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My Chemdd polinated the entire garden!

lost in a sea

i aint picking on rez here, i respect the man, and what he does. i dont think its now possible to properly breed chem or diesel away from very hermie prevelent genes. i did have alpha diesel and double diesel a wee while back and they had some really bad hermies.

i grew out mob boss by grindhouse (chemdog x tang tang) guess what? there was some hermiing. how about southern lights (nycd x sensi star) hermi's there too. but the worst hermie i had was sanctuary(diesel x yumbolt x indica xxl) by sagarmartha.

the only pattern, they all have some form of diesel in. this is not a couple of individuals here and there either, this is a systemic problem with these lines. all the other strains i had this time that had no diesel in showed absolutly no signs of hermies. i remember reading rez saying that the hermies rarely causes seeds to be produced, like it in general throws retarded pollen or summit and in certain cases this is true. but it only takes one hermie throwing proper pollen to fuck everything up.

if you grow seeds pollinated by hermies then the offspring will carry a very high incidence of hermie genes.

i feel very sorry for you, because i have been very lucky to avoid any large scale pollination myself by diesel hermies.


ICMag Donor
i agree "lost at sea"......if we want to grow the Chems or Diesels, we have to be ready to deal with some form of intersexed expreshion...,,,,,,,thats why rez has made "less sensitivity" one of his goals....but as you said, anything from that line is hard work....

the real question is,,,,are them lines worth dealing with the intersexed expreshion that is embedded in them clones allready

bannanas aint allways fertile too,,,some clones do throw out infertile bannanas,,,i gota admit tho, i dont like seeing them,,,but what can ya do?
....I had it back then,and it's the SAME. not to downplay anybodys dank but it's CHEMdawg...not rezdog...
I'm sure this is up here somewhere but....once again....

This is for rezdog the sour diesel is in fact a total mistake the
chemdog which was started in co from a very old farmer got seeds to a
person in ma not cali which was started then in 91. It was the best
bud i have ever smoked smelled or tasted. By 1993 it was the sickest
shit around. Then the kids met these guys from ny at a phish show and
they were begging the kids for a cutting which at that point was
scarce.The kids were very tight and knew they had something special.
We then became good friends and the kids traded the chem dog for a
super skunk which is better then any skunk i have seen.We made
promises to not give the shit away it was the bomb. Now this is were
we get a little pissed off but are over it by now the nyc guys didnt
like the name chem dog so they had a idea to chang the name to DIESEL.
So the orig Chem dog is Diesel so what happend next explains the
Sour The kids in ma had the best shit around everybody wanted the
Chem dog people were coming up from albany to get the Diesel in bud
form and they found some seeds in one batch. The super skunk that the
kids were growing hermd and hit the chem dog aka diesel and the albany
crew started those seeds and named it sour diesel also the orig
chemdog aka diesl is og kush. Its Chem dog also the ma kids are the
only ones who have orig seeds of chem dog aka diesel still from the
early 90s everybody got cuttings the kids still have 6 seeds left.
hope you all find this info helpful i will soon give full details
about the chem dog,sour diesel,diesel,og kush.Its time to settle all
the bullshit that people seem to know peace to all

Guys your all right except the the og kush is a hermi seed from the
chem dog from back in 96 their were only two people in the day to
take the chem dog to the west coast it first hit lake tahoe. My
friends chem dog got stressed and hermi a little so he decide to try
the few seeds and the buddy who gave the chem dog seeds to us said
the old farmer said it had kush in it so my buddy to this day thinks
its a strain of the orig kush and said if the ny kids can change the
name from chem dog lets call the west coast version OG kUSH that is
the truth. If anybody ever smoked the chem dog back in the day early
90s it taste like the sour but fifty times more The chem dog is the
mom of the sour so basicly the og kush is a newer seed of the orig
chem dog. Peace to all. Wmposse if any of you have questions let me
know also i wanna talk to this rez dog guy because he claims no one
has seeds of these strains well iam the only one with true males and
females of the Chem dog,Sour diesel,Bubble chem, i have crossed a
male Chem dog Aka Diesel with all of Sensi seeds good females already
back in 96 they have been in storage since then and i know are still
viable because the me kids just started the Super dog which is the
Superskunk crossed with the chemdog and its sick enjoy the info a lot
more to come

lost in a sea

well if my Chem cut came from The Man himself,why should I question it?

rick is correct.

you only have one individual specimin and just because you havnt seen any hermies in that one cut, it doesnt prove that it is not carrying recessive hermie genes.

what you see is not what you have, whats in the cell nucleus decides what you have.

i personally think the taste of chem/diesel is worth the potencial trouble, but it is not easy for newish growers to identify what level of hermie is too far, and this can catch people out. out of 8 packs of strains with chem or diesel in i have seen signs of hermieing in all of them.

many people say it is just stress caused, this is bullshit, it is genetically caused, a really bad hermie is genetically predetermined to be that way, so is a girl that only hermies a tiny bit. if it wasnt carrying the hermie genes it wouldnt herm.

for all you people that cant accept this, why is there no incidence of hermies in certain lines like cindy99? because hermie genes have not been accidentaly chosen for and bred with in these other lines.

people just want a way out of accountability, and they just say "you must have stressed that plant too much" - bollocks


Smellmyfinger, I ain't saying that you don't have a cut of chemdog, only that there isn't a chemdog d 91 cut. Chemdog lost the 91 cut in the late 90's, Chemdog D was from seeds from the original batch that Chem started much later than 91'. They are two different cuts.


