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my setup



i ran a 250 once a looooooong time ago. It was my first light before i knew anything about aircooling. It had the ballast built into the hood ah good times.

what are your grow spaces dimensions in feet/inches.

Hella THC

If you can cool it, go with the 250w! Denser buds, but you really gotta watch the heat. Plan accordingly.


my setup

what do u guys think about this setup for 5 serious seeds chronic seeds :
seed starter soil
75cmX75cmx100cm budbox s
110W t5's
biobizz bloom&grow
atami bloombastic


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
are u using the 110w pl-l flouros?? I am gona be purchasing one in the next week or two from htgsupply for veg and clones. I'm not sure how they will do for flower but check into the micro grow forum there are quite a few ppl using them in there....u will find plenty of answers there if u havnt checked it out already. Scrog is definately the way to go with your limited height...peace and good luck!


new setup

new setup

Okay my order is on his way back to the uk ......(no1 was home and shit lol)
so i need to order everything again and thought i could ask u guys for some oppinions :)

im not gonna build anything with my own hands(no way:D)
i want everything as cheap as possible but i also want quality(european shops would be perfect)

so is there any cheap shop for grow tents&lights?

and what should i buy?
i wanna grow for my own and only autoflowers so i dont need a 2m high grow tent ....
soil will be used &handwatered :)
CFL's or T5 for lights

what do u think ? :)


red 3 door closet grow searched^^

red 3 door closet grow searched^^

wasnt here a guy that postet a thread with a grow bout a red 3 door closet with everything in it?

i thought ive seen it here and thought i could post something i just found ... in a german cannabis magazine are 2 site bout this grow :D

like one of these :D


cfl wiring :D

cfl wiring :D

i got my 125W CFL .... but i dont got the wire or ballast lolz i know it doesnt need a ballast but the part where u screw in the cfl :D

is there any cheap way to get this shit? ^^


Active member
I think I speak for everyone when I say... "What?"
I have never used 125 watters myself, but know a couple guys who have... A 125watt CFLs should be mogul based(they plug into normal light sockets)
Are you asking for help locating a part that the bulb screws into?


thats :D for sure :)

the wiring on a cfl intrigues me aswell but if you have a cfl tube you will need the propper socket frame for it. I know regular socket frames for 35 watters cost about 5 bucks..

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
does it look like this?


Then no, it does not need a ballast, but you will need a mogul socket, about 10 to 12 bucks at any hydro store


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
A 125watt CFLs should be mogul based(they plug into normal light sockets)

Define "normal". Most would define it as the size of a standard house or lamp socket. Such sockets are Medium based and too small to accommodate a Mogul based lamp.


micro closet questions

micro closet questions

i wanna build a small wood box with cfl's for 4-6 scrog plants :D

there will be one of those white shelfes ^^

whats the minimum size i need for 4-6 plants? should look like a small closet

and how many cfl's should i put in there to get a good amount of bud? :D

not sure what medium ill take .... i wanna try DWC in rubbermaids and also soil^^