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My hand was forced ....


Active member
If moving is out of the question, you really need to deal with this situation. Situation meaning; growing cannabis without a card. That is still a felony here in California and 1) at least two people know you grow and 2) there is an ongoing complaint with you smoking...red flags. I know SF is pot friendly but your playing with fire. Just get a card and your covered.


1) get legal.
2) bake the neighbor a pie(or something) and apologize. You need to build a good relationship with the neighbor. talk to them as much as possible. Every occasion say hello. etc...

3) ever try those electric cigs? My friends like them. Smoke is much less of a problem.

but old crazy neighbors are unlikely to change. My attempts to mend one of my bad neighbor's failed. Another bad nieghbor popped up, said fuck it and got someone to sublet the place.

How can 1 cig create so much smoke to annoy someone 3 stories up! AND no, you nephew cant come over and watch my tv when I am not there! bail bail bail!

Yeah, nothing like the po po knocking on your door. React before the situation gets that bad.


Getting the card would help matters and I may very well do so in the near future. But as of today there is no landlord visits . So , I assume they must have told the neighbor , and rem she lives in the next apt bldg, that he is doing his bit and maybe you should just do yours by closing the window etc. Because I know how the landlords works around here and he likes to deal with things quickly and effectively. My bargaining chip is that his brother in law smokes just a few feet away from I where go for my occassional ciggie. So for me to be banned from there, his relative would have to follow suit.
But everybody is right. Mend the fences and get on with them all . I took down my seedlings last night. Some great strains but it is safest option right now. I have a big WW female and some Genius x DC already under the lights. Both plants have about a month to to finish. This grow will be the last for a while. That is until I know things have calmed down and I have better legal status to grow. As I said smoking weed is ok for him as long as its outside and at the back area. I am not going anywhere near her window with my bud smoke as it would cause too many issues such as you know the rest ......is he legal to smoke blah blah .....


Your fuct...no matter what you do it sounds like the well has been poisoned, if you were wise, you would find a new place to live and try again. This is going to be nothing but a big pain in your ass.


Active member
honestly what you need to do is stop smoking cigerettes....or just walk outside to the curb!!

i mean come on your in SF! we never smoked inside back when i grew up out there....the best place to enjoy a blunt or a cig was on someone elses doorstep or in one of the dozens of parks...

shit in SF most of the times we just spark up right on the street in plain view of cops and passerbys lol...


Yep thats SF for you. People around here and the city in general just cant stand ciggie smoke. I dont know how many times I have passed by people on the street who were smoking weed and the smell of bud is just part of life here. As far as my ciggie smoke goes , absolutely none indoors from now on and the few times a day I do smoke is outside the back door or on the street. Its just too risky . I know from previous exp that once our the landlord son gets irked about something he goes on a rampage. Case in point a former tenant here who left earlier this year due to too tension with the landlord...

But to those who say move out, last resort really as this is a sweet location to live. Growing the few plants is secondary to my living needs and does influence my lifestyle too greatly.... If it comes to it , I will just use the clubs in the future sort to get my bud.

Useful Idiot

Active member
Yep thats SF for you. People around here and the city in general just cant stand ciggie smoke. I dont know how many times I have passed by people on the street who were smoking weed and the smell of bud is just part of life here. As far as my ciggie smoke goes , absolutely none indoors from now on and the few times a day I do smoke is outside the back door or on the street. Its just too risky . I know from previous exp that once our the landlord son gets irked about something he goes on a rampage. Case in point a former tenant here who left earlier this year due to too tension with the landlord...

But to those who say move out, last resort really as this is a sweet location to live. Growing the few plants is secondary to my living needs and does influence my lifestyle too greatly.... If it comes to it , I will just use the clubs in the future sort to get my bud.
Damn man!! I feel for ya on this one.I lived in an apt many many years ago. I worked ,saved,worked on the side,saved and saved some more. Now I live in the sticks with NO neighbors and NO mortgage..Took along time but finally some peace from the nosey asses that dwell in the communities.Best wishes to you and your future encounters. BTW you and I BOTH need to quit smoking cigs. Idiot out:dance013:


I dont know about you man, but having a bowl followed my a cig is a favorite of mine. Not too often mind but when i do it feels like a little heaven. I will be careful as all can be when indulging in the future. In fact what I will do is just wait till about 11pm or so until the whole bldg is quiet and most are in bed to have my bowl. I hate bringing my bong outside now as the sound of that thing will surely alert some other neighbor. But where there is a will theres a way and I sure as hell am not going to waste all that fine WW bud ripening as we speak.


Active member
i was addicted to cigs from around 17-22.....i know how satisfying they can be but you gotta get yourself to stop. theres just so many reasons why they are bad..from the chemicals they are pumped with..to the industry they support....

not to mention your health....it affects your lungs, blood circulation, heart rate...shit man. plus makes you smell like a total bum...

im not gonna lie some stressful shit this week had me bust a pack of mild 7s out of my desk.....but usually if i need to smoke something il just smoke some home grown organic bud...

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Charcoal filter + blower and just run it in your living room when you smoke. if that dont work get some of that hippi patchouli oil. that shit can cover any smell up...


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I like Big Herb's suggestion. It will help to eat the smoke odors and keep your apartment smelling nice while removing you from the prying eyes of your neighbors.


Good tips on the charcoal filter. The funny thing is that I think it was spraying ozium in the bathroom that got me nabbed. Before I would run the shower and then spray a little cologne around and it worked fine . The minute I started using ozium the sheet hit the fan . My gf rarely mentioned anything about smoke odor when I got the shower up to steam and a spray here or there of any fragrance did the trick. About 3 weeks ago I got a can of ozium as I heard it was well reviewed and thought it a better option for smoke odor sanitizing. I was so wrong . She went into the bathroom 15 mins after I ran the shower and sprayed a nice amount of ozium in the air. Her first reaction was .....Hey did you smoke in there?.......a week later .....the same thing.......and I knew something was up .
So guys I would advise against ozium from personal experience. Even though I read great reviews allover the net on the stuff. It failed for me big time . I was smoking a ciggie in the bathroom for years using my old technique and the trouble started with ozium. The lady next door has her bathroom window next to ours and she probably thought the same thing.
But somebody else mentioned the smell that ciggies leaves on your hands and clothes as well as breath. I hate it so much that I carry a travel size bottle of purell with me most times. On a positive note, my WW lady is looking real good right now and I might even post some pics of her close to harvest. The other Genius x Deep chunk is chugging along and should be packing on the weight , fingers crossed , in a week or two.