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my life is at stake..help?


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
This dood's life is still at stake???


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
I think he shoulda tried boy scouts first then work his way up to the army... ;) peace.

all of yall talking shit about our armed forces must have some serious memory loss :mad::cuss:....

oh wait..those were Bush's henchman flying the planes tho right?:jerkit:

anyways..don't hate on the service members, hate the politicians...can't believe the amount of disrespect here towards military past and present.
keep it safe out there bro and the herb will always be here when you're done and maybe even decrim if we get lucky:joint:


all of yall talking shit about our armed forces must have some serious memory loss :mad::cuss:....

oh wait..those were Bush's henchman flying the planes tho right?:jerkit:

anyways..don't hate on the service members, hate the politicians...can't believe the amount of disrespect here towards military past and present.
keep it safe out there bro and the herb will always be here when you're done and maybe even decrim if we get lucky:joint:
They aren't robotic pawns with no choice. They are adults just like the politicians.

I never understood the whole giving soldiers a free pass on morality under the guise of "doing their job" shit.
They aren't robotic pawns with no choice. They are adults just like the politicians.

True, however discipline tends to be a fundamental aspect of a powerful and effective military. If everyone in the military could just do whatever they wanted not only would it quickly fall apart, but our political situation would be much worse than it is now.
Well being a death squad has it's own spiritual benefits such as other forgetting.

I"m not very much into marching that I can recall. It's just good being in front or some ass fuck steps on my feet, or I do that to them. Being this lost about orders and jut falling into the people in front like dominions.

Not always good having the big sword pointing out doing that, kinda just liked it my own way.

Something biblical, where there are three I am there (some Matthew story).


Active member
They aren't robotic pawns with no choice. They are adults just like the politicians.

I never understood the whole giving soldiers a free pass on morality under the guise of "doing their job" shit.

if you look at the demographics of the armed forces, you'll see that the majority of the volunteers come from places where there are the least variety of choices. I agree that these are not "robotic pawns with no choice" in the matter, the pool of options at their disposal mitigates the "morality" you would have them held to.

Plainly put, if you think that anybody who wants to get out of the ghetto can do so at will WITHOUT options like the armed forces, I think you should go work as a social worker in downtown Detroit for a week. You'd be advising the military to these kids day in and out...

While there is no draft in effect in this country, there is a sort of backdoor draft built into our crumbling inner cities, depressed countryside and pathetic education system. As long as there is an elite, there will be an underclass to send to war.
You will find dumb asses anywhere, in any affiliation. Not everyone is good at being Shaman, your not at all going to be the king shit. Just be good at being all tied up in your own mind, and not wanting much outside.

I know it's not bad if you can shut the fuck up, it doesn't need group motivators. Big muscles do find ways of being damaged by smart minds.

A retard can do these things, it's really about inner peace. Which means you go out there and kill anybody, just anything, yet I find some things sacred....and ours!

IC mag is international Military, not standing up for much shit. It seems we have a lot of personal problems, it is hard to want to be a secure show off.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
first of all, anyone who has never been in the u.s. military, while entitled to thier opinion, doesnt know JACKSHIT about what they are talking about, and just prove themselves to be assholes when telling you what it is or isnt. If joining the military today, do NOT do it out of economic hardship, it aint what it used to be.
(by the way, i skipped over pages 2 and 3, just read page 1)
---do it because
A) you believe in your heart its the right thing to do.
B) you want to receive a certain type training that will further the path in life you have chosen---if you were dedicated and bright enough to carry a gpa of 3.5( i think i read that) then you are bright enough to get the kinda training you WANT. though i am down for rangers, it is much more than physical training and learning how to kill people. that kinda training regimen will follow you and influence everything you do the rest of your life.
---and before anyone starts flippin me shit for what i have said, not only am i a dirty hippie who despises the federal rule of this land and what we are doing throughout the world, but i am also a combat veteran(armor-shout out to major pothead) who HAS traveled to strange lands, met exotic people, and killed them.
---something to think about:
--i give thanks everyday that i was in the army, and every day i wish i had never joined. it aint easy doing what you gotta do...every choice you make has consequences....good luck


