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My father wants me to become a Mason


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor

..having a bunch of dudes in hats showing up to your funeral sounds SWEET...

Capital G

Well if your pops is cool with it then you should be too that's really all there is to it

best advice i could here. it just makes sense

well i told my son "youre a jew"

hes like "fuck yourself, what the hell i ever do to you?"

i see his point...

lol, i see ur point. a hilarious one at that.

If you are going to join a Mystery School do it for the right reasons. Like finding true Illumination

Remember that the contacts are a by product of Esoteric Knowledge

Also remember that there are several Philosophical Schools as Free Masonary, find the one that finds you.

Peace Profound is the goal of all Secrets

i dig that. always had a thirst for knowledge. peace and truth is what i'm about. gotta atone for the many sins i've committed. thank God for herb!

can't pass around anymore +rep all the advice and comments/jokes have been extremely helpful. i'll hit the rest of you all off tomorrow. hopefully, i won't have to slay any goats or get into any funny bizness.


so, i just got off the phone with my dad and he's like are you down with the square? he spoke of some high profile individuals i have affiliated with and asked if i knew what they knew. i have the normal non masonic person's perception and kinda think devil worshiping is involved but, he insists none of that is the case. he tells me that it's just a heightened state of awareness and the prominent people i have affiliation with are connected in the same way. we know the same people in the same ways but, he's a older version of myself. so, i'm contemplating the idea of being inducted but, i'm unsure if this is the right thing to do. i've read a lot on the society mainly internet conjecture and conspiracy theory but, having the opportunity to find out what's really going on has peeked my attention. :thinking:any masons here with some good advice?

Have you noticed if your father or his lodge brothers tends to be outspokenly racist?


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Seems like you already made up your mind, "G".

Baba Ku

Active member
I stopped reading some of the ridiculous posts in this thread. Some of you sure do buy off on any sort of conspiracy theory you read. LOL...

First off, I am a 3rd Degree Master Mason, and have been since 1985.
The poster commenting on the 4th degree and the future knowledge of a single "God" that is only revealed later in the work, is completely off. In fact, that is some of the most ignorant shit I have ever read concerning the craft.
It always happens that people with no clues seem to want to tell everyone the real deal of things.

It is not a secret society, but rather a society with secrets.
And always know that just because you want in, does not mean you will get in. You need to be worthy, and the membership will figure that out if you get a petition.

2B1 ASK1

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I stopped reading some of the ridiculous posts in this thread. Some of you sure do buy off on any sort of conspiracy theory you read. LOL...

First off, I am a 3rd Degree Master Mason, and have been since 1985.
The poster commenting on the 4th degree and the future knowledge of a single "God" that is only revealed later in the work, is completely off. In fact, that is some of the most ignorant shit I have ever read concerning the craft.
It always happens that people with no clues seem to want to tell everyone the real deal of things.

It is not a secret society, but rather a society with secrets.
And always know that just because you want in, does not mean you will get in. You need to be worthy, and the membership will figure that out if you get a petition.

2B1 ASK1

Well why don't you tell us about the secrets of the masons how they take off their wedding rings when they become masons and NO WOMEN are allowed and all that crap .. I would love to hear all that shit ?? ... So please do tell all those little secrets they holds so dear??? LOL>>>>> This should be yummy....lol..:jump:Is the secret hand shake the elephant walk LOL peace out Headband707

Yeah just to be clear I don't take a shine to any clubs be it for boyz or girlz LOL Just not my cup of tea LOL they can keep their fucking stupid clubs .. Unless of -course it's a cannabis club lol

Baba Ku

Active member
All the shit you read, such as the things you mentioned, are just that...shit.
And why would anyone want to give out secrets to someone only wanting to make a joke of them?
Stupid is relative, my friend. Some may find you to be a beacon of wisdom, but others....

headband 707

Plant whisperer
All the shit you read, such as the things you mentioned, are just that...shit.
And why would anyone want to give out secrets to someone only wanting to make a joke of them?
Stupid is relative, my friend. Some may find you to be a beacon of wisdom, but others....