ICMag Donor
rick is correct.

you only have one individual specimin and just because you havnt seen any hermies in that one cut, it doesnt prove that it is not carrying recessive hermie genes.

what you see is not what you have, whats in the cell nucleus decides what you have.

i personally think the taste of chem/diesel is worth the potencial trouble, but it is not easy for newish growers to identify what level of hermie is too far, and this can catch people out. out of 8 packs of strains with chem or diesel in i have seen signs of hermieing in all of them.

many people say it is just stress caused, this is bullshit, it is genetically caused, a really bad hermie is genetically predetermined to be that way, so is a girl that only hermies a tiny bit. if it wasnt carrying the hermie genes it wouldnt herm.

for all you people that cant accept this, why is there no incidence of hermies in certain lines like cindy99? because hermie genes have not been accidentaly chosen for and bred with in these other lines.

people just want a way out of accountability, and they just say "you must have stressed that plant too much" - bollocks

thanks for the backup man

but when it comes to stress testing......how are we supposed to find out if the intersexed trait is expressing too heavily......

i think stress testing is needed, if you want to run any line with intersexed parents

lost in a sea

thanks for the backup man

but when it comes to stress testing......how are we supposed to find out if the intersexed trait is expressing too heavily......

i think stress testing is needed, if you want to run any line with intersexed parents

is that a question chief?

does help with one of these- ? at the end
(not to be a buzz killington!!)

well if your breeding then surely any sign of herms is too heavy, then you dont breed from any that do.

if your stress testing a clone of summit, so you know she is free of a certain, critical, amount of a hermie gene/s, then i guess you would point a fan at the girl, raise the temps over 35 C and dont really water her enough, causing alsorts of stresses on the plants regulatory mechanisms as it struggles to maintain a proper chemical balance, simulating a draught period, which is in all likelihood the event that caused the initial development of this response, like most things with ganja, obviously this has not been proven, but its a good theory given that those stresses seem to "activate" these hermie genes.

back to the point though, if the clone hermies at all then there must be that critical amount of the hermie genes present, and i rekon you should look elsewhere than that parent imo.


ICMag Donor

yeh ,,,but in the case of Chem and Diesel,,,,,we have no choice but to use an intersexed plant as the main source of genome


Active member
I've found some strains to just being prone to nanners even in ideal conditions. Had lots of trouble with Mango. You can try next time using Dutch Master Reverse as a preventative. Same compound farmers use for seedless watermelons. It's a real pisser for sure.

HHHMMM, Cool. Thx.


Active member
ok here goes.....

some strains are so dank that we work with them anyway despite the possibility of herm......strains like love potion and blue thunder come to mind.....i ran 2 paks of blue thunder and many plants hermed.....however, the one purple phenotype did not herm.....


that purple pheno was awesome (sorry the camera is only 1 megapixel, one of the first digital cameras ever made).....very different than the other phenos in all respects.....the other plants that kept spitting out nanners were quarantined- put into another room where the pollen could not reach the other non-nanner plants.....

if you had posted a thread like "what do about spitting out nanners," i would have advised a quarantine......

i don't really see the point in "blaming" the breeder or the grower.....nanners happen.....its the plant that did it, for whatever reason....we've all had to deal with them at some point or another......consider it a learning experience as i did......yes, it sucked, and it looked really weird, and it seeded your crop.......if you kept mother plants of your og clones, then you should be ok to grow again......i tend to agree with everyone that those seeds should be avoided due to high hermie potential.....i don't mind a strain that spits out a nanner or two at the end of flowering, but a parent that spits out hella nanners you should probably set aside for now (thats just my opinoin- if you are dying to know, crack them and then tell us what happens)....

if enough growers run ChemDD and find explosive nanners, then this fact will be spread via the internet and we will tend to not buy that strain.....now it is true that REZ has developed hundreds of strains, many of which are unbelievably dank.....one of which, the sour diesel v3, was the best thing i have ever smoked. period......without REZ i would never have had access to it, and i am thankful that it found its way to me.....

in an ideal world, every strain would be tested and re-fined and the undesirable traits eliminated as much as possible......but not every breeder lives on a Swiss farm circa 1990......

one last thing i would like to mention about "plant sex".....
Scientists do not currently know the genetic mechanisms responsible for the determination of plant sex.......the best guess is that a group of as much as nine genes interact with each other to determine either maleness or femaleness......we just don't know which genes are "recessive" or "dominant" or anything like that......its a fact that certain genes can be "turned on" by certain environmental conditions which will then induce hermaphroditism......this is seen all the time, especially in drought conditions......anecdotal evidence exists that certain stresses put upon cannabis plants will induce hermies......but, of course, we won't know for sure until the FDA allows more testing of cannabis plants......

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


ICMag Donor
yes but like any genetic factor it can be bred away from, with time and hard work

true true...


as guineapig said quarantine would be the best option for the hemed plants but as your not sure which one as hermed not sure if this would help . on another note ive grew lots of plants from hermed bud you will only get two types of plants hermis and true females lets see if i can explain a little better you have two sets of parents xx (true female) and xx* (hermed plant) theres only four sets of possible offspring xx xx xx xx* so you should get around 75 % true females and 25% hermis i find that the true hermis will show early in flower any plant with even a sinlge male flower is culled with this method ive produced seedless crop from hermed bud . i uderstand the genetics of cannabis a little more complicated than this but this is the basic rule of nature

cannabis must be able to reverse the hermi trait by its self or the chances are that every plant would be hermi by now

i would say keep your seed sounds like a killer cross if its the chemdd x og kush let us know how you get on my friend !

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