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My father wants me to become a Mason


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I think their biggest secret is that they know the true identity of the Snuffleupagus, and where it lives.


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LOL, Keep your friends close & your enemys even closer. ;) Big-Up Funny Hand Shake Crew, lol! ;)

Just watch you dont get Blackballed!!!!!¬!
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Lonely men who need friends and deeply desire the feeling of being special (secrets my ass), while contributing to society in some way or another. There I summed up all the groups mentioned in this thread. Masons are about as special as the stonecutters, the shriners, the lions club ect, phi beta gamma whatever. That meaning, these groups are all just normal folks who like to believe they are special. There is no secret knowledge, there is no special qualities of any of these people. These organizations are grown up club houses. The connections made between members are real, the special knowledge of the members is complete bullshit. To me, the Bohemian Grove at least has the promise of meeting world leaders and some quality coastal redwoods time... not to mention the prostitutes and booze.

ps those aprons are obviously over-compensating for small packages. maybe the secret is that the masons are the small penis club? that might explain hov :)


well, they aren't Skull & Bones but they were very powerful a few hundred years ago.


Active member
Well just for the sake of saving someone from being used.im gonna write some excripts from a book i have and youll see a little bit of whats going on here.My book is entitled Mind manipulation Ancient and Mordern Ninja Techniques-by Dr.Haha Lung. i suggest reading it and any of his others cause itll help you cut through 99% of the bullshit people try to make you beleive. including cults gangs ect ect .... all type-o's are my fault.

"cult" is what the big religion call the little religion,what the old religion calls the new. At one time or another,every new religion is accused of being a cult.Christianity was originally branded a cult by jewish authorities.
Modern sociologists and religious historians now avoid using of the term "cult" wich is enherantley elitist,insaulting,and implies that members of these groups are "mind-control victoms".
Political correctness aside,many of these members ARE mind control victoms!

For every sincere religious leader in history there have always been 9 morrally bankrupt
religious opportunists and extremists eager to pray onthe spiritual needy.
More than 3 million americans belong to more than 3 thousand seperate groups that qualify as "cults".These cults come in religious,political,and secular varieties-from breakaway religioussects and new age schools to motivational self-help organizations.
These cults are not limitted to any one age,gender,or race.
What qualifies each of these as a cult is the fact that no matter what their outward teachings and trappings appear to be their inner workings ,ruthless recruiting methods,and heavey-handded indoctrination techniques vary little.
Three ereas act as warnning signs that a group -religious or secular,no matter how sencere their belfeifs have crossed the line to becoming a cult 1.their attitude(mind set)
2.their recruiting tactics, and 3. their identity-stripping indoctrination methods.

Cults and people trapped in them dont think like the rest of us.Their "cult think" allows them to pick and choose the parts of reality that suite them and that support their version of the universe,a universe easily identifiable since they are always at the center of it. other important aspects of "cult think" include:

for cults,there is only one locked box of "the truth" to wich only they posses the key. sometime this key is a sacred book containing all the "truths" past and to come .Other times "the truth" comes in form of a all seeing leader with a special pipline to salvation.

Cults are intolerant of any challenge to to their version of,and complete guardianship of "the truth" .Cults view the world in simplistic terms :black and white ,good or evil, (as in the cult is good the rest of the world is evil).

Cults discourage open discusion ,punishing any members who dare questions the cult doctrine and leaders,often assaulting and even killing outsiders who "blaspheme" against their leader,their sacred scriptures or the groups collective identity.

Cults message begins with love but always end with a threat.Cult members approach potential recruits and potential financial contributors with "the good news" ,and talk of "universal love and brotherhood ". but the moment you reject (openley question) their message their facade of "bliss" and "brotherhood" crumbles into fustration and their "message of love" quickley turns to veiled and not so veiled threats of what will happen to "non-beleivers" on the "day of judgment" when the cult takes power.

