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My little autos lab


Active member
Fuck me...I wouldn't care if it went 120 days...those plants are short and fat. (do not... type.... sexual ...inuendo) Very nice job. Looking forward to your January run.



Registered Pothead
Great job dude. You noticing better results now that you run your plants a lil longer? Keep it up!


Thanks 5th and chubbynugs,
and about your question chubbynugs i can say yes. Some more weeks add flowers size and maturation, even run 4 was a little different couse of pollination.Thats why i decided to go longer with those ones: i also kept massive feeding them in order to have healthy seeds..and they like it so much..precious tips for JAnuary run :)
Im starting now smoking em and i noticed ripeness is to the right point..In my opinion, we can grow plants and ripen em 45 days from seeds, but, talking about af resin, final product is better when it had like at least 70-80 days...that is the same time normal (no af) indoor strains take to grow and ripen decently...so..with af,the longer u ripe the better u smoke, i think.
peace all,K


gnuppy gnam..!

gnuppy gnam..!

oooooooaaaawnn!! winter came and..im soooo tired of cold temperature..!
Waiting for hotter, meantime :)) im on with autos. Last pollination gave me like 200 or more seeds i decided to start with 45 for first run of 2013..
As i said i want to work on this pheno

Thats because i should try a Sog with at least 20 female under a 400 w hps...but i also put 15 random seeds.

Germination: i put seeds in towels January the 4, 34 (23 from the choosen pheno and 11 from the random ones) sprout in about 2 3 days, then i put them in 0.25 lt pot to sex in 18/6 light cycle.

Right now im waiting for them to show sex, i think fasters will show it at the end of this week or so..Im pretty sure they are all showing for january the 27 (end of week 3 from seed)

Ladyes after the first week (pics taken on january the 13)
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gnam gnam gnam!!..stop the fk cold!!!!

gnam gnam gnam!!..stop the fk cold!!!!

today pic, they are growing ok np :), even someone is a little lazy..

Thanks Darious, between..
see u soon!!


After 15 days from seed 5 of them show sex:i could see 3 female and 2 male.
1 of the females: she is really short, hope u can see pistills even they are tiny

Ill run 1 more week 18/6, but i have to move them maybe under led or fluoro cause im switching to 12/12 in the main flowering room. i'm also thinking about trying a vertical buildup..Ill post some pics of the room soon.
Have fun with af, they like it too:)


Hi all, hope u all fine and i want to say thanks for stopping in here, giving me positive feedback.
Here we are, 21 days from seed/sprout: i got 21 females, 11 males, then i gifted to a friend of mine 2 more plants hadnt show sex till now. All the males were killed, and im now working with 20 females running 12/12 under a 400w hps lamp. During the week, as they show sex, I've transplanted em into 2 lt coco pot; they are handly watered. i Feed substrate with calmg (EC 15) before to start lucas formula (8 ml micro + 16 ml bloom) and bio roots (EC 18-20): i watered, having 20% runoff, 1 time with calmag, 2 times with lucas, then im waiting some developing before to feed anymore. Im using rain water, wich is a great deal, and im not going crazy cheking PH every time. I just need like 10-15 PH down drops x gallon of water and im close to 6.0.
here my ladyes

ive never had a 18/6 from strat to end with AF indoor. i always run 18/6 for at least a month-50 days at longest, then switch to 12/12 without any big stetch/underproduction issue..
i reallydunno how they are answering to this early switch into a 12/12 cylcle, its first time im trying this way and the faster ones switched just after 15 days of 18/6, but i had to start bloom with no af plants in my room and the house is pretty busy at the moment, so i cant move the af.. Time will answer ok, but mean time i've read some threads and i found out that the most of the experienced af growers in here say 18/6 or 20/4 is the best light cycle..would be nice im going to collect like 15-20 gr x plant, but dunno..hope coco and genetic will do their work :)
any question, opinion would be appreciated


Hi jay-toker and thanks for ur furthering my work, ur question is right couse this run should be a test on what im doing in spring/summer: i think i have no more time and no more room to work with af indoor..so.. im planning on transplanting like 50 or more females outdoor to a discreet sunny spot , after just 15 days of 18/6 under hps or 20-22/4-2 under fluoro. Unfortunately i had no found this spot yet, and guerrila could become hard having somany plants to manage..imstill looking for it.
This pheno what im working on looks promising for outdoor too, its fast and does not have stretch issues whenever i've growth it indoor. Im just wondering about production with this narrow cycle..we'll see:)
see usoon,K


Hey jay-toker np for double posting, mate..
SWAMP tubes!!!awesome..first time i heard about them, but find they are really usefull: a way to work creatively for sure, at least in thinking/buildingup tubes/containers.It may works fine also in little twisty rivulet, there are many near here..thanks to advise me, i like the idea as it amplify my search options :)..how much i learnt on icmag,i lost the count..

meantime,waiting the summer, a little update from the lab
day 28 from seed (25 from sprout)

5 show faster pheno

see u, K


Hi!Thanks all viewers..
I have some pics i took yesterday night to show u..soo
update day 35 from sprout, 37 from seeds

As u can see i decided 15 females to run is enough: i put 4 more under led + fluoro cabinet on 24/0..ill post some more pics, stay tune


tonight after feed

they are running till March the 15 i think, but 2 or 3 phenos will be ready before this date..this will also be the last run in that room :(..things must have a change in here eheh..


Some trippy buds im smoking in these days to support my work, they are from last AF run..enjoy them even not very well cured :)

Those buds are giving me a really euphoric smoke experience, really close to sativa high..they are also smelling a lot if not in package and sticky..sticky as hell :): all the phenos i growth show this trait, which is good when i also have fast ripening, cant wait for new run to smoke
see u,K


hi all, time for a little update..thanks again viewers!
around day 55, after about a month of 12/12


To be honest, i could do some better taking 18/6 anymore, but they are showing a nice developing even a little crappy/sponge. I also have some more info about the strains i started this work: both are from Delicious Seeds but the first is

La Diva

Genotype: 100% indica-ruderalis
THC Level: 15%
Production: 300gr/m indoor, 60 gr/plant outdoor
Harvest time: Automatic
Flavour: Musk
Flagrance: Sweet, citric
Bud Texture: compact
Colour: Dark green, blue intense, white resin.
Experience: relaxing, narcotic
Medical Value: high

the second one

La frutta di Venus

Genotype: Ruderalis x Great White Shark
THC Level: 19-20%
Production: 400-450 gr/m indoor, 25-60 gr/plant outdoor.
Harvest time: 55-65 days after seeding
Flavour: intense fruity
Flagrance: skunky
Bud texture: Sponge (cotton candy)
Colour: white and blue
Experience: Contained euphoria
Medical value: Average


1 more pic, my friend put the lady i gifted him under 24/0 led domestic light..and even she was one of the later in showing sex, she kept grow really tall and bushy, i have anyways to work on homogeneity next run and spring is finally coming..

see u, K


Hi all, i know i could update before but shit happens and had to make some changes. At the moment i have no more time to work with autos even i got many seeds, but summer is just starting and who knows..maybe ill try my autos outdoor..last run i took got about 200 gr of nice quality weed but 12/12 sucks with autos. Ill update with some pics tonight.
Stay safe, K


Soo..pics, even i have just these ones took 1 week or so before final cut. I've harvested after 60-65 days from seeds..not really sized buds, this is true. Anyways quality was good and weed was decent smoke in the day but i have to say ruderalis took cleanses predominance in smell and taste; hope have time to work again with these plants, maybe outdoor as i said.


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