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600 watter wanting a lb. a 1/2?


I'm growing from seed for starters the strain is unknown it was some bagseeds I collected. I'm using a 600 watt hps and growing in a 18 gallon rubbermaid tub. Im looking for clones now but, My seedlings are about a few days old just on pure water. I will be using GH nutes until I get some other stuff. But i'm trying to get a lb and a half this first run and go into a perpetual setup. This is the plan so any ideas?


that isn't going to happen!
you want clones, all of the same strain of a mega producer. And you need some time to learn. If you pulled over a pound in under 60 days your first time that would be very impressive.


I have 12 seedlings started right now. I see everybody saying I can't with a 600 but I thought you were supposed to get a gram a watt? This isn't possible?


If you got a whole gram/watt/harvest you get 1 lb. 5 oz. Doing any better than that is bragging rights amoung experts.


full time daddy
i'mbacc said:
I thought you were supposed to get a gram a watt? This isn't possible?

only time i did gram per watt ( and over ) is in the colisum.

with any flat garden .75gpw is about as close as i have come unless a very long veg is put into play but that all so makes lower q bud's (airy)


lol i want to win the lottery tonight too lol....shoot for a pound dial in space and grower ability then shoot for what is realistic of your ability and space...i pull over a gram per watt but have been practicing for some time lol


00420 said:
only time i did gram per watt ( and over ) is in the colisum.

with any flat garden .75gpw is about as close as i have come
Good to know. Best I ever did under a 600 was .75 w per gram in a flat garden. Only thing I could see in the situation I was dealing with was more consistency regarding yield. I was only running 45 watts/sq ft. Possibly could have done a bit better with more height as I was dealing with 6' ceilings...but not much more.


Buteo Jamaicensis
i pulled 448gr my first grow off my 600 with 7 girls. true, they started outside and were moved in and flowered at 3 because of issues. all were in 2 gal or larger buckets, fed GH 3-part. what i got was sheer dumb luck, it takes a combo of the right nutes, strain, medium, etc to bang it out consistently. test grow with the bagseed, see how it reacts, then pick up a decent yeilder and go from there. good luck.


It's not only the light/watts, it's also the strain you grow. You said you are staring off with unknown bagseed.........my bet is a 3-4 oz's max. I'm not busting on you, just trying to give you a real perspective. These guys above me are experienced, they have chopped a few harvests and they got stuck on the 1.5 lbs from a 600 watt light, they missed the unknown bag seed part and apparntly the other major part about growing in an 18 gallon tub........ :bashhead:

Really man, before you bank on anything or get your expectations way to high, make sure you know what you're asking. If you're a first timer with a light and a tub, you'll be lucky to keep them alive all of the way through flower, forget concerning yourself with yeild for the first 2 rounds, you are growing just get experience and learn, after that, some get better, some quit.

To compare, here's my set up, I HOPE I can pull a pound between both sides and I'm growing Serious Seeds AK-47.....that's more realistic, and that's just the flowering room, then there's a 400 watt CMH veg cab and a 20-105 watt clone cab in another room.
(2) 2x3 tubs, (2) 27 gallon res', 1000 watts HPS and a few harvest under my belt.

Sorry Dude, Noob + HPS light + rubbermaid tub + unknown bagseed is never going to = much more then a couple of ounces. Just the truth of the matter. You have to deal with problems before you can expect to hit those numbers. PH drifiting, Neut Burn, Not enough D/O, you messed up the timer switch and lights stayed on, tub cracked and leaked, Heat burn, light burn, streech, the list goes on.
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Murphy said:
It's not only the light/watts, it's also the strain you grow. You said you are staring off with unknown bagseed
Even with known genetics from seed to expect max yields is dreaming.


Whatever said:
Even with known genetics from seed to expect max yields is dreaming.
Even for a pro it's hopefull. In the end, experience is everything. No seeds are any good if you can't finish them. Rubbermaid Hydro Noob never get what they think they will. They think just because it's hydro, they will get bigger buds....thay don't realize it also comes with a balancing act to keep Noobs entertained daily.
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try a sog. squeeze 49 5.25" pots (7x7) under the 600 watter. most likely you will not get 1.5lbs if this is your first try and you're still looking for clones. good luck.

Dr. Buzz

I've grown in 18 gal rubbermaids for a while and there are a few things to consider imo.

1. Like the poster above said, you will have ph drift in such small rez's. It isn't too bad once things get stable, but with only about 10-12 gals of water you don't have much extra to buffer. Which leads to #2.........

2. Heat is an issue. Because of the low water level the temps tend to effect O2 levels in the rez. When ambent temps get above 74 degrees things can get in trouble FAST.

3. No more than 3 plants per tub. More plants = competition for food. Even then, the plants can't be too big.

What this means that you will be spending a lot of time tending to your plants. On the other hand that can be a good thing. Rubbermaid growing is a cheap and easy way to start and it does produce ok. Really after growing in a rubbermaid for a while you will want to move to something more substantial like an E/F table or recirculating buckets.


Wow I'm hoping to pull that much a harvest w/2k but I'll be going w/low very low yielders and also Im keeping my plant count low and growing 4' trees.

Dream Big and good luck
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wishbone420 said:

All good grows....none of them were noobs though. Post up some of the Noob threads from the infirmary asking about the slime on their roots.....or why leaves are turning colors and dying. Here were a few of mine from my first grow, every new grower goes through it, I'm just trying to make sure the guy has a real idea of what he's getting ready to get into. Dude, Read, thread after thread, then read some more forget the big commercial grows, stick to the hobby grower threads that are using DWC tubs.....commercial growers don't grow in them, that should tell you something right there. If you're going DWC, the most important thing fo you is D/O (Disolved Oxygen), get the largest air pump and air stones you can, actually get a few extra air stones, you most likely don't know it yet but, your neuts are going to clog the stone and cut back the output. Suction cups won't hold the hose or the airstone, you need to use Gorilla glue or an epoxy, just a few things to help you get started.

Under the tarp were 5 gallon buckets, 1000 watts MH



I did close to a pound with speedqueen from seed under a 600 but that was with serious training and I've grown a plant or 2 before but think the right clones would be much better . Sorry I forgot to add that the Williams wonder from seed you can get a pound from seed under a 600 . I got if I remember 15 oz's plus and that was with temps that hit 90 degrees
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Murphy said:
get the largest air pump and air stones you can, actually get a few extra air stones, you most likely don't know it yet but, your neuts are going to clog the stone and cut back the output. Suction cups won't hold the hose or the airstone, you need to use Gorilla glue or an epoxy, just a few things to help you get started.
Airstones restrict airflow and are less effective at increasing DO levels compared to open lines. Since air is being forced thru the stones that action will actually help keep them clean and free flowing. I could see running stones in a heavy organic based/organic nute enviro might cause problems. If you go stones don't get crappy Wally World or PetSmart type stones but go with sintered or ceramic type...and to drive those properly you'll need a quality pump like an Alita.

You could use some of Alita's silicon diffuser tubing which will not clog but a bit expensive, like $10 per foot delivered, and requires a strong quality pump to drive it properly.

Just go open lines and get a DO test kit from www.chemetrics.com for about $50 delivered and don't guess and make sure you have at least 9ppm DO in a tub.