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My talk with a dispensary owner.


Active member
Well I had my first dispensary experience and it was a little weird. I am a friend of a friend of this owner and hav talked with him a few times. I only have space queen on hand and wanted sme heavy indica for sleep. I decide to take a little of the space queen with me, figured I'd show him what I've ben working with and mayby have a lil smoke sesh. I pull out 2 jars and here is the dialogue that followed.
Me: hey here are 2 space queen phenos that I have.
Owner: so what exactly do you mean by phenotype?
Me: I mean the scientific definition of the observable charactoristics of an organisms which is the result of the parents genes.
Owner: so what about these 2 are different.
Me: biggest difference is smell, but also but structure, flower time & yield.
Owner: I see nothing here that wold lead me to believe these arnt off the same plant.
Me: I'm not sure I'm following you these were definately 2 different plants.
Owner: that doesn't mean anything, these are the same pheno.
Me: but the 2 plants weren't much alike especially the smell.
Owner: different smell does not mean different pheno. There are specific criteria to b a different pheno. That smell could have come from anywhere like nutes or curing.
Me: I'm not sure I'm understanding you still. I thought that pheno was like blond hair is a pheno of human, blue eyes are a phenotype and so on.
Owner: look I can be a dick and agree that you have to phenos there and make you happy because you obviously know it all. Go back to the book you read and re read it. Saying stuff like that really hurts your credibility.

Now since then I have went and reread to make sure I wasn't crazy. And sure enough I'm not. Just google phenotype or genotype/phenotype relationship. It's very clear that any identifiable characteristics weather it came from genes or genes+environment =phenotype.

Sorry just had to vent. It's real frustrating having someone be so wrong yet fell so good about it.
isnt it amazing that you can know virtually nothing about the product you are selling and are still able to sell it?

id have to compare that to going to a doctor and being diagnosed with a sinus infection, then they recommend you have your testicles removed to stop the spread.


Rubbing my glands together
In it for them money and don't know shit about the product. Dude wouldn't know good pot from shit brick.


Trying to have a good day
Wouldnt it be much better if people just had a wonderful garden instead of allways getting into a argument trying to keep there scientific definitions straight...............


New member
you should have just said they were 2 different strains... saved yourself a headache!lol
matter of fact... go back tomoroow and tell him you brought 2 different strains! lol


"I mean the scientific definition of the observable charactoristics of an organisms which is the result of the parents genes. "

Did you actually say that? I mean seriously, lol.


Active member
Wouldnt it be much better if people just had a wonderful garden instead of allways getting into a argument trying to keep there scientific definitions straight...............

The dude actually has a pretty nice garden. The only part about this whole situation that bothers me is telling me that I have no credibility when all he had to do is type phenotype into the computer that was right in front of him. To see that it was indeed hi
Self who was losing credibility.


If the talk went as you said, you should grab a dictionary of scientific terms and an overview of mendels work, go back to the dispensery, slam them on the counter and say "Give them back when YOU have done some reading" and leave.

He seems like a joke (and a jerk), and is exactly the kind of guy he is accusing you of being...

I say you go back and lecture the bastard. If it was just some random guy, okay... But this guy is supposed to sell MEDICATION!


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
this is one of those 'oh yah, well....the jerk store called, and they're out of YOU!' things, isn't it?

you got into a semantic argument and made personal judgments based on it, so did he.

you both failed.


Active member
"I mean the scientific definition of the observable charactoristics of an organisms which is the result of the parents genes. "

Did you actually say that? I mean seriously, lol.

That's an exact quote. It's a problem I have I'm kinda anal like that. I don't do it to be a dick even though my wife thinks I do. I just revert to how I like things explained to me exacting and fully defined.

B. Self Reliant

It sucks that he was a jerk about it instead of trying to learn from you. However, anyone who's dealt with the dispensaries before knows that they aren't going to pay a lot more for a subtle difference. Most clubs pay what they pay and it's a take it or leave it proposition.

I would have taken him the strain that yielded more and seen what he thought, and what price he'd offer you per pound. Too many choices, especially when very similar, can be a bad thing.

Sorry about your shitty experience.


Active member
this is one of those 'oh yah, well....the jerk store called, and they're out of YOU!' things, isn't it?

you got into a semantic argument and made personal judgments based on it, so did he.

you both failed.

Not quite there wasn't much arguing as after that last zinger I politely said sorry conceded the argument and explained I was just trying to get a better understanding. At no time did I make judgements either in person or on this forum. Only the judgement of him being wrong and loving it.


Active member
It sucks that he was a jerk about it instead of trying to learn from you. However, anyone who's dealt with the dispensaries before knows that they aren't going to pay a lot more for a subtle difference. Most clubs pay what they pay and it's a take it or leave it proposition.

I would have taken him the strain that yielded more and seen what he thought, and what price he'd offer you per pound. Too many choices, especially when very similar, can be a bad thing.

Sorry about your shitty experience.

Wasn't trying to sell him anything or teach him anything. I went to buy weed and tried to make some friendly conversation abouthe herb I had grown. Like I said he is a friend of a friend. I actually had alot of respect for him untill this stupid shit.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
Not quite there wasn't much arguing as after that last zinger I politely said sorry conceded the argument and explained I was just trying to get a better understanding. At no time did I make judgements either in person or on this forum. Only the judgement of him being wrong and loving it.

eh, perhaps that may not be the best way to put it, then.

you both made judgments on each others' credibility based on a semantic argument.

smell, yield, bud structure, etc can all be affected by environment. they can also be expressed traits specific to that phenotype within a strain.

honestly man - it just seems like a situation where two people who likely do know what they're doing (i know the assumption here is all vendors are stupidheads typically, but...you said his garden was pimp. the guy can't be too far topically at sea) ended up talking sideways at each other, and think less of each others' credibility for having done so.


So silly of him to make a negative situation out of a disagreement over small talk. But then, that type of dickish, bullish attitude is the hallmark of a lot of people who succeed in capitalism.

We all have our faults, I guess.


Active member
Could you tell the difference of the bud and not the plant when growing it? I mean if the guy looked and smelled the buds and said they seemed the same then maybe there's not much of a difference.


Active member
smell said:
There in lies the argument. From what I can tell he thinks there are clearly defined types of childre that con be spawned from a given parent and these are phenotypes. Any variation present is simple that variation. While I was using phenotype as a word to describe observable traits. The exact definition states genome+environment=phenotype.
A short node phenotype maw grow long nodes at a different altitude. A plant might be different colors at different temps all these can be classified as phenotypes. Phenotypes can vary independently of genome variation.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
There in lies the argument.

no disagreement - but that's just it. it is an argument on semantics.

two people who have a shared hobby and interest think each other are less than credible because they have a different topical concept of a term - that if discussed w/out a 'your-credibility-is-on-the-line' attitude on something of this sort might have actually informed one of ya.

i dunno, maybe i've just seen exactly this too damned often (talking sideways past each other, instead of actually discussing something) to not assume it's the case.

maybe this guy is just a dumb dick.

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