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My First - I hope


New member
went for the full Monty !! 60x60x80, 2 7" inline exhaust fans. 2 7" intake vents. Lighting is 3 - 600W LED Mars for 1800w.

Just germinated and planted in 8 homer buckets (drilled), media is Fox Farm, Ocean Forest. Placed under all lights on a 18/6 cycle. I have good green and tails.

I am unclear as to watering the Ladies, and is this too much light ??

A waiting your guidance !!:tiphat:


My first tip is to upload pictures:)

Keep finger crossed for Your plants.

18/6 light is ok. Watering when soil is dry, that much To get out water of the bottom of the pot. For first few days just spray ladys with water and give them 50ml water.


60x60x80, 2 7" inline exhaust fans. 2 7" intake vents. Lighting is 3 - 600W LED Mars for 1800w.

I am unclear as to watering the Ladies, and is this too much light ??

I assume that is 60x60 inches? So your looking at 25 square feet. If you are targeting 40w/square foot, you would be looking for around 1000w. Here is the kicker, I am assuming those lights are probably only throwing about 250w. So I would actually add another light if it were me.

Edit: Not to mention, with 4 lights it will be much better coverage in a square area than you could ever get with 3. :D
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New member
OK, I got 2 ladies in solo cups in the good sun window and they are shooting up !!

On the other hand, my tent/lights yielded far less progress. Watered and light cycled. Check in the am.....the window ladies are the bomb !!

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