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So it's been like a 2+ weeks from the harvest. It was a nice pineapple punch plant in a 1.5 litre bottle under CFLs. Yield was actually really great, got 18g from that little plant. After 5 days of drying they seemed dry enough and I cut it up to little buds and put it into the jar...

I opened it for 10-15min daily...Today I check and THERE'S FREAKIN' MOLD ON THE BUDS :mad:
Obviously 5 days wasn't enough...or I fucked up with the opening of the jars somehow... I wanna kick myself so hard right now...

this is oh not so nice at all. THIS IS A DISASTER. My precious, potent-ass, crystal-covered pineapple punch lookin all white.

now some of the buds aren't that bad, they're visually not damaged from the mold... about mby 6-7g of the total of 23 that was in it.

what should I do? Is it safe to still smoke the "ok lookin' stuff"?
can I do anything with the moldy bud, anything at all besides chuckin' it away?



Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
dont chuck it mate, make hash at the very least..

Sucks to hear your story though mate, I've nearly done this myself... its too late this time, but what I do is pull the whole lot from the jar on day 3 and put in on newspaper to check how much it has "sweated up" and if I feel its gone too sweaty, I just leave it out for an hour.. I repeat this on day 5 and havent had any issues since...

be lucky
j :)

before I jar it up I pull the buds away from the main stems, you can feel if they're dry enough when you do by how they come away from the stem.
make sure there is sufficient space in the jar - dont pack it too tight.
dont shake the crap out of it, but give the jar enough of a shake to make sure the buds are moving freely inside and not all stuck to eachother.
week1 I burp for 20 mins, twice per day for days 1 and 2. week2 I burp for 15 mins once every other day. burp once or twice per week thereafter.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Mate.. if you dry for 2 weeks in my house you'd be looking at dust... 5 days max for me (I guess its environment dependant) you might say I dry too fast and that my weed must be harsh, but I assure it isnt :) .. I have friends who say their outdoor takes 2 weeks and their indoor 5-7 days in the same drying environments in their places...so I'm guessing plant structure also has a good bit to do with it :)

edit - Hazy do you just hang dry or do you hang and then box yours and then jar them? I've heard of this 3 stage method before from GN, he uses pizza boxes :)

edit2 - I think ultimately, however long it takes (and it can clearly take much longer than 5 days) you have to be sure its ready to go in the jars. for me, this is the day I'm happy the buds come away from the main stems cleanly and dont "cling" :) - I also just roll a fat joint with a big bud so I know how it is right to the core :)

edit3 (lol nuff edits) and I also just realised, I have a friend currently drying outdoor and has been for more than 2 weeks and tells me it still isnt dry...(his indoor takes a week in the same drying place)

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Sorry to hear that it's happened to the best of us.

Try to make sure your stem snaps in the center of the bud.. not just the bottom.



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thanks for all the sympathies guys! really appreciate it!

So what are my best options at the moment? make hash out of it? What method suits best with this "moldy" bud?

Am I at any health risk if I smoke or vape the "ok looking" bud?


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
i cut off all the buds,trim every leaf off and hang them using sock hangers till totally dry ,usually 2 weeks ,then put them in a click and seal tub ,shove it in the cupboard for a few months till required :joint:

ahh so when yours go to the containers, they dont require the burping? I think thats where our methods deviate slightly... for us glass curers, we need to have around 3-4% moisture that is yet to be expelled through the sweating/burping :) (love those dinky hangers btw :D )

not sure, but I would think ISO wash or BHO would be your best bet for making the hash as they would kill any nasties hiding in there... I'm not to sure about smoking the rest mate... I've heard yuo can get sick smoking mold spores... that said if it were mine and I thought it looked clean enough I might test a wee bowl and find out.


Active member
You can get a lung infection from smoking moldy weed! Use it to make hash instead, or quick wash ISO.. throw away the plant matter once you've done an extraction with it.

Moldy jars is one of the biggest let downs, you have to be really vigilant with the burping and watch it like a hawk.
Like Shooey said, if it's sweating up the jar or seems wet after a day or two in the jar, it's not dry enough yet. Spreading it on paper is an excellent technique for this!


I'll second the BHO idea. But I suppose you could try bleaching the jars and irradiating the bud with a medical UV germicidal lamp. Or maybe a water cure.

fully baked

Like everyone else said, ISO or BHO it.

I had some white whispy mold on my outdoors from last year and gave it a water cure for 7 days and that did the trick too if you would like to keep some bud around.

- beat me to it cashmunny -


just to make sure...

have you ever mistaken the white mold for heavy crystal covered bud?

master shake

Active member
ISO works, just did this recently with a friend who had a moldy top bud.

You've gotta be aware of what the plant is like when you burp the jars. When you go to open em up and the weed feels moist, let it stay out until it feels more crisp on the outside (even over night). Do this a couple times a day and monitor the smell, color, and moisture. If the weed seems like it's turning darker, leave it out more. If the smell doesn't improve everyday and is a bit funky, too much moisture. The time is takes will vary on climate and weed density. For me, I dry for about 5-8 days, and longer for bigger colas. Next it goes into jars; I want the weed to gradually get to the perfect dryness after about 10 days. Then another week of quick burps once a day and it should be near perfect.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
"have you ever mistaken the white mold for heavy crystal covered bud?"

not personally... photos might help though :)


jesus christ...I think I'm losing it...my mind i mean obviously.

I borrowed a camera with some form of macro and took a shot of one of the freaky white ares that made me trip out.... and I must say according to the photo I think I'm losing it real bad...

just take a look and tell me if I'm freaking out because my pot looks suspiciously good?


sorry about the light colour(had it under a 2700K cfl for the pic) and not a "superb" photo, not familiar with this camera.


h^2 O

i dry on a screen for 3 days then into jars, the jars get burped for about 12 hours over the first 48 hours and then like 4 hours the next and then a tiny bit until it's all good. Usually like 7 days and they're totally smokable nugz

h^2 O

from that one pic above i don't see any mold
the mold that i found outside was white early on and i cut it out and harvested that plant, and then later in the season found another tiny spot and that time it was brownish. Cut that out too and harvested. Both were no bigger than like a silver dollar
i don't think u have mold dude. And those buds look way better than my outdoor from this year..mine's like all leafy..but i let it go long so it's all trichy. Meh. Good grow don't throw it out smoke it