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My new cab - Female seed NL

Green Smoke

Great job bro, well done (and documented) indeed. The final root mass was colossal wasn't it? Don't forget to give us a potency report.

P.S. I thought you were going to cure in mason jars.


Active member
Congrat's on a fine harvest. See old dog's can learn new things...

Thanks, Red - I honestly thought I was going to get more, the buds were air-ier then I expected. My biggest problem is putting the new things I learn into practice - wish me luck on THAT one!
I'd really like to get some LUI seeds, if you ever see them around, let me know!

Great job bro, well done (and documented) indeed. The final root mass was colossal wasn't it? Don't forget to give us a potency report.

P.S. I thought you were going to cure in mason jars.

Thank Ya Green Smoke - I'll be giving her a taste-test tonight. My curing plan was to go 5 or so days hanging, then 5 or so days in the bags, then finally into the mason jars for the big cure. I had a nip of my other stash of NL last night, it's a very nice, relaxing & reflective high. I have some White Widow left-over also, but that stuff scares the sh*t out of me sometimes - it's a sative/indica mix and a bit racy, whereas the NL is indica only. I'm hoping for more of that mellowing-out buzz that I got from the 1st. batch - we'll see tonight! :joint::joint::joint::abduct:

guest 77721

I'd say you did awesome for your first attempt at hydro and you did travel for a bit right at peak flowering too! I'll keep an eye out for the LUI. Do you buy off of Seedbay?


Active member
I'd say you did awesome for your first attempt at hydro and you did travel for a bit right at peak flowering too! I'll keep an eye out for the LUI. Do you buy off of Seedbay?

Thanks for the encouragement, Red. Finally gave the new harvest a taste last night, it's a very good, mellow, smooth & POTENT high - I'm a happy camper!!

It's definitely 2-hit Sh*t!! (at least for me.)

I admit, I cheated and used the Volcano, which can account for it's smoothness - I don't think you can get a raspy hit with a volcano. It's a shame, I only used half a bag, before I too became bagged - and kinda forgot about the rest!

I slept quite well last night, thank you!

I have an account w/ Seedbay, but I've yet to purchase from there. Just popped-over there, & I see that Gypsy Nirvana has a GN LUI strain - is that your strain?

2 strains that are in that list that is all-over the Internet, claiming specific strains for specific ailments - Sweet Blu & Phaght Betty are claimed to help degenerative disc disease, have you ever heard of these 2? My lower back has been bitching @ me for around 6 weeks now, it's making me CRAZY!!!




Hey I2KG,

You finally finished I see yeah!!! it was a long time coming...anyway thanks for stopping by my thread and I hope you enjoy the hard and long work you put into your harvest.

I don't have a scale but I jarred them last night and got 5 full jars so I'd say 4-5 zips.

I had 6 jars from my last Bogbubble run and still have 5 left and a huge nug in the sixth jar so that's been curing a long time now!!

Needless to say I'm set for a while.

Anyways the Legend of the Ultimate Indica that Red ran is Spice Of Life.
I still have 3 of those seeds from 2002!


guest 77721

Yuppers, I'm running the real deal Legends Ultimate Indica. Good news, Seedbay is selling off old breeder stock of Legends LUI under the name GN - LUI that has good germ rates. Info right from Gypsy himself.


I just checked my local hemp shop online and they are selling LUI from Legends at $150 Canadian for 15 beans.

Sorry to hear about the bad back. I know you like to vaporize as I do too. I find the vaporizor tends to give more THC and not as much of the less volitile cannabinoids that have the more medical painkilling effects. Smoking gives a whole cannabis effect and making edibles is even better for medicine. Have you made a batch of brownie's for your back?


Active member
I know you like to vaporize as I do too. I find the vaporizor tends to give more THC and not as much of the less volitile cannabinoids that have the more medical painkilling effects. Smoking gives a whole cannabis effect and making edibles is even better for medicine. Have you made a batch of brownie's for your back?

Interesting fact about vaping - thanks for sharing! I haven't made any edibles yet, haven't screwed-up the nerve. I understand you get very wasted for a very long time, & I tend to get paranoid when I get really wasted - I know, I'm such a weenie!! :puppydoge:puppydoge:pointlaug

Green Smoke

Interesting fact about vaping - thanks for sharing! I haven't made any edibles yet, haven't screwed-up the nerve. I understand you get very wasted for a very long time, & I tend to get paranoid when I get really wasted - I know, I'm such a weenie!! :puppydoge:puppydoge:pointlaug

No problem dog, just eat another one and you'll fall asleep. Paranoia cured. :yes:

guest 77721

It sounds like you are sensitive to THC. I'm thinking you get paranoid and anxious during the High and settle down into a mellow fellow at the end of a session. The THC in edible form is a Delta-11 not the Delta-9 which gives a different sensation.

Smoking and eating are different experiences in themselves. When you smoke all the action is on the front end of the session basically an hour high followed by 4-5 hours of mellowness.

Eating takes about an hour sometimes longer for the effects to build up. It's like a slow climb up a long hill. There's no peak, just a plateau that lasts for up to 12 hours with a slow climb back down. This is a far better way to apply medicine.

