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My Current Grow - Harvest Photos

- ezra -

this threat is off the charts, I cant believe I just found it. I had previously admired your FLO pictures, but this thread has really been a visual feast.

I love the way all your plants look perfectly flushed and ready, top stuff.


loooove it!

better than x mas!
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Elevator Man

Active member
- ezra - good to see you around again - thought you might have moved on lately, but clearly not. Thanks for the kind words - much appreciated. It's not difficult to be inspired with strains like these though eh? Wait till the Cocoas and Vanillunas start flowering - not long now...:)

Benny - yeah, I've got clones of all three for safety - for now anyway. Space is so tight that I doubt I'll be able to keep all three, but obviously I need to smoke some first. If it were purely on physical traits alone, I'd probably dump pheno #1, as it's very spherical and hard to train. Also the other two have much more of the electric berry aroma I love so much. But we'll see - it may turn out to be the best smoke-wise, so no hasty judgements at this end!

esbe - well coming from you, that is a compliment, as you've done more purples justice than I care to think about. But I'm catching up - slowly...:)

- ezra -

Elevator Man said:
- ezra - good to see you around again - thought you might have moved on lately, but clearly not.

I am still here mate, been posting less but always around. :wink:

Elevator Man

Active member
21. Grape Krush F2 - pheno#2 - 59 days.

21. Grape Krush F2 - pheno#2 - 59 days.

This is 'the one'...

Physically at least, this pheno is outstanding - I really wish I could have let it go another week, but there's just no room. Still, the extra three days did get it swelled up some more. Again, the buds are rock-hard - the hardest of the three, and much more developed down the stem - this is down to the unsually small leaves - really dinky for such a vigorous plant, and rather than cut the yield, actually seems to have improved it, as the light penetrated way further down the canopy.

The buds, as can be seen are predominately cartridge-shaped - like a 2" calibre shell! The resin coverage is very high, but not sticky - it's like a really extreme Flo pheno. But the real wow factor with this is the aroma - really strong sour grape - like sour grape bubblegum, with a strong liquorice/spice background - again, very reminiscent of my special 'MoFlo' pheno I grew a while ago.

This also looks to be the heaviest yielder of the three now I can see it properly - if it smokes as good as it looks, smells and feels, I think this one will probably be the keeper...:chin:

Total Yield (manicured buds): 47 grams (1.6 ounces)

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looks awesome EM...wish i could smell and feel her..lol...i have f13, cocoa, and vanilluna that i will be starting soon...i hope i get a pheno that looks that good...again beautiful bro, keep up the good work and be safe

3rd I
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Elevator Man

Active member
Thanks - I'm sure you will. There seems to be plenty of variety in the Cocoas in terms of structure, but I think the smoke will be top-notch. I just put those into flower tonight, so we'll see how it goes.

As for this one - she's amazing, isn't she? I wish you could smell her, but sour grape is as close as it gets - I can't believe it is that close, to be honest...:)

Elevator Man

Active member
22. Flo #4 (green pheno) - 59 days.

22. Flo #4 (green pheno) - 59 days.

This pheno has been pictured many times before (for obvious reasons!), so this is probably the last photoshoot I'll do of it, but I just had to this time as it's turned such a beautiful red color. This pheno strongly reminds me of Blue Satellite, F13 and the Blueberry Sativa, from pics I've seen, and it's the sweetest and most fruity of my Flo phenos.

Freshly harvested, it's almost a fruit sherbet smell - tangy and sweet at the same time. Cured, it's a beautiful apple/apricot jam, and smokes as tasty too - a tiny bit more narcotic than the purple phenos, but not much. It's a much higher yielder too - not too huge in my cabinet, but the bud/leaf ratio is always great, and takes minutes to trim, literally, though there's rarely any resin on the budleaves - she's very 'dry' to the touch all round, rather than sticky.

I pollenated a few lower buds with various Flo pollens - it's hard to see any seeds showing, but I'm hoping there's some buried in the buds, as this pheno must be preserved at all costs...!

Total Yield (manicured buds): 38 grams (1.4 ounces)

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Elevator Man

Active member
Thanks. I'll do a smoke-report if I have time - may not be the 'whole format' approach - a bit too busy for all that! Also this green Flo is a little over-reproted already, but I'll certainly do my best with the Grape Krush!


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Tears...tears....tears....."the last photoshoot"....cry....whine....snivel......pout.....one of the best I've ever seen....thanks EMan.....DD

Elevator Man

Active member
Well thanks for that doobie - I've posted a whole bunch of pics of this one over the last couple of years, so I don't want to overdo it, but it's difficult - a really photgenic pheno eh? Good job it smokes as good as it looks! :)


your style and buds are just outstanding bro, good luck on the seed production


Saving the Planet, One Seed At A Time
Hey EM-great thread and fantastic shots! You have found the "Grape" in those F2(actually an inline F5) Grape Krush's! Just like her mom-Grape Soda smell. I know that DJ is somewhere smiling.

Elevator Man

Active member
Wow - thanks folks. It's comments like those that keep me attending to that detail! Hope I can keep them coming. And thanks to DJ for ultimately working these out - some truly unique aromas in here. I was always sceptical of descriptions of 'grape' flavours (I'm the ultimate 'doubting Thomas') , but I am totally won over by this one.

My 'blackcurrant' Flo last year was on a similar level to this, and I'm really excited about unlocking some more of these wild flavours - and highs!

those are some amazing colors! I wish I could smell the smells, and the taste the flavor that must be hidden inside those tiny flavor crystals :O lol

Elevator Man

Active member
Like a blackcurrant and liquorice boiled candy - they're quite common in the UK but I don't know about anywhere else. It's an amazing - I lost all my clones of that beauty, but I still have a few seeds left that I made from it, and am well on the way to recreating it permanently...:)

Elevator Man

Active member
23. Cheese X Yumboldt ('Chumboldt') - 55 days.

23. Cheese X Yumboldt ('Chumboldt') - 55 days.

This is the second run of this cross, and probably my last. Not that there's anything wrong with it all - in many ways it's a fantastic indoor plant, it's just that I've grown a lot of this kind of weed over the years, and I'm happier with more 'experimental' crops now. Still, for a commercial grower, this is wonderful strain - super-hard buds, very smelly when rubbed, eight-week flower time (max) and extremely good bud development on any size plant - this one is only 15 inches tall, and every branch carried good buds. I saw a few three-foot plants the other day from clones I passed out, and they looked amazing.

My only grumble is that in a tight space it can be a little awkward, as the shade leaves point skywards (the whole plant always resembles an explosion), which tend to catch on and/or shade smaller plants - it was the only plant I ever got 'annoyed' with. Still, it should produce some nice smoke again, and with a few days longer this time, it should be a little more heady too.
