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my (potential) grow cab


Alright Happy! If you're looking to max out your nutes you could do worse than to have a look a the thread by Mistress on reusing res water via nylon rope or similar. And I think Scrub missed your stacking fans question as he's usually all over it (alright dude!) but I think the general rule of thumb is stacking will up the back pressure so would help pull through carbon etc. But it wouldn't boost your CFM. The big BUT though is to use a spacer between fans (a stripped out old fan say minus blades etc) or 'shit gets weird' to paraphrase slightly!

Looking up anyway mate best of luck with it!


Grow like nobody is watching
Yup, that's true. Good lookin' out! It all depends on the situation. If you have a really free filter/flow, you should side-by-side them to get more CFM, but if your filter was restrictive, you would be better off stacking them with spacers to get increased pressure rating.

The swc is fine, a lot of people are rockin' that style :yes: Good luck.
Yup, that's true. Good lookin' out! It all depends on the situation. If you have a really free filter/flow, you should side-by-side them to get more CFM, but if your filter was restrictive, you would be better off stacking them with spacers to get increased pressure rating.

The swc is fine, a lot of people are rockin' that style :yes: Good luck.
today is a happy day. not only did i find the pulverized lime, i also think i see the beginning of female preflowers. also, i talked to the lady at the shop where i got the lime (just a plain garden shop, not hydro) and saw that they had a few fox farm things...i talked to her a bit more, and soon they will have much of the line including the bat guano, the 3 base ferts, and FFOF soil. hooray...it's a convenient place for me to go in the next town over since it's right on my way to my buddy's house.

so hopefully things will start looking up after this...i'm also making my carbon filter (gorilla glue is setting right now :p) and planning on repotting into the soil with lime very soon, hopefully tomorrow but it may have to wait until the weekend depending on what i do tomorrow afternoon.


Grow like nobody is watching
Nice one dude. Yeah it makes it so much easier when you find a switched-on gardening store. Went to mine today and it's just heaven :yes: They're usually tons cheaper than hydro stores too.

is this good news?

also i have made my carbon filter...it's exactly what i have posted in the beginning of the thread, but instead of there being just two fans, i made that whole chamber airtight and put two more fans on the lid to the rubbermaid with the carbon attached to it and then attached all of that to the back of my cab. air flow is good, giving a smell test right now


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Interesting little cabinet you have there! Keep up the good work, I am sure to be interested in seeing the final product. I think stealthy little cabs are the greatest...~!
well my thermometer shit out on me, so i have no idea what temps are like but it doesn't feel too hot. carbon filter is on, the little bit of smell i was catching a few days ago is gone now, plants are still looking quite poor...not quite sure what it is either. i think i nute burned the younger one and, even though i put dolomite lime in the new soil and have been foliar feeding some, it looks like the older one is still suffering from a calcium deficiency. i'll have some pictures up when my camera's battery finishes charging.


Grow like nobody is watching

Look for two distinctly white hairs coming from the same pod. That is female, although it's no guarantee it's not hermie too.

I wish I could help more with the problem there but I think the best would be to ensure you have a nice rich/full mix for them to go into, and hopefully they pick up. There is also the Infirmary section on here. I hope they start boosting for you :yes:

Green Smoke

Happy, your sickest plants are starting to look exactly like what has happend to me. The curling leaves and yellowing followed by red to even purple stems. I was certain that I had caused a ph shock and locked out nutes, but now I don't know. Several people told me I had overwatered. I didn't agree, but I stopped watering for several days so I could cancel that out. I flushed and stopped feeding them with no results. Hempycat suggested that I may have overfed but he isn't sure. Whatever it is, if you figure it out please let me know. Good luck.
Happy, your sickest plants are starting to look exactly like what has happend to me. The curling leaves and yellowing followed by red to even purple stems. I was certain that I had caused a ph shock and locked out nutes, but now I don't know. Several people told me I had overwatered. I didn't agree, but I stopped watering for several days so I could cancel that out. I flushed and stopped feeding them with no results. Hempycat suggested that I may have overfed but he isn't sure. Whatever it is, if you figure it out please let me know. Good luck.
i can't tell if i overfed or haven't fed enough..i think i may have nute burnt them but i flushed quite well before i transplanted and hadn't been feeding for a little bit until i transplanted.

i fed yesterday but made the nute solution a while ago....after i had fed, i decided to make another gallon of growbig formula and i was going to measure out the solution i took another look at the bottle and it said one TEASPOON which i misread as tablespoon last time i made the solution and a tablespoon is 3 teaspoons... so that's 3x concentrated nutes. now that ithink about it, that's ridiculous...that's probably where my problems are rooted now (no pun intended :p) since i added lime to the new soil and have been foliar feeding with lime water a few times a day
i have discovered another cause of my problems: this whole time, i've been watering with distilled water from wal-mart thinking it was pH neutral...turns out i've been watering with ~5.0. i never even thought to check it. live and learn...check ya shit! new growth is looking good, both plants are tied down to get this ball rollin

before i watered last night, then 12 hours later when i got home...they're looking better. new growth is still getting hit with something on the small one, the new growth on the older one is looking quite green and luscious, i will probably feed the old one next time i water it. with normal nute solution lol, not 3x concentrated...damn.

i also tied down the plants with some hemp, they're seeming to be okay with it. nice and perky leaves, haven't seen that in a while! they also have a peculiar smell to them that i rather enjoy.

TexMex McDirt

Active member
Looks like they are making a good turn. Hope you see some girl parts soon. I had some bad ph problems early on too and it caused me some headaches. But once I got it fixed they really snapped back quickly. Don't be afraid to LST 'em, I tied the shit outta mine and they could care less.

Happy Gardening!
i have spotted a female pre-flower on the older plant i'm pretty sure

there are two very small white hairs coming out of something that isn't those weird little blades that come off the side at the internodes. of course, could be hermie, but im excited for now.

runoff pH for both plants in one container: 5.4

will be adjusting pH soon, also will be transplanting into one perlite/d.lime/mg organic and one perlite/d.lime/ffof (if it's in stock) soon. separate containers, one gallon size, probably will start flowering when i transplant...maybe a few more weeks. i haven't had much growth lately because of lacking of nutes and pH lockouts and such. i will also be cutting the bottom out of my grow area and making a false drawer down there so i can gain the 5" down there for buds!

oldest on the right



man they sure have grown a lot....i like going and hanging out with them when im really baked and just look at the box and think about ways to improve or go over my plans that i've already made that should be accomplished soon. i'm pretty sure the larger (older) of the two has some female flowers on it in a few places...they're way too small to take pictures of, but it's a little green thing with two tiny tiny hairs coming out of it.

still waiting on FFOF...shop is going to call me when it comes in. until then, they will be growing in the same container unfortunately. my new containers are lightproof and much better than the current one; they are tall, 1 gallon capacity per, i have a layer of perlite at the bottom to increase drainage just in case. i could tie down my plants a bit more now, but i'm really trying to stay away from it before i transplant because the two containers are shaped quite differently.so far i haven't fed at all. i'm still working on getting my pH into the right range. water makes them very very happy...i used one gallon pH'd plain old water and they perked right up, growing each a node or two overnight. i guess that's it for now. any deficiencies i must have fixed...it isn't spreading to any other parts of the plants and what i think is a little nute burn is ceasing too...good stuff.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey man good growing!!Thats how I learn, by lots of mistakes! we are'nt perfect and you're doing great bro..