Cults never tire of telling us and themselves how different they are from every such group that has come before.cult members also never tire from telling eachother how different they are from the "infedels"., often adopting outlandish dress and mannerisims to emphisize the point.

ligitamate religious and self-help groups emphisize the empowerment of the individual.
Cults on the other hand make individuals tottally dependant on them.to accomplish this
cults demand the recruits hand over any personal money they might have .in return the cults will see to all their needs.Without money the individual depends on the cult for everything.
another way a cult takes away an individuals indipendence is to take control of more and more of the recruits time .This takes the form of holding the new member to a strict regimen of specific prayer times,bathing and eating rituals and manditory group studies,all designed to take away more of an individuals "free time" emphisis on the word free.

Cults only exist to promote themselves and their agendas. Thus the cult and its leaders are always more important than any single member .members are encouraged to sacrafice all their bothersome personal wants,friends,familiy,identityand wallet for the higher need of the cult and its leader.

Cults are compulsive about control, managing every aspect of the members life and are committed to wipping out the last vestige of individuality.
Members are given strict standards of dress deportment,and special greetings salutesand recognition phrases to parrot when meeting other cult members.
Cult members are forced to accept strict dietary rules.abrupt and drastic changes in diet literally change mind and body chemistry,affecting mood ,energey levels.This makes recruits less able to resist the cults brainwashing.
It is possable to find people with exremist views that qualify as "cult think" who actually belong to recognized religious and social organizations that are not cults per se. Mind slayers are quick to spot and exploit these fanatics.The more extreme,unreasonable,and unbending a persons veiws,the easier it is to manipulate that person by adding fule to the fire.

Change of diet ,sleep deprivation physical stress,and phycological strain can all work together to put a person into a receptive hypnotic state.cult mind slayers use these tactics and more to break down recruits ,making them more suseptable to indoctrination.

indoctranation ploys
cult indoctranation stratagies physiological and phycological tactics.Physiological tactics break a person down physicly.this includes controling members through isolation making drastic changes in diet designed to induce phyical weakness and mandatory participation in various types of physical training (strenuous work,yoga like excersizes ,mandatory prayer postures), all designed to produce hyperventalation,dizziness ,and exhaustion.
After a hard days work lifting the cults purse ,exhausted -hence more receptive- members are forced to attend mandatory classes and or listen to long speaches by the cult leader.
physcilogical ploys attack the recruits former beleifes and self image.to accomplish this ,cult mind slayers cut recruits off from all outside sources of information,and use hypnosis and memory manipulation.in many ways ,cult indoctranation resembales induction into army bootcamp.
The major differences between boot camp training and cult indoctranation is that the aim of bootcamp is to challenge the individual to go beyond previous self-limitations ,to make the individual stronger more both physicly and mentally.Cults on the other hand ,aim to weaken recruits ,undermine any vestige of self worth and make recruits more suseptable to cult programming.

"if you really want to change people change their appearance"- Margeret Thaler Singer

Once initiated into the cult ,recruits must disguard their own names and appearences and adopt a new identities provided by the cult .cult recruits must wear extremes of dress (distinctive hats,robes) meant to further isolate them from non members.