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
while i did wake up every single morning for a few years in the military wishing i was somewhere else, i spent four months in prison, and trust me, it is far far different....and as far as no drugs....well......lets just say i agree, there are plenty of military that do not do drugs...heheh....i just thank goodness there were a number of universities within driving distance of where i was stationed prior to deployment....
no drugs in the military... haaaaa my army bud does alot more / harder drugs than i ever have. him and his army companions use just about everything except for marijuana , because "it stays in the system too long". heroin ketamine coke whatever they gobble it up, not to mention being drunk for entire month long periods straight. dont believe me i dont care i know its true

oh by the way he used to be a very special person, very aware of the world and a caring individual. now all he talks about it getting drunk and how he cant wait to "go over there and kill people"

feel like i dont even know him anymore and everytime i say something like "your brainwashed" i can just tell hes thinking about the whole "them vs. us" mentality the army (and police) instills in them. like, hes thinking "what does this civilian pogue know about anything".

if you sign up in this day and age realize that your chances of dying in battle are greatly reduced, but you have a greater chance of surviving horrible injuries like losing limbs and massive trauma due to battlefield medical advances

also you are basically endorsing the actions of your said government. if my provincial government cant act honestly and openly and do the right thing for the country, how can i , with a good heart, take a job that supports their position? cause thats what you are doing, ensuring the status quo and the continuance of the system many of us hate

there are few intelligent people with long-term vision in these positions of power. policy and policy execution do not agree, or when they do they are just totally fucked. blah. im just sick of it all.
by the way everybody the papers are signed Im going infantry . To fight for the freedom of the USA .. so children like the few listed above can do ,and say what they want when they want.

take care everybody

you are brainwashed and think that military lifestyle gives you a certain level of honor and committment that a "regular" lifestyle can't offer you. i know exactly how you feel, i tried going infantry awhile ago and got told to come back after i got laser eye surgery. in between i saw what it did to my friend and then realized that nobody gives a shit. keep feeling sorry for yourself bro cause theres nobody else to do it for you. you aren't fighting for shit and if you die its for nothing. yah and that means in afghanistan too, im not just talking iraq. when nato /. isaf pulls out next year, the year after, or a decade from now, and leaves the country a crumbling mess due to poor policy decision and short-sighted vision as well as constant indifference among the public and government officials you'll see. i used to watch vietnam war movies and think that only half-men pussies were draft dodgers , but now i realize the stupidy of it all man. they should make every soldier going on tour read into the long-term strategies, economics, etc. of the current wars and then see if they are still gung-ho about getting shot at.

you wanna know the sad thing? that friend i was talking about , up until last month, was telling me "man i know the army sucks, going on tour is stupid, i cant wait to get out and go travelling and see the world" and all that changed after ONE pep talk given by some redneck-lifer sergeant. Now hes all hyped up to go kill, talking about killing anyone that does anything suspicious, doesnt care if they are civilians or what. nobody knows what anyones fighting for anymore and i fear that if he gets killed / horribly injured its for nothing. i really miss the guy hes not the same person i knew once. the army takes you in, makes you hate regular society, and convinces you that you hold some god given right to pull a trigger. all the while you are enforcing some fat old white man's decisions , which were made in a comfy united nations suite back in geneva. but still theres an allure to going to far off places to shoot foreign people that no man can say that he doesn't have at least some small part of his mind/heart/soul yearning for it

by the way, if you also signed up because you feel regular society is empty and there is not much to be had from going about your business on a day to day basis, thats a bit different. i can understand signing up to get a change from what regular society doesn't offer but you better be prepared to accept that you are going to do some shitty things that you should morally be against. but then again if a man can't stand for what he truly believes in hes worth nothing.

theres got to be some sort of academic who has written a paper on military society and how it converts societies and young men into willing patrons of a knowingly corrupt and shitty government. some psychology shit right there

god damn this thread depresses me


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
case in point^
first of all, anyone who has never been in the u.s. military, while entitled to thier opinion, doesnt know JACKSHIT about what they are talking about, and just prove themselves to be assholes when telling you what it is or isnt.

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