Yeah bro sorry I just had too lol lol but yeah not getting the whole need to join a group and keep secrets and drop the wedding ring shit lol.. No women lol.. All that ole school shit always bugged me>> I do know a bit about the masons and they are kinda weird you must admit.... Except for those buildings those are pretty kewl The Parlimant Building in Winnipeg thats pretty weird ..
Watch the show "My Winnipeg " and you will see LOL LOL..:tiphat:

Baba Ku

Active member
Look, personal attacks are against the TOU for this site, and you violate that on a daily basis. Your subscription to here, and your ass...both need to be kicked.

headband, see you really don't know quite a bit about the Masons, and that is apparent. You are basing your opinion of the group on things that simply aren't true and are thrown around by those who just hate to not be in the loop.


Active member
Stay far from any system designed to uplift some while keeping others down. Any system that discriminates should be burn to the ground. We are all equal and everything else is garbage babylon trickery. And don't try to be like this douchenozzle... he is a living joke.

So if I want to establish a bar for men it should be burned to the ground? What about a golf club? What about a group for fathers? Just because something is exclusionary doesn't mean it is bad and even if it is they have just as much right to survive as any club you are a part of. Freedom doesn't mean being free to agree with everyone and be just like you, it means free to think whatever you want to think, jews are the devil, blacks are monkeys, christians are infidels, etc. As to staying away from systems designed to uplift some while keeping others down, I don't see a lot of the latter around except in the KKK and other radical groups and furthermore, if the group is established to uplift one another and the group as a whole I don't see a compelling reason to avoid it. For someone who throws around the monikers of liberty and freedom you don't seem to be interested in either to be quite honest. "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Ewelyn Beatrice Hall

It sure is, so is being a judgemental prick. You set the bar pretty high for us all.

Says the guy who claims to believe in the ideas of equality and freedom but whose words show that he believes in neither.

Baba Ku

Active member
"Being persuaded that a just application of the principles on which the Masonic Fraternity is founded must be promotive of private virtue and public prosperity, I shall always be happy to advance the interest of the Society and to be considered by them as a Brother."
-G. Washinton

In a nutshell...
Freemasonry is about spiritual enlightenment, brotherly love, relief and charity to those who are misfortunate.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I guess I look at it like this .. What the fuck is all the secrets?? I mean what do you have to hide? I guess maybe I do have PRECONCEIVED notions on what is going on with these guys yeah I will admit this .. I must admit I like "Full Disclosure" ppl start telling secrets and whispering that shit makes me nervous .. Then there is the whole exculsion part lol Anyone needs to exclude a group for whatever reason they have come up with . That is one thing I just can't bend to no matter how hard I try. You always have to stand strong for what you believe in bro peace out Headband707


Active member
I don't understand why they have place mats tied around their waists.
And what is that? A special Olympics medal they're wearing? Or maybe senior Olympics, those guys look pretty old.


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Clackamas Coot

Active member
I stopped reading some of the ridiculous posts in this thread. Some of you sure do buy off on any sort of conspiracy theory you read. LOL...

First off, I am a 3rd Degree Master Mason, and have been since 1985.
The poster commenting on the 4th degree and the future knowledge of a single "God" that is only revealed later in the work, is completely off. In fact, that is some of the most ignorant shit I have ever read concerning the craft.
It always happens that people with no clues seem to want to tell everyone the real deal of things.

It is not a secret society, but rather a society with secrets.
And always know that just because you want in, does not mean you will get in. You need to be worthy, and the membership will figure that out if you get a petition.

2B1 ASK1
Baba Ku

Both my father and my father-in-law were Shriners. I tend to look at people and the groups that they belong to by their actions. From my perspective the Shriners and other Masonic groups are active in their communities and the Shriners' Children Hospitals do a great good around the world. 22 total and one here in Portland, Oregon which treats children suffering from major diseases and conditions.

Besides all of that, conspiracy theories in general bore the piss out of me. Particularly after reading 'The Gemstone Files' because that's the 'grand dame' of conspiracies - the rest of them fall short of this level of gibberish.

I wouldn't necessarily be interested in becoming a Mason but havingt said that I've never had any reason to view their association in any negative light. You pretty much get what you look for in life. That's been my experience anyway.

lol you masons lie your asses off. why all the secrecy?.nothing you said can be trusted.:tiphat: explain albert pike.who is he? why is he worshiped and has statues and huge paintings all over your lodges. oh wait those are all lies, a smear campaign. ill just believe you guys because its not like you would lie to keep a secret. and as if the thread starter wasnt already a mason, with his masonic avatar.