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My new vert flower room

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
In the new flower room went the three plants from my old room today. I also moved the plants closer to the light. They are now 20 inches from the bulb. Had to do a little trimming as I lost about 16 inches in circumference. Not much trimming because I retied some branches down and tightened the spacing on some others.

I moved them closer because it seems like the buds in my other room were slow growing. I had moved them back because of the heat we were getting. Not thinking about the AC I put in the new room I just kept the same spacing. This should give me a better crop. This room seems a lot more dense also. So hopefully this room will perform well.

That's it for now.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
OK so today I gave the yellowing new growth plant more molasses with its feed. I ran out of the AN nutes so I will be switching to the Jack's Classic tomorrow.

I installed the 6X18 phresh filter today. The one plant smells skunky so just getting ready for that later. All the other plants smell fruity like air freshener, which I kind of like. I also installed another light proof vent above the other one. I did a post in the growroom design section for it. So here are some pics of the changes.


And this picture shows that the Fan is still pulling pretty good.

That is a picture of my room door sucking in.

My fan is a inline duct fan that is rated at 500 CFM. Since my room is 375 cubic feet I would guess even with the pressure drop from the filter I am exchanging the air once per minute. Since I am only using this as fresh air and not cooling this should be more than enough.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Today was the first day for the Jack's Classic 5-12-26 and cal nit. Feed at 950 PPM. Had to PH it down as I went to high with my PH up. Little tip for you guys. Here it my PH down it cost $14 at tractor supply. As you can see it is phosphoric acid and it is used in the dairy industry to clean milking equipment.

So now about my yellow plant. Last night I looked at it and it had classic PH issues so I flushed with 15ml Clearex in a gallon of RO water and let it set over night. I also notice this.

It looks like rusty dust so maybe someone can tell me what it is. So today I went over my plants and clip every leaf that had the chance of this or touched a leaf with this. I went over so close I found two of my hairs in the buds of the new girls. Yuck who wants to smell burning hair when they lite up. Well I also found something that looks like PM. Yeh I know sucks huh. Well tommorow I will pick up some sulfur and burn it the day after tomorrow.
Well I will leave you with a pic of the buds on one of the plants. Keep in mind the screen is 3 inches wide and two inches high.


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
40 oz will be way over my limit. Will have to harvest over several days and make some hash. Thanks for the input.The fatter leaved one has pretty stiff stems on it. Have not flowered it yet so don't know what it will do yet. They are both clones from the same guy. He could have been on the drugs and sent me two different strains. He said they are not though. So it is a wait and see thing. He also said that the bigger leaved one has a better high. It smells to high heaven like skunk and stinks up the whole room. The others smell fruity and I don't use air cleaners because they have no or very little skunk smell. Even with out the filters a friend come over and congratulated me on controlling the smell.
That would be a real bummer if you had to harvest early to stay under your limit... It's always nice to see the yield #s and see how it could be improved. I am particularly interested since I should be running 3-4 of those donuts...
Everything else looks very clean, there is a lot to be said about keeping things tidy. It is a pain in my ass, and I cant wait to be able to walk around the plants, rather than on my hands and knees...


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Oh he won't have to harvest early. Just in stages so he never has over his limit cut and harvested in his possession all at one time.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I don't really think I will get 40 oz in the old room. The bigger plants are in soil and a lot of the buds seem small. I think this is because I had to pull the plants away from the light because of heat issues. Also the bigger plants are in soil and seem to grow a lot slower. But the biggest reason is I believe that I didn't prune enough. But we will see. The new room the plants are all in coco and seem to be growing better and faster. Hopefully the mold won't take to much of the crop.


Active member
I read somewhere on here that flip flops arc between the contacts, and could cause a fire, is this true? Also could I apply it to lower wattages as well with less of a risk, say 150-250w? If you're not having any problems with yours, would you mind showing how you wired them or pre-treated the contacts? Thanks a bunch, bro. Great set-up!

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I don't know if they arc. Mine is in a metal box. If you are worried about arcing you can buy them at the hydro store. I am not an electrician so you would have to ask one of them about it. Here is a link to a forum post on flip flops that may help you.


I really don't think I can show you mine as it is in operation and it would take to long to unbolt it from the wall take it apart and reassemble it. That would be bad for my current grows. The above link is a good place to start and you should be able to grasp how to make one after reading it.

I am trying to get more patients now to up my limit. Plus the other flower room is under performing as I am still learning. I have several people who want to see the numbers for it. I have a friend who comes by about every week and a half to see. Getting closer every day though.

Stress you are right stages it may have to be.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
This is the best I can do for you is show pictures of my flip box and a brief explanation. So here goes.

Now looking at this you see two large black wires coming out of the top and bottom. These two wires go to the ballasts. This box will flip two ballast at one time. The white wire coming out of the top is the trigger wire and goes to my timer. The two receptacle boxes on the opposite ends go to the lights. The top of both receptacles trigger at the same time if both are hocked up to ballasts. The bottoms are the same.

This is the inside of the box. Two relays are mounted as you can see. You need a relay for each ballast that you have.

This is a closer view of one side of the relay and you can see where the wires are connected.

This is a side view of the relay flipped as you see it in the box. The screw driver is pointing to the place that you put one of your trigger wires. On the other side of the relay you have another screw for the trigger wire to go.

This is where you connect one of the wires coming from your ballast. On the other side is a screw for your other wire from your ballast.

