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My First Grow 220 watt pll cab


Listen my username is from 07 lol
Appears they have a nitrogen deficency and based on them drooping your temps are to high.


My intake and exhaust fans are 142 CFM I have a little cardboard taped over intake fan because I thought it was too much wind for the girls. What do you think?


Listen my username is from 07 lol
Too much wind? Both of my fans, intake and exhaust are 265cfm and the plants see that "wind" from day one. It helps them get stronger to hold the buds later. Also helps fight pest infestation, bud mold and overall health of the plants.


if thats the case I'll ditch the cardboard that should help a little. I was also considering getting rid of the MIRO reflectors, there such a tight squeeze in the box I think it definitely limits air flow. I don't know how much good these reflectors are anyway since they don't reflect uv, they must help a little but with the heat problem are they worth it. really appreciate any tips you have cfl king


Listen my username is from 07 lol
the temp isnt the problem if its 85deg in there its air flow, the plants need direct air flow thats why people put rotating fans blowing on their plants. Its fine as long as the plants arnt bending and swinging all over. Its ok if the leaves are moving sround but not if the main stock/stem is bending at the thickess part.


Just took off cardboard and the leaves shake alot but the stem barley moves. Hopefully this will do the trick and they'll look better in a couple days. Thanks for the help cfl king


Hi leflll,

I have 2 x 90 CFM PC fans blowing directly on the plants. Like this:

The KING is right,


Does anyone know whens the best time to tend to your plants. When the light are on or off, or does it even matter?


Thanks oldone. what do you think about my girls? Dont look too good do they.

I'm not so sure. Take a look at how my plant started its life and I dont think you have much to worry about.

2 of the things I learned so far;
-Damaged leaves never seem to repair themselves, so watch the new growth.
-Right after transplant all its doing is growing new roots. When the taproot hits the bottom of the container the top growth takes off.

I would concentrate on keeping your temps at 80deg or less. Give her some time...

I always work with lights on...

see ya,


Listen my username is from 07 lol
Untill I put in the screen for scrog them, I pull them out to do trims and such. Lets them get fresh air, how would you feel trapped in a small box all day everyday? LOL


Thanks Oldone. I dont think I can get the heat down any more without buying new fans to get more CFM's. The girls dont look like there suffering from heat stress but I dont want it to effect the quality of the Meds.


I'm not going to make any changes just yet but if I was going to would I replace intake or exhaust fan or both?


Listen my username is from 07 lol
You use both the fans for exhaust. Youll have to cut the hole bigger where your exhaust is now to fit both the fans there and then cut the intake hole bigger also.

Example: If your intake fan and exhaust fan are rated for 100cfm, you only moving 100cfm through your box. So why do you need a intake fan in the first place? To help the exhaust fan be efficent and move 100cfm. Where if you only had an exhaust fan, even tho its rated for 100cfm it would be moving more like 80cfm. Because it puts more load on the fan. But if you put two 100cfm fans for exhaust, youll be moving about 160cfm. So you get 50% more air flow with the same fans. These numbers are apprx. But you get the picture. Oh and just make sure the intake hole is 1.5-2 times bigger than the hole for the exhuast fans. Say the fans are 4" each thats a 4x3.14x2 which is 25in sq so the intak hole must be 38-50in sq.


cfl king so your saying I dont need intake fan, just exhuast. I cant use both fans for exhaust because I only have one can2600 filter. I could get a more powerfull exhaust though, and then would I get rid of the intake fane all together?


Sorry about all the questions everybody but this is a learning experience for me and I want to get it right.

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