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My Cat is Eating my Leafs!!

I'm not sure where to post this, but it really isn't a grow question so much ....


First about the grow, chemical hydro, 3 part GH flora & cal mag. It's a ScrOG.

I can't keep the door closed because i run my ducting out the door, so I bought a baby gate and sat it on it's side, so it is taller than it is wide. I zip-tied the latch in place so there is no danger of it slipping and acting like a guillotine if bumped. anyways the grow is fine ....

I've got 2 cats that cannot stand being blocked out. One of them figured out how to climb up and over the gate 4 days ago, the other is too fat for all that ... (same setup for almost a year, i dunno what got into him ...)

He was literally throwing himself onto the gate and then climbing over. His safety is more important to me than a few leaves being ate, so to keep him safe, and still keep the other (fat) cat locked out, I left the gate ajar a few inches, enough for climber-kitty to squeeze through the side instead of climbing over. After the first time I heard him rattle the hell out of the gate I couldn't let him risk getting his legs caught up in the gate and injured/killed. That would have to do until after Thanksgiving.

He has been running around under the screen, munching on whatever he chooses too. After a few days of work, damn near 100% of leafs that was reachable from the bottom have been reduced to a stem with a little leaf tissue, or just a slobbery stem. I have since noticed around the perimeter of the screen, there are hunks of leafs that have been bittin' off too. It appears he's been standing on his hind legs with his paws on the screen so he can reach the taller leafs. Clever little bugger, yea?

I was just able to make it to the store tonight to get another gate, and zip-tie the 2 together to make a taller barrier. I took away the room for him to squeeze through the side and there is only a 6 inch gap at the top .. I hope he gives it up, so far we're good

So now you know whats up, I need some advice from anyone that's had/has a stoner kitty;

*How many days should I keep an eye on climber-kitty if he ate in-between 100-200 leaves over 3 days time? He hasn't acted ill at all and seems normal.

*I am feeding my plants chemical food, should any animal be eating a plant that's being fed (not sprayed) with chemicals?

*Does anyone let their cat 'free roam' their grow? I never have just because of the cat-fur-bud issue, but I'd rather have this 1 crop fall short of par than have my pal injured from jumping that stupid gate. (i dunno if the new taller gate will make him give up or not..)

*and the least important question .. with the cat eating up all the bottom leafs (they weren't getting any light anyways), can that stress the plants / decrease yield / bring on disease from saliva or anything negative like that? (This last question sounds so self-centered but please KNOW I am more concerned about my cat than my garden)

Any advice welcome!



shut the fuck up Donny
HAHAHA best story ever.

Whats crazy is I remember a story years ago about someone with a similar problem. His cat was doing some crazy acrobatics to get into the room.

The cat should be fine re: health.

In terms of all the leaves gone, you should be ok, realistically there isn't really anything you can do to "help" it at this point just keep treating it as is and keep the cats out.

haha poor fat cat wants it but too fat to climb the wall of death.
Cool Headiez, I don't think he's gonna be sick from it, he'd be showing signs by now I'd imagine.

But yea, 'crazy acrobatics' definitely describes this!

Poor fatty, along with climber, get to munch on 1 or 2 of the mother plants leafs, when i trim them up every week/other week, but they are organic soil+organic food, so I'm not worried about chemicals on that. It's one thing to allow them to consume 2 or 3 every now and then, but waking up and seein' they've ate triple digits is kinda scary!

Thank you for sharing your experience!

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I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
what about putting a coupla old milk gallons full of water in front of the door? Doesnt that keep animals from going past? my neighbors do that around the perimeter of their front yard.. peace n pufs..



I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Lol I'm not a cat person..at all. But I would say make up your mind as to what you want. Keep those cats out, they'll get over it.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Close the door. Punch a hole for the duct. If you're renting, buy a spare door.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
yea but if said puuty tat keeps eating weed he will not be so smart but will be hungry.. :D


Active member
bro... grow your cat a plant for itself; leave it outside the fence and let em chomp away

with cats sometimes the path of least resistance is the best


Dab a little tobasco on a few of the leaf tips.....it only took 2 attempts to munch my plants before the dogs learned not to nibble leaves.

Baba Ku

Active member
Good pot will kill cats ya know...
If fact, I have used it on several occasions to knock down pussy.


Haha ^

My cat loves the MJ too. See avatar << I keep him away as much as i can.


Does your cat have some ordinary cat grass available? They need it to puke up hair balls. Perhaps it is eating your plants because there is nothing else?
Close the door. Punch a hole for the duct. If you're renting, buy a spare door.

That's the plan for next run, i couldn't afford a new door yet, or the 6 inch hole saw yet, pretty pricey. I do plan on buying a cheap-o door after all of this, 100% cat and plant safety that route lol.
bro... grow your cat a plant for itself; leave it outside the fence and let em chomp away

with cats sometimes the path of least resistance is the best

This is 100% do-able, but what about if the plant is being fed chemical food? Should i grow this plant in soil/organics with no chemical foods for the cat?

Idk, if anyone could say yay or nay about chemical foods and the cat consuming the leaves .. that is what i am realllly worried about.

btw, so far so good, modified baby gate has kept climber out of room.

Thank you opt1c!

Does your cat have some ordinary cat grass available? They need it to puke up hair balls. Perhaps it is eating your plants because there is nothing else?

No there are no other types of plants in the house, and they are strictly indoor cats. I dunno if they'd be interested in 'pet-patch' of grass .. the product kinda resembles a chi-pet thing. under 20 bucks too.


stickey fingers

good luck

good luck

Its harvest time for me indoors ! my only problem is keeping my animals from over medicateing, i have to keep it real i am not tossing leaves and buds on the floor, shit just happens and for me to tell stella to quit eating what im smokeing probly sounds ludicrus,
i too worry about the little ones !



The leaf material is made up of the same thing, grown in organics or not.
Your cat is alright, believe me. Worry about your plants instead. ;)
The leaf material is made up of the same thing, grown in organics or not.
Your cat is alright, believe me. Worry about your plants instead. ;)

Thanks superpedro!

Alright, we're cookin' now, that's what i was after. I'm not a pro but not new either. Look like the climber kitty can help me expand my knowledge a little bit more.

this is how I've always thought it goes down, but not for sure. please correct me if any of this is wrong.

The plants root system absorbs the food, chemical or organic, and then the plants converts those compounds into usable or storable food. The plant stores extra food in the fan leaves, but this stored food isn't stored chemicals as the plant has already metabolized the chems?

^^please tear that apart if it's in correct, maybe someone else is in the same boat as me and wondering about this as well?

and one more question .. sometimes at the top of the canopy some leaves will transpire a little bit of moisture, nothin that is gonna cause bud rot or anything like that. What is this moisture? Is it pure water, chemical water, digested chemical water?

Thank you all for helpin' me out!