Our memories are our identities, The further back out memories go the more identity we have and the more rooted we feel .Thats why cults go to great lengths to create fantastic cult histories stretching back into the distant past.
Ourmemories are not perfect records.they are instead reconstructions.Studies have shown that at least 25% of people are suseptable to having false memories implanted in their brains. In fact memorey researchers have succesfully implanted false memories in peoples minds ,making them "remeber" charicters that did not exist and events that never happened.
Try this experiment: Read the following list of words to a friend :sugar,honey,cake,candy,icing, as a long list of synonims of "sweet" you can thinkof. After waiting a few minutes ,read the list back to your friend asking them to identify wich of the words you said before
while reading back the list ,insert the word "sweet" .most people will say that "sweet" was one of the original words ,a false memory, because all the words being listed are associated with being sweet.
the easiest false memory to implant are at least mildley traumatic and are planted by a trusted or admirred figure(relitive,friend,or authoritive figure.since true memories are richer in detail than false memories ,mind slayer hypnotists must add vivid imagreyand sensory details to their suggestions espeacially to fit the victoms type (watcher,listener,toucher).
Cults can mmanipulate memorey to convince recruits they've experienced visions or they herd the voice of god.Somtimes cults dig up "memories" of a recruits "past lives" (wher coincidentally,they belonged to the same cult).Other times cults help recruits unlock "repressed memories" of spousal and or parental abuse (a tactic used to further alienate them from former friends and familiy.
cults go out of their way to repress pleasant memories recruits may cling to of their lives before the cult .cults also suppress real memories of cult contradictions and abuse.
some cults use a combanation of hypnotysim and drugs (narcohypnotisim) ,wich together are very effective for creating amneisia.

the major difference between millitay and cult indoctranation is that the bootcamp agenda is overt and abrupt ,while cults are covert and subtle.
Changing a persons thinking works best when a person is unaware he is being manipulated .Thus cults cults keep recruits unaware of the cults hidden egenda until the recruit is fully ensnared.objects in motion tend to stay in motion ,once in a cult people tend to stay in.
cult memmbers programmed to to beleive that their leader and the cults teachings are infallable ,tend to blame therselves when somthing seems contradictory. They tell themselve that the contradictions must be a result of their misinterptratation of infallable
holly scripture.In for a penny in for a pound.cult members always find ways to rationalize away any contradictions in the cults message or in the leaders behavior.
This type of cult rationalization is the same kind shown by hypnotized subjects,such as the man who is given hypnotic suggestion to forget the number seven and must rationalize where he aquired the "extra" finger.Rather than openley question and leave when doubts arise ensnared cult members redouble their efforts to be good followers,even to the point of dying with their leader rather than surviving the and having to face the criticizim oif the outside world.Do the names Jonestown,guyana or heavens gate ring a bell?

if you think your in a cult your probabley are!
for some ,facing real world problems and making adult decisions everyday is too daunting .Its easy to give in and allow someone else do the worrying for a while.mind slayers know this and are all to eager to take our live off our hands offering a nice safe haven from the world - inside their cult.

By 1950 Hideyoshi Toyotonmi had succeeded where no other leader before him had ,uniting the island of japan .Hideyoshi's rise to power -from theif ,to spy for hire,to able general,and finally to dictator of japan -was due to his ninja trained insight into the human mind.
Hideyoshi's reign was so succesful cause he was a accomplished ninja mind slayer who masterfully used phycological plots and ploys to confuse potential enemeies ,and used propaganda to cower and control the masses.
hideoshi was not the first -and unfortunatley wont be the last -ruthless goverment leader to use mind manipulation to control citizens.
throughout history ,from the building of the tower of bable down to the babbling of present day politicians,goverment agencies and police have used mind slayer physcology ,propaganda and brain washing to control the very people they were intended to serve.

Guest 150314

That's an interesting take, but it is as off base with reality as some of the other fantastic takes that have been aired.

See, it is no ponzi scheme at all. And there is nothing that the head honcho of a lodge, any lodge, has or attains that the newest Master Mason doesn't also have or attain. Both the newest member and the oldest leader are equally provided with illumination.
The goal is to use the illumination to better ones self, to provide the best they can for their family, to provide relief to those who are met with misfortune and loss, all while maintaining a personal reverence for God...in whatever form you believe that supreme being to be.

And trust me...any Mason will come to the aid of another Mason if he is asked, without hesitation. And if any of you conspiracy theorists want to make something, make something out of that. The other stuff you dream up is simply entertainment for the enlightened.
True they are supposed to help each other out if someone needs it, but this is not always the case. I have heard from two people I trust who left the masons because they fell on hard times and were given no support.

