the posts hit this one,,,,,I live here on the 9th as well been here 5 years and started growing when the lack of good smoke here slapped me good. Sweet looking grow ya got there,, I'd love to have some Indica seeds,,been smoking Sativas a long time now..
If this thread is alive I'd like to jump in.and the wife and her sisters just went to town so I gots me some F.O. time.I ended up growing only Sativas,, only seed I could get,,I took the Baguio brick and sorta , kinda refined the 3 Sativas mixed in it,,,Took me 2 years to get buds that had some flavor and didn't taste like the brick they started from
Yea weather issues are a bitch and been real inconsistent this year, My first grow was in the ground and failed miserably due to weather and timing,, now I do only buckets,,gives me way more control over the weather when it gets nasty and I set um heavy with rocks so if the rains do hit them they'll drain off quick and it comes and goes, dry season was supposed to start 2 months ago but I can't tell it...Tell ya the truth I stopped trying to time my grows for a certain harvest date ,, drove me crazy when it rained ,,when ti was dry, when the winds start up in Dec,,,I said the hell with it and just kept cloning and growing,, got one batch of 7 ready to harvest in a week or so,,one batch of 7 just starting to flower out back ,,,and one batch 9 in week 5 of flowering, I try to keep them down in numbers for ease of care,,growing weed is a part time job..
I've had my best luck germinating seeds,,potting um up all outside under the kubo hut,, never used a light, costs to much here and gets um in the 12/12 mode right off the bat ,they flower up in about 8 weeks or so then its a good 15-18 weeks for maturity,,I use a bat guano/fish emulsion/seaWEED mix for my main nutes and feed buko juice to um once a week.
I do get alot of hermis for this one strain that gets monster size but the red buds is gives off is worth keepin um around, I think this season is the first i might get a female from the monster grower if so I'm gonna clone the piss out of it,,thats another thing I do outside ,,I set my clones up under a cheap plastic food container and call it a humidity dome, works great.
I also get good results using small containers for full term growth,#10 cans to be exact, one of the 3 strains i grow stays low at about 25-27 inches and grows bad ass bud in #10 cans, buds seem to grow tighter and denser,then when in a bigger pot. I got one that's about 14 inchs tall growing full erm in a 400 gram can and got sum sweet nasties on it,,tight buds, the wife says they look like a monkeys fist,and she would know, so I'm calling it Monkey Fist,,what the hell ,I couldn't tell ya what it really is...
For pests is use boiled leaves off a neem tree,seems to work ok but getting ahead of them seems to be the key,,this grow is hardly any spider mites and no white flies at all,,,,,yet,,,,knock on nipa, and I started spraying um down young before any showed up and once a week or so, now I just spray the stems but not the buds and It seems to be Ok,,,so far.. Ok,, there's the tex to come get the girls at the end of the road,,,yea this 5 min read took me about 5-6 hours to write ,,but i was doing other stuff, checking my plants ,,,made some coffee,,,walked down the road some checked my plants( something I do all day long ),,,,,,looked at my cool new roof,and played wrestle mania IV with my dog,,yea,, I'm a busy guy..


Well-known member
Make yourself at home, masa. The outdoor forum is a great place to be, and the tropical conversation is always fun. Definitely agree about germination technique. I haven't put seeds indoors (light/paper towel) in a year of so. Hope you come across a good indica. Maybe Ace/CBG Pakistan Chitral, or Tom's deep chunk. Plenty to choose from around here. I'll probably play around with more indica next dry season.


Thanks dude,,,hows the weather treatin ya ???? we're supposed to be in a dry season but you cant tell it,,, I got all my girls huddled up under cover looking like a bunch scouts on a bad camping trip and more low pressure coming,,,w t f....
This is why I dont do in the ground anymore,, containers all the way..
The bad rains we had last Aug drowned all my plants but 3 that were in pots so from now on its my M.O...


Thanks dude,,,hows the weather treatin ya ???? we're supposed to be in a dry season but you cant tell it,,, I got all my girls huddled up under cover looking like a bunch scouts on a bad camping trip and more low pressure coming,,,w t f....
This is why I dont do in the ground anymore,, containers all the way..
The bad rains we had last Aug drowned all my plants but 3 that were in pots so from now on its my M.O...

