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Beans won't pop.

What's a person supposed to do when seeds don't pop? I bought a five pack of fem White S1's in November. I've tried germing 3 so far, with no luck. I've never had germing issues before, so I'm just here asking what I should do?

Do I try popping the remaining two? If they are all duds, then what? I'm just bummed I may not get a single plant from this pack.

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Maybe have a look in delta9 in the vendor forums. Some great info on germing old seed. Perhaps try that method.

See what others say though.

mack 10

Well-known member
Just germ the other 2, see what happens. then If you still have a problem or arnt happy i'd get in touch with Ojd, personally i'd do it by Pm but, what ever.
how did you germ them? what temps, medium etc.
Thanks skunkfunk, I just checked out the thread you mentioned. I may have a go with that method. Would you consider seeds ordered 6 months ago old stock? I've sprouted beans from an order I made in '11 with no issues. My germ method is simply soaking them in water for 24 hrs, then straight to coco. On occasion, I'll just drop in coco and keep it moist. Honestly, never any issues... I recieved a 10 pk of SSSDH as well on that order. I've popped two with no problems.


you cant PM until have enough posts.

Are they sinking after 24hrs? 6 months is definitly not old stock. Some seeds are just harder to sprout then others.

id soak until they sink. then id use paper towel method. that way you can check them.
Ya trichster I always wait for them to sink, which is usually overnight. I never do the paper towel method because I try to handle seedlings as little as possible. These beans had the white tip barely visible, so I poured them in a cup of coco. After a week+ of no sprout I dug them up and noticed they hadn't continued to grow at all. Major bummer.

Time for a jernt, and some GoT.


Id recommend trying out the paper towel method with last 2. I wouldnt worry about touching them. I always pop the shells off with my finger nails and pull embryo off with fingers too once they have 1/2 inch tails. Its something ive learned over time to do to get 100% germination if they sink and show tail.

How deep are you planting them?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
you have 1 PM as a new member. just make sure you don't have one already sent in your sent folder. that one must be deleted before you can send another one. If the other 2 don't germ PM OJD
Thank you all very much for the help. I wasn't sure if seed companies dealt with customers or not. I'll try popping the last two, and hope for the best. Should I photo document how I'm doing it? I'll save my PM until afterward.


. Should I photo document how I'm doing it? I'll save my PM until afterward.

Personally I would always photo document if you purchased something online/wherever. Gives more legitimacy to what you are saying. Especially when it comes to things like you describe in the OP.


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
Find a pack of matches and use the striker and scuff your seeds to make the shell thinner and also depending on how delicate you can be crack them in your teeth and plant.



ICMag Donor
hey devonthedude sorry you having problems with my seeds

these are not old seeds and should germinate fine

where did you buy them from and when
any pics of packaging etc

i always drop my seeds into water untill they sink then straight to papaer towels for a day until i got a taproot then transplant into coco

try this methid on the last 2 and pm me if nothing happens

Hey OJD, here's some pics of the packaging. I purchased them from The Attitude, November 2012. I still have an email of the order, as well. I'll try using a paper towel this time.

I'm somewhat limited on veg space at the moment, so I'm only going to try one seed at a time. Fingers crossed! Thanks for the assistance everyone. It's appreciated.


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joe guy

I have reciently been using a rapid start at half strength for the soaking
And precharge my plugs or oasis cubes and have had decent results germing...
Good luck
She popped! Thanks to those who gave input, and thanks to OJD for offering some support. It's very much appreciated! :thank you:


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