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My Current Grow - 10 Varieties



I like the cabinet. I have one but I just keep mommas and clones in it and use my closet for all my real growing. I only use like one cfl on each shelf, and I usually only have one shelf going. I'm going to have to step it up though to perpetuate things. Can you show the ventilation a little better? How are you ducting the top one through the scrubber?

Elevator Man

Active member
I'm not running the top chamber through the scrubber, as I'm not expecting it to smell that much. The top chamber will mix with the ozone generator on the shelf above it, and that will exhaust into the roof space to mix with the scrubbed exhaust from the flower chamber. I'll render out a close-up of the top chamber when I get a minute.

I'm also planning to avoid smelly strains from now on - most of the batch I plan to run through should be fairly low-odour - they have to be! :)


Well, either way, it looks like a helluva setup! I'm assuming this is going to shorten a hallway or something, eh? You said the two side walls were going to be structural house walls right? I'm just guessing, but it sounds a sweet built in for the end of a hallway? Great job on the plan though.....keep up the good work over here bro! :wave:

Elevator Man

Active member
Yeah, it's an old building that's been partitioned off with plasterboard into two bedrooms - this corridor is basically a spare 'leg' that I guess they couldn't fit in - and it is the only storage space in the place. So the corridor (and hence the two side walls) are actually just over 2m in total, so I still have room to stash other items in front - would be tough for the visualisation though!

I bought all the wood for the frame today, so it's slowly coming together. And 4 out of 8 Grape Krush seeds are up...:)

Elevator Man

Active member
This is the final design for the cabinet - now completely to scale, and matching the precut wood sizes I've bought - I can pretty much use the orthagonal projections of this as the construction plan - not that it's very difficult! I've extended the walls now to be more realistic - as can be seen, there's only front access, so it has to be subtly ventilated, if I'm to get away with this...:)

Two of the Grape Krush seedlings were a little runty and have been culled, but six remain and are looking nice- will repot them next week. Also my sole remaining green Flo is growing nicely, and I'll be able to take some clones from her in a week or two:


Elevator Man

Active member
Things are looking better at my first, smaller, clone-only outdoor grow. The deer have kept away (so far), and the weekly nutrient addition is really helping now. The plants are still much smaller than I'd hoped for, but they're growing new leaves fast now, and the weather the last week has been tree-mendous - non-stop sunshine! So hopefully I'll get some stretch on all these soon, and if I can keep piling on the nutes, maybe get some decent bud from each.

The NL X BB looks the happiest, and is growing nicely, but sadly the only pic I took was too blurry to post, so I'll wait a while for an update there, but it's looking good. The Mystery Strain plant is still struggling to grow, but now healthy at least - too little light mainly, and I suspect poor root development.

And now the Flos. The first one is purple#2 - the indica-dom plant that has been abused more than just about any plant I've ever grown. It's actually managed to find a foothold now, and is just beginning to flower - I doubt I'll get more than half an ounce from all these, but it's still something!


Purple#3, the original, Purple-Thai dominant plant is also doing better - more pole-like and less bushy, but still a lot happier than she was!


I plan to return in a few days and grab some clones from these two, to make some seeds, as they're still uncrossed. I could try and pollinate a bud on each 'in the field', but I'm worried I could seed the whole plant - I can control the process much better at home.

Oh, and six Grape Krush F2 seedlings are re-potted and under fluoro lights - will update with those as soon as they're big enough to be worth it...:)



This is an awesome pic. I love the look of the purple just starting to emerge. Beautiful! :yes:

Elevator Man

Active member
Thanks mate - I wish I could have got the lower leaves in focus as well, but I was balanced pretty precariously on a steep slope at dusk being attacked by flies, so I didn't want to push it! But it is gorgeous isn't it? I'm off to pick up some clones of these two purple phenos tomorrow so I can keep them going a while longer, and try and make some seeds!

Elevator Man

Active member
Sunshine at last...

Sunshine at last...

It's been a while since I last posted, but I finally got up to grow #1 (clone-based) the other day, and as it was totally cloudless, I was able to check on their light requirements - and they're getting enough for now! The bracken is beginning to die back a little, and the plants are much happier, despite their relatively short stature. I'm resigned to small yields from all these, but it's a useful test for next year, and has been a godsend for storing plants I would otherwise have lost!