Baba Ku

Active member
First off, the "I heard this from they, them, and those" are not the best things to use, or tout, as good references. This thread is full of them, all about as much worth as the next.
There is almost always someone making up bullshit along the way.

Secondly, how does one support another that has hit had times?
Exactly what was it you think, or they claim, they didn't receive that would make them claim to have "left the masons" as you put it?

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
First off, the "I heard this from they, them, and those" are not the best things to use, or tout, as good references. This thread is full of them, all about as much worth as the next.
There is almost always someone making up bullshit along the way.

Secondly, how does one support another that has hit had times?
Exactly what was it you think, or they claim, they didn't receive that would make them claim to have "left the masons" as you put it?
Anybody leaving a MYSTICAL order has lost touch with their cosmic being. And to some degree may have hit on something reserved for a future life time.
Anyways membership has its privilidges.


Active member
-a tree doesnt need to do anything to become a tree- .

Give up learning ,and put a end to your troubles.

Is there a difference between yes and no?
Is there a difference between good and evil?
Must i fear what others fear? what nonsense!

Other people are contented,enjoying the sacraficial feast of the ox.
In spring some go to the park,and climb the terrace,but i alone am drifting,not knowing where i am.
like a new born babe before it learns to smile,
I am alone without a place to go.

Others have more than they need,but i alone have nothing.
I am a fool.Oh yes ! i am confused.
Others are clear and bright,
But i alone am dim and weak.
Others are sharp and clever,
But i alone amdull and stupid.
Oh i drift like the waves of the sea,
without direction,like the restless wind.

Everyone else is busy,
But i alone am aimless and depressed.
iam different.
iam nourished by the great mother.

-tao te ching lao tsu

Guest 150314

First off, the "I heard this from they, them, and those" are not the best things to use, or tout, as good references. This thread is full of them, all about as much worth as the next.
There is almost always someone making up bullshit along the way.

Secondly, how does one support another that has hit had times?
Exactly what was it you think, or they claim, they didn't receive that would make them claim to have "left the masons" as you put it?
It was a professor of mine I hold in pretty high regards, he was having business problems and started losing things left and right. He didn't get into specifics but he expected someone to reach out and offer some money or work to keep things afloat for him. He was pretty clear that they were more of a brotherhood and not a scary group of people trying to do wrong. I don't think it's right to expect something in this situation, but I don't know the specifics and from what I gathered from him the whole organization is based on helping out other members.

Baba Ku

Active member
Actually, the organization is based on helping the membership find the tools they need to help others, and it is usually that act that tends to lead us to our own personal help.

Each and every accomplished member is provided with treasures that are unimaginable, yet each and every one was at one time completely divested of anything of physical or intrinsic worth. Only when a man has nothing of physical, earthly value, can he truly find worth in the spiritual.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Only when a man has nothing of physical, earthly value, can he truly find worth in the spiritual.

destroy and rebuild.


peace and good health all

p.s: no mason here btw... you can figure out the 'coding' of the words masons use, afterall, they be copycats.

Baba Ku

Active member
destroy and rebuild.


No, not really. Perhaps you could explain what you mean, rather than being so cryptic?

With your simple statement, I have no idea what you really mean. I can only assume from the tone things have taken here. You would need to explain yourself for me to really grasp the true meaning of what you were trying to say.
Like the "codes" you claim to be able to decipher...what exactly could you do with those words after you had done so? Would they have meaning, or just be words? Would you actually understand their meaning, or would they have to be explained to you?


Andinismo Hierbatero
if you get it, you get it, like you yourself said; what use would be explanations, which are also words, without the experience to connect meaning to them? so destroy and rebuild should mean as much as an explanation of what it means for either case, whether it be the case of one who does not know, for he has no ability to connect even the explanation to his experience, and then the case of that one who knows, in which case the explanation would be a redundancy.


3rd-Eye Jedi
One of my favorite re quotes is from Annie Hall, in the beginning when Woody Allen states Groucho Marx as saying "I would never join a club that would have me as a member"

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