The beauty of edibles is that once you make a batch of browies and get the dosage figured out, then you can medicate to a level of comfort. Not all the experiences have to be a rocket trip to mars.

Edibles are definately worth trying. Just be careful on the first tasting because if you take too much you will be couch locked or napping for 12 hours. I'll take a 1" x 2" brownie and cut it into 4 and eat a quarter every 1/2 hour to 45mins.


Active member
My experiments:

My experiments:


I've been quiet for a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy! I've been enjoying reading others' experiences here, and doing some experimenting!

I took some clones from my mom NL - ended up with 3 viable seedlings. I thought it would be fun to experiment, so - I took 2, and placed them into the 50%/25%/25% soilless mix in 6" pots, and threw them into the cab.

The hitch - I wasn't gonna baby them, I decided on using Cornucopia nutes, I used Grow, Bloom and Premium Plant Acids per instruction on the bottles, I also added GH KoolBloom as a bloom booster during flower.

Water right from the tap, no pH testing, no "RO" filtering, in short - no fussing with the girls. I switched to 12/12 flower when the girls filled about half of the screen. I did thin the fan leaves a couple of times - but that's it.

Check these out:


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These girls are in their 7th week of flowering, 1st week of flushing. After a hard flush of plain water, I've been feeding them water/1tbsp blackstrap molasses, both have consumed about 1 gallon ea. in 5 days.

I'm not sure what I did right here, but these are the frostiest budz I've ever grown! Don't they look Yummy?

Oh, I took the 3rd seedling and decided on just planting her in a bucket in the woods, and letting her do her thing... totally ignoring her. You can GO HERE if you want to see my progress on that experiment, which I'll be updating right after posting this.

guest 77721

Verry nice. Thinning out the fan leaves makes a big difference. Looks like you have optimum bud spacing. I think your frostiness is mostly from the buds getting lots of light.

I'm in my 3rd week of flowering my two revegged plants. I didn't scrog but picked out healthy shoots and have trimmed quite a number of sucker shoots and fan leaves off. You've inspired me to give them another pruning.


Active member
Hey - thanks for the props, guys, it's great to hear from you all! I'm at 8 weeks, and into my 1st week of non-ferted water (molasses only) - here comes that ever-nagging comment again: I have clear trichs, no cloudy - no amber. I went what seemed forever with my last grow, and they never turned amber.

I've been doing some reading, it looks like UV-B light causes trichs to amber, and HPS lamps lack any UV, so I was thinking of amending my grow with a couple of UV lamps - either lizard lamps, or sunlamps, has anyone done this before?

I've been running without my cooltube (avg. high temps are around 80F), but now I'm thinking of putting, in effect, a heatlamp in there - is this a really bad idea? I could probably keep the temps in the mid 80s if I put the cooltube back on, and ran 2 sunlamps, I just don't know if it'd really help ripening my girls.

Anyone have thoughts about this?

Red - a question for you - should I run Blackstrap Molasses in my otherwise plain water right up to chop-time?

OK, after the chop, I'm thinking of re-vegging one of these girls, and pulling a cutting for a new mom (I let my other mom get so root-bound, that I decided put her out of her misery, she kept for about 11 months or so, not bad!) - and growing her out in a 10" pot SCROG; should be fun, fun, fun!

guest 77721

I think your prolonged flowering and lack of ambering is your genetics. Dr Atomic's strains have Thai Sativa and Northern Lights. I can see there is a lot of sativa in your plants which show up as fine leaves and longer flowering periods. The only way you can force the plant to end it's flowering period is to cut off all nutes by flushing heavily and running water only.

Mollases is great stuff, it grows bacteria in the soil which can aid in clearing the soil of excess nutes and has a bit of N and mostly P. However fertilizing with P to force the plant to finish flowering is counterproductive.


Active member
Thanks for the advice, Red. The girls needed water today, so I gave them water sans Molasses.

As you can plainly see, autumn has come to the cab, leaves are turning - nute deficiencies everywhere, but I still have mostly clear trichs.

Some thoughts about the differences between this grow and the previous, hydro grow:
- Same genetics (same mommy), but, as Red observed, fan leaves are thinner, and longer - more sative-looking. This may be because she had a chance to dry-out - that never happens in hydro.

- There's much less growth in the main trunk in this grow, it's only about 1/4 the diameter of the hydro grow.

- There was much less fanleaf growth with this grow.

- These budz are much frostier then in the hydro grow. This may be from the change in nutes (I used Dyna-Gro in the last grow - Cornucopia in this), I also used KoolBloom with this grow.

- I tended this grow less then the hydro grow, but so far, I'm happier with the grow, this could be because I'm gaining experience.

In short - I can see the advantages of a soil/soilless grow for small quantities, & now I'm understanding the arguments for both.


Well-known member
wow very very nice. and I here ya about the soil Vs hydro.
glad U like this grow.

Its cool when ppl use the same strain for both soil and hydro growing and get a different outcome.

and its alwase good when a grower gaining more experience with there growing.