So first, a big fat spliff before diving in...:)

The Northern Lights X Big Bud is happiest of all - looking very healthy and vigorous now, with lots of new growth. Strangely this is not flowering yet, despite it always being the first to go under lights - it would happily flower on 15/9. They're getting less than that now, but still no pistils - weird:

The Mystery Strain plant is the same, but smaller...:)

The two purple Flos are now entering the final stretch - pheno #2, which is slightly more indica-dominant is flowering now:

Pheno #3, the Purple Thai pheno is much taller and slimmer than #2, and looks like it should be in a vase! But it's slowly turning, and I expect to see pistils forming on this on my next visit:

As for indoors, I have a propagator full of clones from these two Flos, a Goldfinger pheno I haven't yet grown, and a few of the 'Chumboldt' (Cheese X Yumboldt) for preservation, as this one was really special. A friend is growing the only other specimen in his garden, thank god, which enabled me to get these back!

I also have the six Grape Krush F2s growing fast, and they should go in the cabinet this week as soon as it's built - they're outgrowing the space they're in already. Keeping busy, definitely...:)

Elevator Man

Active member
I forgot to mention earlier that I hope to visit the second grow (at the disused mine) in the next two days to add some nutrients again, as they were looking pretty starved and stunted last time - ironically what I thought were better conditions have proved (so far) to be not the case.

These are all seed plants of my experimental hybrids - G13, Mystery Strain and Skunk#1, all crossed with Flo males. They're all very columnar and have hardly branched at all - I'll make sure I take some pics and post them as soon as I can.


I'm glad to hear you're able to somehow still keep all those strains going with hardly anywhere to put them! :yes:

Elevator Man

Active member


Stoned2Death - I feel like a plate-spinner, not a grower!

And here's what happens when you're late getting the grow-cabinet together...:)

These are the five remaining Grape Krush F2 seedlings. I chopped one today due to extreme lankiness - if it wasn't a male, it wasn't a female I could use either. The remaining five are very uniform - the one on the right was a day later showing above soil owing to getitng lost underground, and is also slightly more green - the others have purple-tinged stems and petioles.

The leaves are very dark and broad at this stage - I didn't make the selection on these, so don't yet know what to expect, but it looks to be done well (you know who you are - nice one!) - very little of the leaf twist/crinkle either, so could be a good one. Already pinched out the tips.

I hope to get the basic structure of the cabinet done on Thursday - at least the veg half, so these can get moving properly.
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Elevator Man

Active member
Here's another one of the Grape Krush F2s - now on the windowsill, as they're too tall to fit under the seedling lights. They're growing really fast now - another one may be stretching to dangerous heights, but I'm being tolerant for now...:)

And here's my sole remaining green Flo pheno, revegging like crazy - thankfully. I'm very attached to this particular pheno, and seeds and clones are the order of the day now - won't flower this baby out until I know she's reproduced...:)


Elevator Man

Active member
First stage complete...

First stage complete...

Well, with the considerable help of a friend, stage one of the grow cabinet is complete - enough at least to keep my Grape Krush plants lit and stop them stretching, as they're really taking off now. I may have to repot them and use some LST asap, as they could get really tall at this rate.

Anyway, I'm pleased with the progress, though it took way too long! Next stage is the bottom shelves and lid for the flower cabinet to keep the lighting independent - and cutting a hole in said lid for the ducting up to the top. BTW, the final design will be the mirror-image of the 3D model, as the ducting needs to run up the right, rather than left, but other than that, it's to plan...which is nice...:)


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Hey friend your a talented carpenter as well? You didn't loose me I'm watching...I sent some bucks off for the Sweet Blue Joint for my first fall grow...I'll keep you updated. Dr. Duck.

Elevator Man

Active member
Hey doobie - good to hear from you again.

Nah, it wasn't me that's the carpenter - my buddy did most of it. I'm better at the 3D modelling than the actual manufacturing! I rolled him spliffs, made tea and shouted encouragement...:)

Actually I did do some too, but it's pretty simple so far - at least the plants are under fluoro light again now. Got to get the flower chamber fixed up next.

Elevator Man

Active member
A new member...

A new member...

I went out to the outdoor grow #2 today, and will update the thread with some pics shortly.

For now though, there's a new addition to the family - a lonely stray that wandered in through the door...ahem...


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