In this picture the relay has been rotated counter clock wise 90 degrees. The two pipe cleaners point to the contacts that go to your receptacles. One of these will be hot at any time. Again two more screws are on the other side for the other two receptacles wires and only one of them is hot at the same time.

Hope this helps some .

Now I have changed over to the Jack's classic nutes in my grow room. I have started to add 1 ml per gallon of drip clean as well as 5ml of pro-tek silicon.

I believe I now know what the yellowing plant is. I talk to my friends son and he said it most likely is OG Kush. So I will be looking at this plant to see if it behaves like OG.

Other than that not much to show so I will post some bud porn from my other room that is farther along. These picture show about 1/4 of the screen height and only two screens.


Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Looks like all the trimming I did last week has filled back in. Trimmed the buds that popped up in the backsides today.. The possible OG Kush bush is putting on some growth, much faster than the Big Blue is. The Big Blue is showing the buds nicely now. The OG Kush I believe is starting to show some flowers now very very little though.

I now have my nutes down with the Jack's it is in 5 gallons RO water:

2 teaspoons Jack's 5-12-26
1.5 teaspoons Yara CalNit
212.5 ml ProTek silicon ***I reduced to this after a week just to get it up as I was not adding it***
5 ml drip clean
1.75 ml of the milk stone remover

This gives me on a Hanna meter with a .5 conv 950 ppm and a PH of 5.85. I start with RO water at 15-20 ppm.

I have the powdery mildew at bay right now it seems. Thanks to Hash Zeppelin for leading me to this thread.


I have ordered some eagle 20 for my veg room to fight this before my girls reach the flower room.

I went to clean my room today and realized that my broom is in my other flower room, duh. These screens are real nice for cleaning as I can take a whole plant out at once. This room not so much as I tied plants to other screens. Will have to remember not to do that again. Guess I will clean the floor tomorrow.

I have a few fungus nats hanging around even though I treated with mosquito dunks before placing the girls in the room. Will wait and see what happens with them.

All for today IC. Thanks for reading. :wave:


Active member
I read somewhere on here that flip flops arc between the contacts, and could cause a fire, is this true? Also could I apply it to lower wattages as well with less of a risk, say 150-250w? If you're not having any problems with yours, would you mind showing how you wired them or pre-treated the contacts? Thanks a bunch, bro. Great set-up!

If you turn the ballasts off and back on at the flip, there won't be any arcing... and the flip will last forever. You need to do this for digital ballasts anyway, otherwise they trip and if they don't have an automatic reset, you're stuck with no light.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I do not have a digital ballast. The wiring I have set up does not turn the ballast off, so proceed at your own risk. Thanks Bobble.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Man what a sticky mess my hands are. Had to go into my old flower room to tie up some buds that were getting heavy. Sticky fingers and fuzzy pipe cleaners make not a good combination. Oh well the thing we must endure for good buds. Such is a hard life. They are still clear like cut glass so I have some time yet to endure before the end comes for them.

Just waiting till my lights flip so I can go in and trim and manicure the new room.

Gosh my hands still smell from that. I mean real strong skunky smell. Dang room smells fruity but my hands smell skunky. Well I have to go scrub the skin off of my hands again. I will try to get some shots of the new room up today or tomorrow.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I got to thinking that the rust looking fungus started in the new room. So I was thinking maybe it came from the AC. Thinking this may be where it came from I sprayed the inside of the AC with a fungicide. As a precaution I also sprayed the inside of the dehumidifier as well.

Also above in a previous post I mentioned that I was feeding 25 ml of protek. I should mention that this is because I was not feeding any earlier and I thought I would up it for about a week to help the plant fend off the fungus. My thinking is that silicon is hard for the plant to take up so a little more available in the pot would help. I may also try to foliar feed, but I am not sure about that as they are in flower. Anyone feed this in flower and have good results.

Well I took some pictures but I could not get any good bud shots as my phone is not that great. well here is a shot of the two different plants strains I have.

The bud in the center is the Big Blue and the smaller bud to the left is the possible OG Kush. It is about 1/4 of the Big Blue's size. And this is probably the largest of the buds on that plant.

Here is a picture of the plants moved in from the other flower room. They are at day 43 of flower.

And here are two pictures of the flower room. These plants are at day 17 of flower.

Well that is it for today IC.
Man look's good in here. About ur flip, r those SPDT OR DPDT relays? What kinda timer r u using ? I'm looking for a way to flip my mag 1000 and 600. As soon as I can get the clones together I want to convert my now veg room which is right beside my flower room to a flip room and build another area for my poor moms and stuff. I figure it shouldnt b to hard as the ballast r right above the rooms in the attic. So I figure for two ballast I need 2 relays, 2 more lamp cords, a housing for the flip and some wire and connectors to wire it up? Sorry for the book man, I just need to get this shit figured out and I'm running out of options. :dunno:

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I believe it is a SPDT. As far as the timer goes It really does not matter what timer as it draws so little current. My timer is a $7 timer from Menards. I believe it is a 10 amp timer. For your two ballast you will need two relays. Mine are 30 amp relays which cost around $32 dollars at Kendals here in my town. You can get them at Granger too. Make sure you house them in a box. I did something to my box that the sparkies will hate and that is make the receptacles with 120v. It was quicker for me to get them than the outlets from the hydro store as they had to order them.

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