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My first Red poison, jack47,sweet cheese,creme caramel all autos, first autos ever


Im just glad im not an outcast seeking asylum from another forum.......

Oh wait

Ok ok ok confession time

Yes i did ask you to wear the cozzie but i didnt expect you to get all excited and flood my inbox with pics of you in high heels and gimp mask

Besides you called me a shirtlifter

So nuuuuuuuur

What happens in Vegas... Same with PM's.

You returned the pics with star ratings on them tho?


Shit yo! Have u got enough lube in ur house ??? Look at ur thread rating Yeaa boiii you'll be contacted by shiva for an invite for a massage next. Pimpin pimpin


Ok 100 comments 700 views and 5 stars

You lot made me a star 🌟



Cant post em mate as it goes against all of Big-Narsties wishes lmfao

Anyone fancy a cuppa?


Yo famalams i had a naughty half hour of bondage

Tied them slags right down YA GET MEEEEEEEE

translation for the people that didnt understand that derogatory reference to the plants

"i had an awfully fun half an hour tying and bending the sweetness in my tent"

Now about these pictures Big-Narstie has been inboxing me i had to edit it a little bit because id like to keep this one of them strictly family friendly based diarys

So here it is BIG NARSTIE in hes full glory

(but shhhhhh dont tell him i showed ya)



So... I don't care anymore post em all if you want. Besides you can't knock those tits.. I could balance a spirit level on these pups!

Plus I don't have to walk to shop everyday for milk one quick squeeze n my coco pops are floating init. N don't get me started about my warm weatabix DELISH!


Mornin cuzzie whats the apple?

Im just goin to the shop myself for some breakfast stuff

Im gonna take some pics when i get back

Your gonna love em mate little pink bits and allsorts


Nuttin much bro just busy busy.

Pink bits? I'm listening....

But if has anything todo with your dog I'm not looking.. Signed in! Hehe


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
good to see theyre starting to get some buds on :) hope those ones that fell over make a full recovery mate :)


So do i j, ive never gone full ninja buddist stem wiggler before but then again ive never done autos before so eitherway it an experiment!!! Ive been toying with the idea for ages but usually i do photos and never even topped or fimd before (still only topped two plants but im working on scroggy sogs as an idea)

I didnt really go overboard so i got my fingers crossed as ive only really opened up the plants budsites to more 660w goodness

Im hoping ive done them a favour (well them and my jars)

Hope the weather is nice and cool by you aswell this week

Stay blessed bro


Active member
Hi bro!
you are doing a fine job, but it seems like the plant need more food. I think you can use CAL MAG for 10 days at least ;)
I use Magical from technaflora or CAL MAG from Canna and they are very good.
Keep up the good work!!


Hi jaypp thanks for dropping by its funny you should mention it i changed the nutes earlyer and upped the dose of shogun calmag and also a little squirt of boost

Il post another few pics on sunday
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