You guys north of the equator right? That must be where our southern wet season has dissapeared to!:gday:



Well-known member
In the last month or so, our dry season has actually been pretty dry. Still rain once every few days, but just enough to keep the soil wet. Wish it was just like this year-round.

The Haze19 x Skunk is starting to pack on more frost and weight. Finding seeded flowers here & there. I'm assuming they're from the Leb, but I'm not sure. I'll keep the seeds around for a rainy day. The newly planted Z99s are liking their home and seem to be growing just fine, although they're still in infancy stage. Found a really good rock not far from my current spot that gets crazy morning sun and decent afternoon sun. I'll bring some soil up there soon and I think I'll make that the home for at least some of the Ace gear. Won't need a fence because there's no way the wildlife can get up there.


You guys north of the equator right? That must be where our southern wet season has dissapeared to!:gday:


Right you are there mate,,In fact right now its perfect weather,,,,,,,,,,If Yer A Duck,,,,,
I've had about like Kam,, last month or so not bad thought it was going dry finally, the last 3 days have been a beast,, and more heading in.. Really pissing me off,,I got a hand full all most finished up some still flowering and a hand full just starting to flower,,,,I tell ya Kam ,,,I timed this grow out sweet as per our normal change of the season and I am now getting duh shaft,, biggest worry is whats budding nice now going to mold if I dont get the weather back soon...........


Well-known member
Hope your weather turns around soon, Masa. I take it from the 'baguio brick' in your other post, you're in the PI? Always wondered about the local herb from there. Crossing my fingers that we don't have any heavy rain for the next 2-3 months. Harvest the rest of what I have going and run some mold-proof (more or less) sativas throughout the wet season.


Well-known member
Had a slight security scare a couple days ago. Just family, so everything is fine. Still got rid of everything I have at my spot. Going to lay low for a few months, but still finish up the Z99 I have going for the test grow. Will probably get a test thread going in the next week or so. Had to pull the pollinated Z99 I had on the cliff. For about 30 days flowering, she's frosty and smells beautiful. Can definitely smell the pineapple Cindy in her. The other Z99s are currently about a week old and will finish up in my greenhouse. I like that they don't seem to grow too big out here, so I can keep them small and stealthy. When rainy season hits, I'll get some of the Ace gear going on some rocks.

Pulled the haze19/skunk a couple/few weeks early, but it will still probably give me an oz of quality smoke.


Well-known member
Here's the haz19/skunk just about dried and ready for the jar. She should have gone about another 3 weeks, but I had to take her then.


Well-known member
Hey guys! Still alive over here. Just messing around in the garden with the z99 right now. I'm working in the greenhouse, so I can't really go all out. Nice time to work with small plants, but at least the rain can't hurt them. Also started a few of Ace's Panama. I'll probably train/top those as much as I can to keep them small.

Finished up one of Don & Moonunit's z99. It originally shared a pot with a couple others, and only a gallon of soil, so the conditions weren't great. Still ended up with a small sativa-ish plant that had a great topical fruit smell. Started to smell more like oranges toward the end. Great stone and taste, but I should have cured it really well.

Still have 5 more going - 4 girls and a boy who hasn't shown his balls yet. Using some homemade coco with FF happy frog fertilizer for now. My compost will be ready in a couple months to mix with the coco for a good organic mix. Also have some cal-mag that should be here in a couple days. They seem to be doing okay in it. Nothing great, but at least they aren't dying.

The one in the middle-front is the boy. I burnt him a little the other day with a tea and I might be looking at lockout. I'll check him tomorrow and see if he'll be okay. Maybe flush the medium. The one to the right of him got hit bad by red ants and possibly aphids, which is why her leaves are droopy. They're all about 2 weeks into flowering right now, so I'll give them another 2 months just to be on the safe side. They're all around 16-20 inches or so. Trying to figure out which girl to hit with the pollen, but I'm leaning toward the second to the left. Nice structure. Not too stretchy.

Been shopping for seeds again. Now that I have a good supply of sativas from Ace, I'm trying to think of some small plants to grow. Because I'm limited to this space for now, I'm kind of on this small plant thing lately. Thinking about something ornamental and indica. PCK, Erdpurt, etc. Maybe a deep chunk hybrid. We'll see.