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Well-known member
good to see things progressing nicely...

leaf trimming a personal thing related to the grower and the strain grown...i trim a little often and do 95% of it in veg as heavy cutting stresses the NL#5 i grow if done all in one hit...can't argue with the benefits of light penetration on bud size/density though...


Welcome back to the thread ozzie!! :) If I trim, I'll do it tomorrow. I'll keep everyone posted

I've been trying to hold out going into my grow room. The pH has been stable and the light is at a safe distance. It's always nice when you can go in after three or four days and get hit with twice the stink and bud size! :D

I went in tonight after three days, the buds are growing and the room STINKS! I'm honestly surprised, I had no idea how much weed stinks!! The carbon filter filters the smell so well! Highly recommend!

The leaf curling has stopped which is great. I think I can attribute it to raising the light. Like 4 days ago the white hairs were small on top of the colas. Now those hairs are just as huge as bud sites which are lower.

I'll upload some pics tomorrow after I top up the res. :D
hi m8,

hope u well, and keeping a lil space for me on dat red couch! :biggrin:

Man, everything sounds lovely jubley, keep up the great work man.
Cant wait for the pics (pics or it didnt happen, lol)jk

im flushing mine now. thanks for the kind words once again bro, much respect to you and to sis.

Come on bro, eagerly awaiting pics, lol only messing.
Be safe, and have a great week.


End of week 5!




Welcome back sticky!! Enjoy your harvest man!!!!! :D

- The king colas are fucking enormous!
- pH reading was low, 4.5. I upped the pH.
- Smells sickly sweet and tropical fruity ... I wish I could capture the smell!

During the growing phase, plants tend to cause the nutrient solution’s pH to rise. This happens because at this stage the roots can excrete relative large quantities of elements that increase the pH. During the flowering phase, the reverse happens: the roots now produce acidic secretions causing the nutrient solution’s pH to fall.

Wow! Confirmed! So, since my root ball is so huge, it's dropping the pH in flower like crazy!! Maybe this is causing nutrient deficiencies, explaining the leaf curl!?


Well, it looks like we have a rental inspection in two weeks when the plant should be cranking. It's a good thing you can't access the garage from inside the house and the rental agency does not have a set of keys to the house :D

Cannabis grower: 1
Real Estate Agents: 0

The garage seals so well and the carbon filter does such a great job at filtering the smell. I just bugger off while they do the inspection and take the keys to the garage with me :D


Autumn is crawling to a halt and winter will soon kick in. The nights are getting colder, the min/max 's are on average between 0-10. So, I have ...
- lowered the lights to about 1 foot above canopy. I initially raised them to about 2.5 feet due to a few hot autumn days about 1.5 weeks ago.
- added a water heater and set it to 20 degrees Celsius.

My pH pen was +0.6 out, so I corrected it and readjusted the pH. The plants been looking a lot happier over the last week. :) The plant's fucken huge, and so are the buds. I'm going to need to tie the buds so they don't fall over under the weight of the flowers soon.

Approaching week 7!!
sounds awesome man...cant wait for some pics...

here, lol, what u talking about colder nights??!!
Im still waiting to catch some sun from summer! lol :biggrin:

Tell u what, at least with all this growing stuff, im getting the occasional bit of heat from the light. lol

Stay safe mate, and send my blessings to them gyals


Here's some pics man :D Start of week 7 flower (Sorry for picture quality, only had my phone on me!)


Sometimes after I upload pictures, I just open them and stare at them for hours ...

I was in the grow room the other day and was extremely baked. The buds smelled so sweet and I had the munchies, so I put one in my mouth and sucked on it. ... it was fucken disgusting. lol

lol, quality mate:biggrin:

'You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to mwz again'

looks lovely in there man, well done bro.
lol, ure gonna have a swell weekend trimming them trees! lol

when u thinking of starting flush?
that rootball must be massive man, lol

good luck with the week ahead, and wishing u a safe inspection.


Week 8 update

Have decided that I am going to run the plants until the end of the week then finish.

On Friday I will
- change lights to 14 off/10 on
- replace nutrient solution with just water

two week flush then done! :D


I just smoked a cone of some bud I cured and dried out and man I am ripped :D :D :D

I was curious to see how it would smoke, seeing that I grew the strain as hydro and my friend grew it outdoors in soil. I always thought that the whole 'hydroponic weed is stronger' thing was bullshit and the integral thing was actually the plants genetics. But man, I am whacked harder off this than my mates grown bud. Perhaps it's because hydro plants have a larger quantity of plant matter, and therefore a greater amount of THC. As opposed to having stronger THC, they just have more of it. So perhaps when I packed myself a small cone, there was actually twice the THC as the outdoors bud. Who knows, quite enjoying this stone though :)

One thing is for sure, it didn't taste as good as the outdoors stuff.

The plants are fucking huge, and so are the flowers. As they should be! The plants will be 5.5 months old when I chop.

(6 weeks veg 24/0 is equal to 12 weeks of 12/12hr veg) + 10 weeks flower

22 weeks total (in 12hr day plant time) = 5.5 months


Week 9 - FLUSH!

It still hasn't sunk in, that I've grown these two monsters!!


The buds are very snow like!


The king cola's are 1 foot in length (30cm) and 3.5 inches in diameter (8.5cm)
