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my setup



your going to need atleast 300watts of cfl to produce 150- 200gm of herb pick a good heavy yielding strain that has a short flowering period


Active member
i build for a friend a 160w cfl microcab. four 40 watt cfls,
(from wally world or home-D-pot) in a 17 x 30x24 cab.
Its set up for 2-4 plant scrog. finished its test run a few weeks ago.
I used 4 black 4.5 inch square planters, with peralite as a medium.
they sit in a SMALL kitty litter tray.
i add 1 quart of nutes to the tray every 2-3 days. I use the lucas floranova Bloom formula (8ml floranova per gallon)
I ended up with 58 grams...
HOWEVER i grew 2 diffent strains (venomhead and strawberry cough) to see wich one was a better strain for the box (the venom head won!!)
The grams per watt i shoot for is .60 grams per watt for flouros or t5 or cfls (.60 grams per watt is MY personal goal NOT what may actully be being done out there...)
When it gets set up at its new home, and tweaked in, i expect it to put out 3+ oz of venom head every 7-8 weeks easy..
YES make sure you choose a strain that works good for scrog. cfl/flouros i feel are a LOT more strain specific than HPS is.
Get the scrog tech down pat.
Growing in a micro area your variables are a LOT tighter than growing in a larger closet.
Make SURE your temps and airflow is A+
There are QUITE a few folks on here growing with cfls/flouros getting EXCEllENT results... Check out their threads...
Now then, are you going to be able to push out HUGE quanties for commercial reasons or grow DONKEY DICKS in your cab ??? NOpe. However...
Once you get everything down pat and tweaked in you will be growing some EXCELLENT conisoir pot that will rival ANY hps grown pot. And Thats the truth.... PAX




i wanna build me a growbox next week :)

what would u do in this space?
1 veg chamber 1 flowering?
or just 1 big chamber?
what lights?
soil or hydro?

i thought about a small part for seed starting &clones a veg chamber for 4-6 plants and a flowering chamber for 4-6 plants :D so i could make a good sog :D

something like this but dunno how big the chambers and holes should be thats what i need u guys for :D

my dad will help me with the CFL's and fans :)


its the spot where it'll be standing .... next to my clothes closet xD and with this dimensions its hidden behind the other closet so if u get in the room it looks like a normal closet^^

i will also scrog and lst my plants

axel neek

Did you change your dimensions? is the cab now taller? 100cm?
Plus the scale in your drawing is off, your 76cm side is much longer than your 80cm [100cm] side. If you draw it more to scale you'll get a better perspective for what it will truely look like.
If you can store your nutes and supplies somewhere else that will be bonus.
plus maybe have your moms, seedlings, clones and veg plants all in the same space.
And if you have more room up and down than left and right, consider stacking flower/veg instead of splitting it.


hes smoking and also doing the growbox in the basement with me :D

i thought someone could give me a good blueprint what i could use for building the box since im not that good in drawing ;D

i could also get another 40-45cm in lenght so its 100cm high 120 long and and 45 wide(?) :D

nutes can be stored somewhere else ...i wont keep moms i will take clones before putting them into the flower room :D

still need a good strain for this setup ... fast flowering fast clone rooting maybe purple :D

planned scenario is
build the box and put it in my room ....
germ 4 seeds and veg them for 3-4-5 weeks
take clones and root them
after they have their roots transplant them in the veg room and get the mothers in the flower room ...
1 week before harvest take new cuttings and root them
harvest the flowering moms and clean the flowering room
then put the moms of the new clones in flowering and the clones in veg :D

strains with ~50 days flowering would be perfect so i could get harvest every 2 months :D

ok i dont need a part for the clones so 75-100cm is for 2 chambers .... should i do 2x50cm chambers?


come on guys got 2 days left till ill build the box :D
2 rooms are okay but how much light how many fans and
how many plants? and i still need a good sog strain^^


Dunno bout the rest, but you can try Mandala's Satori for SOG.
They have 3 phenos, and all three are excellent for SOG.


homebox like closet

homebox like closet

instead of building a growbox i found a cool homebox like closet for ~7$ in a big shop ^^

one of these


i'd cut holes in it for fans and use a 400W MH do u think this will work?

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