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My organic collection of nuggetry

vStagger Leev

^^^ Thanks for the love superstone! She's still in flower right now but finishing up in the next few days here...I hope!

Here's some Annunaki that I harvested @ week 10, this is my keeper pheno out of 3 phenos. Solid nuggets that smell of haze and melons, with great resin production and amazing colors. Looks like I could keep her around for a while! SHe did however throw out allot of nanners late in flower, but all seemed to be sterile, as there are no seeds that I noticed in the entire plant. She also looks to be a nice fat yielder! All in all a great plant to grow, from the DNA fellas. Here's some harvest shots of this sexy lady. 2 other phenos comiing down in a few days as well. Much love friends! SL

^^^ This plant had 2 nuggets that did this on this plant. I forget the horticultural term for this... any help? Pretty cool though!



I come from the land where the oceans freeze
i have no idea what the botany term is for the double nug but one of my querkles did that on the last run. it was out of control. made for an atypical nugnug


Very nice vstagger thanks for the show.
The hashplant haze seems like some consistent kill, a friend grew it out like 2 years ago I think (stoner memory) and it was some good chit, beautiful stacked dreaded colas. Enjoy;)


stellar as always stagger!! that annunaki looks like some really good stuff.. takes on a chunky sativa structure which i love. enjoy that man!


great looking buds Stagger!:tiphat:
i absolutely love that structure of buds.

vStagger Leev

Thanks for all the love fellas! I'm going to be pullin a Killing Fields this evening, and maybe another pheno of the Annunaki. A very very hazy pheno, that actually hermed due to my stress on her, and seeded herself with a shitload of beans! All good though, it'll be a hit in the yield dept being she cant even keep her huge nuggets of anymore. But all good! Still will be some dank personal smoke. Much love and thanks for all the kind words! SL

vStagger Leev

more nuggets...

more nuggets...

Here's some more bud porn! most of these photos are current but some are from last week, all are being harvested within the next couple days. Should be some good yields this time around! Much love friends, here's some organic nuggets... SL

^^^ Killing Fields F3 @ 9 weeks and is chopped

Annunaki pheno 2 @ 10 weeks with 1 more to go

vStagger Leev

nuggets nuggets and more nuggets...

nuggets nuggets and more nuggets...

^^^ Diesel Wreck down @ week 9

Much love friends, thanks for all the love and motivation ;) SL :shooty:

Art Vandelay

Active member
Oh wise Sagger Lee Sahn you must teach the ways of the Canna Jedi as I see you are he chosen one.... seriously this is some sick shit.... Looks like Flogged Chrismas trees very impressed. Read through this post of sheer growing brilliance. I'm just getting started on my second round of seeds in a micro grow 17x17x32 tall first batch ended up male, freebie seeds. You're tea mix i believe on page two would this work well with ffof as a base and transplanted with about 1/3 cup happy frog granular bloom and flower? And I am growing one solo plant in a three gallon pot. Feed,feed,feed water? And I'm assuming I couldnt keep five gallons of this stuff sitting around so I would have to cut the recipe? sorry for all the questions but looks like you are doin something very right! And this seat right here is mine!

Art Vandelay

Active member
Oh wise Stagger Lee Sahn, you must teach the ways of the Canna Jedi as I see you are he chosen one.... seriously this is some sick shit.... Looks like Flogged Chrismas trees very impressed. Read through this post of sheer growing brilliance. I'm just getting started on my second round of seeds in a micro grow 17x17x32 tall first batch ended up male, freebie seeds. You're tea mix i believe on page two would this work well with ffof as a base and transplanted with about 1/3 cup happy frog granular bloom and flower? And I am growing one solo plant in a three gallon pot. Feed,feed,feed water? And I'm assuming I couldnt keep five gallons of this stuff sitting around so I would have to cut the recipe? sorry for all the questions but looks like you are doin something very right! And this seat right here is mine!

vStagger Leev

Oh wise Stagger Lee Sahn, you must teach the ways of the Canna Jedi as I see you are he chosen one.... seriously this is some sick shit.... Looks like Flogged Chrismas trees very impressed. Read through this post of sheer growing brilliance. I'm just getting started on my second round of seeds in a micro grow 17x17x32 tall first batch ended up male, freebie seeds. You're tea mix i believe on page two would this work well with ffof as a base and transplanted with about 1/3 cup happy frog granular bloom and flower? And I am growing one solo plant in a three gallon pot. Feed,feed,feed water? And I'm assuming I couldnt keep five gallons of this stuff sitting around so I would have to cut the recipe? sorry for all the questions but looks like you are doin something very right! And this seat right here is mine!

lol, thanks for the kind words man! I think the FFOF has enough nutes in it to last you a few weeks of strong growth, usually by then it's time to transplant anyway, so no need to really feed all that much during that period. As for the tea, you can cut it in half and use that like once or twice per week. Once into flower I recommend using any additional dry bloom in moderation until into week 3 or so due to the nutes in the soil. I've never used those specific dry nutes, so not too sure how potent they are.

The one time I did use the FFOF I remember doing it water, water, feed and they seemed to really take off doing that, but with a bit more watered down nutes. A good person to ask about that soil is Phillthy, I recall him using that for a good while now! But this is my :2cents: Hope it helps! Much love, and thanks for the kind words, SL

high life 45

Seen your Member?
I am tired of seeing your thread filled with Kazakhstanian chemmy larfy trichomeless nugs.......NOT!

And now for something completely different.......CHEEZE!!!


I saw early in the thread that you mentioned that everything was free for your patients. How do you pay the light bill, are you on solar?

vStagger Leev

I saw early in the thread that you mentioned that everything was free for your patients. How do you pay the light bill, are you on solar?

The OMMP rules and reg's say you can be "compensated" by your patients ;) Very rarely do they help me pay the bill, sometimes they'll just by me some good ol' dirt or a bottle o'nutes! But for the most part I still work a full time job to pay all the grow bills. Much love! SL