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My clones are a little sick.....just a little.....


New member
Soil: 50% Organic Garden Soil / 50% Coco Coir - with a small bag of vermiculite throw in.

Lights: 1 x 20w 6400k CFL and 1 x 11w Red/White PL-L (for the hell of it)

Not sure. The problem seems to be confined to the lower leaves at present but I had this problem before with completely different soil (which up until now I thought was the culprit). It seems to only affect one or 2 leaves at a time. PH is about 6.7 and they are fed once a week with Fish Emulsion, Seaweed and a little molasses in there. Also they had an initial treatment with an organic Cal-Mag goop I found at the nursery (called Organix 4Vital)




New member
:joint:I tried clicking the pics but no good?

A) Needs N from N-P-K
B) Ph problem
C) to wet

A - I have given them plenty of N with the Fish Emulsion - I gave them the full dosage recommended on the bottle (1 capful per 3 litres);

B - I can't be too sure what the PH is as all I have to test with is a shitty plastic soil PH probe but it reads at 6.7 - 6.8;

C - Definately not too wet as they only get about 500 mL's once per week. The soil does not appear to be over-moist.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Are you sure you have a problem?, to me this looks like the natural death of leaves from when the cutting was taken, these leaves go through a lot and rarely stay on the plant once it's established.:2cents:


Life is one big grow........
just let them grow.....may give some rootStimo...and a lil. dose of veg...but not more


New member
Are you sure you have a problem?, to me this looks like the natural death of leaves from when the cutting was taken, these leaves go through a lot and rarely stay on the plant once it's established.:2cents:

You could be right, its just that the last batch that this happened to yeilded poorly and was slow growing. They were in different soil though and the problem may be unrelated.

The reason I think it may be an issue is the fact that the leaves are yellowing from the tips inward and developing brown and necrotic spots a day or two later which makes me think it's an inbalance rather than a natural occurence.

just let them grow.....may give some rootStimo...and a lil. dose of veg...but not more

I have been trying to make this grow as organic as possible so all i'm using is fish emulsion and seaweed at the moment - perhaps I should just give up and whack some Miracle Grow in there as maybe the fish emulsion isn't breaking down properly into the right sort of Nitrogen.....

....or I could just be talking out my ass.....

Hmmmmm. :fsu:


Life is one big grow........
okay the fish rais up the ph a lot!!!! but i don't think its da Ph

and the slow growing can also comes from the strain...or the reveg i saw!!!

trust HazyLady guess she is right!!!

let em grow a while they look small and remember organic feedings need some time to activate full.....and may u can dark up the bottels! light is not the roots best friend


New member
Hehe the clones are actually small buds I cut off the last plant (which is now also in reveg) that weren't recieving light. I gave them a second chance so to speak so I guess them being a little slow and yellow is the least that could have gone wrong.

I'll leave them go another 2 weeks and see what happens. It could just be that the soil needs more time to break down the fish and seaweed, I guess I could just be getting ahead of myself.

As I understand it, the only reason to cover the roots is to stop light getting in and algy growing. I was going to cover them eventully but I wasn't in any hurry as no agy appears to be growing yet. I'll tape them up anyhow.


Life is one big grow........
yeehh bro cover it up....and soon it will look like that