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My hand was forced ....


By just a confluence of events all happening at the same time. First off I live in an apt building in a nice are of SF CA. My apft is on the bottome floor at the back of the bldg looking out onto our backyard area. Nice area out there with some potted plants and a good sized patio area. This backyard gets some great sunshine , that is when the sun does shine in the city by the bay. For most of the time nobody really avails of this area of the building.
So I had two plants in veg that were doing great under the summer sun. Then the landlord and his son , who just happens to be our next door neighbor, decide to do some tree trimming at the back area. He straight away notices the two young plants out side my window, actually close to the fire escape area, very convenient for me as I could take them in and out easily , and after a little pleading etc. he suggests I leave them down in the patio area. I thanked him and told I would be discreet with them from now on .
All was cool and in the mean time I decided to start another grow indoors. So, now two separate grows and one that the landlords son knows about. Bear in mind also that he is father with two young kids and is the family man type.
Now things tricky. I being a pot and also light ciggie smoker had taken to having my ciggies in the bathroom . I know a big no no as there was another neighbors window within a few feet of my own. I even devised a plan to mask the smell by turning on the shower and putting some fragrance in with the steamy water. Well, my neighbor must have copped on and told her landlord who just happens to be a good friend my mine . One day after finishing my ciggie and doing my clean up routine, I was putting on my contact lens and heard voices from the neighbors window. Their landlord and our landlords son were obviously checking something out and I knew something was up.
A few days later , while leaving out the trash, the landlords son meets me and asks me if I am smoking in the apt. I give excuses and then we reach a agreement to only smoke outside my backdoor or partio area. He asks me about the plants I had out the back and I say that I would be discreet with them. He meanders on about taking care nobody steals them and some other advice largely in response to my compliant tone throughout our chat.
Now comes the kicker. The first day of smoking a ciggie in the patio area, I hear my neighbor on the phone . She was clearly talking of smoke and blowing over my way etc.... Man was I pissed .......
As I am more than 20 feet from her window. My intution tells me that she phoned her landlord and he will inform mine of her displeasure. Now bear in mind my landlords brother in law also smokes and lives close to my apt. So, if there is a total smoke ban in the bldg , he will also have to comply with the rule. I know as well that there was nothing on the lease indicating the bldg was a non smoking apt bldg.
So, in the interests of safety and also security ...I am about to just scuttle my seedlings and just focus on the two flowering plants that I brought inside. Maybe its just cutting my losses as this stage as things are heating up around me and better to have one good grow that I can finish than two grows that could cause problems in the coming months. I am also a newly reformed light smoker of herb. Maybe a bag or two per month . And all told my present grow should yield about 2 to 3 ozs. In theory enough for the next year.
Anyways thanks for the read and I just had to share this tale with my fellow growers out there.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
whack your neighbor....... haha........ just kidding..... dont do that....

how many plants inside of the house and how big of a setup? did u say seedlings?

you in a conservative state with harsh laws?

im always in the "better safe then sorry" boat, but if you are small time and in not so harsh of a state, you should just let it roll and quit the cig smoking......put that cig money towards a savings acct. for a new place to live/grow.


It sounds like you are on the right track but continue to tread wisely. A couple zips isn't worth losing the place you lay your head. If you must continue to smoke inside, be smarter about your masking methods, cancer sticks aren't worth losing your pad either.


Hahaha.......I am thinking now of coming down on her for noise pollution. She chats very loud on the phone and plays music a bit over there . But two can play this game . If my own landlord has the talk about further complaints and now it might be better not to smoke anywhere in or around the bldg. I will state my case and also no more Mr. Nice Guy (not the seed company ) and will make sure everybody complies including his brother in laws . As for my neighbor next door , well she is going to pay for her sins. Strong complaints about noise ....and just to rub it in .....even when there is none......all to cause a bit of shit for her. She is it seems a very nervous artistic young woman. One of those uptight ultra PC types. This is going to be funny in how it turns out. But as long as I have my couple of zips of bud from my flowering plants to dry in month or so and then store I am happy in smoking my herb around the lovely GG park .


Active member
I would move. Sure it's a pain in the ass but it's better than living your life by someone else rules. Maybe that's why I have been divorced so many times...maybe not but I live my life the way I want and I don't want or need someone else telling me what I can and can't do.


It sounds like you are on the right track but continue to tread wisely. A couple zips isn't worth losing the place you lay your head. If you must continue to smoke inside, be smarter about your masking methods, cancer sticks aren't worth losing your pad either.

Very true man. And people have become so intolerant of smoking now , even doing so outdoors is a cause for some caution. But you are right , no smoking indoors and just stay out of trouble.
It is just too risky having that second grow right now . One should tide me over for about a year or so.
Although SF is a very tolerant openminded city , or thats what we tell everybody, hahah......we all have to respect the community and not risk everything for a small thing.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Gotta love San Francisco - can't smoke inside your own abode, can't smoke outside. It's funny, when I was young, I confused "liberal" with what the dictionary said - "Favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties." How did they get that so turned around?


Too nice a deal here man . Really nice place and the landlord son is in fact getting more easy to deal with. He actually offered to get me a chair to put outside to smoke the ciggies. But it does suck to be always on watch and have to listen to him laying down the law. My upstairs neighbor would constantly have all rows with him on all kinds of issues . He moved out last year. And for some unknow reason the apt is still vacant . I dont know if it was because the landlords family is too tight to renovate the place and is just letting it be or they have other plans. But the big thing I learned is always keep something in reserve when dealing with a situation like this one. I would gain nothing by shouting like a mad man about my rights as a smoker . Which I now found that there is no constitutional right to smoke. So, there goes my Supreme Court appeal if it comes to it.


No offense OP but please read what you wrote and let us know if you really think what your suggesting is wise. Regardless of the plants, be the bigger person and move on. Its all love


Gotta love San Francisco - can't smoke inside your own abode, can't smoke outside. It's funny, when I was young, I confused "liberal" with what the dictionary said - "Favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties." How did they get that so turned around?

SF is liberal in how it wants to be seen by the world. The truth is a little bit different in fact . As there is a strong conservative undercurrent ruling the city. Very PC here , and people get carried away with that at times.


And you know what I have to agree to a certain extent. But let me ask you this, where else can I have a freedom to smoke my mj with relative ease ?.....I am not a card holer or legal grower....so it not bad when I look at it like this ....However, it does suck to have this kind of personality around you .......he has the upper hand and he knows it too..
I am a little short on money at the moment so moving out and finding a place in short notice is not an option. It would be nice to be in a place where you could do what you want , but I dont know if such a place truly exists.
Smoke outside and let her be the bitch. Surely the landlord doesn't like being bothered too much, best that he not get it from multiple tenants. Strengthen your friendships with him and his kin like helping with some of the outdoor maintenance. Don't know about the grow situation out there. Maybe smoke out front. I used to smoke not to long ago and am not a hater about it but it does smell pretty foul to a non smoker. I hear SF is expensive so relocating would probably suck. Or ditch the smokes and smoke more pot. Don't forget to pick up your butts.


I know what you mean. And I think the landlord has to approve it too
Thats the problem right now. He is very anti all drugs etc... so by me getting to grow my two plants was a serious concession . Not many others around here would do that ...It would be a case of where is your card and do you have growers permit?......My big issue is that my second grow will have to be halted now .

But for those not living in SF. It is very diff here. Cool city with so much going on . But everyone has to toe the line to a fair degree. Many that dont , unfortunately find themselves sleeping in their cars along Fulton Ave. .......There you can smoke whenever whatever you want ....All in all I would rather keep my apt .....and practice a little give and take as a way of getting something from a situation .....and I get to keep my other grow.
i say stay tight with the landlord. then go talk to the neighbor. tell her ya dont smoke that often just to help with stress see if you can find a happy medium smoke around the corner or out front etc i just wouldnt try to be dick then shell just keep looking for things to bitch about. hell maybe she needs her pipes cleaned so to say normally helps a grouchy woman chillax so better yet just go throw so pecker on her lol just kidding but no since in butting heads with her if you plan on growing there.hope it all works out for ya bro.


Sage advice from you man. I read it and thought to myself this is really sensible info. It will be interesting to see what happens next with her. All I do know is that since both my gf and myself are always polite to his wife and kids , he seems to have toned down his dictates over the past year or so. Before he would have told anybody to tear down the plants or he would call the cops. So, to quote him, you can smoke outside your backdoor anything pot or ciggies, and this is area is away from the crappy neighbor. Its cool that he allowed this . I just have to be discreet and not smoke bong loads all night long out there. I have not heard anything from him and he was around earlier today. But what could happen is the two landlords contact each other and they discuss the female neighbor and my landlord says you know what he is smoking outdoors now....
For us to move out, they have to spend alot on renovating this place . Since we are in SF , and the market is bad right now, any new tenant will want to see a spiffy new apt with all mod cons. And that is alot of money to spend. Thats the last thing they need given that they lose money already on the place.


Active member
Standard SF. You can sit naked with a newspaper between your asshole and the bench, but you cant have a smoke in your patio.