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My best friend now has terminal cancer


cannabis enthusiast
Im a person of few words but I need to share my story with you IC one of my best friends was told today theres nothing else they can do for him and it has broken my heart he is only 29. We did everything together fishing, going to Ohio State football games, golfing, double dating with girls you name it we probably have done it.

In 07 he was diagnosed with testicular cancer and one was taken away from him. Upon regular checkups with his doctor they then found cancer in his lungs and he went threw tons and tons of chemo and got rid of it once again.

In 09 he had a bad seizure and was incoherent, he again went to hospital after x-rays came back there was a blood clot on his brain and they had to do immediate surgery to save his life. Then again, they also found cancer on his brain. He then took 2 weeks of radiation to get rid of it.

The cancer has now spread to his lungs again, his back, and all over his brain. He can barely even move his arms now he's in such pain, I go see him almost everyday so he can have a few tokes and it helps him eat a little bit maybe a can of spaghetti o's. Just last week he was feeling really good and said he couldnt wait to go fishing this spring and feed the ducks.

Today his doctor says he may have 3 months to live. After work his brother relayed the message so i went to see him and have a nice talk, it made me break down. He asked me to bring some fishing poles to heaven when I go, I broke down and cried.....why has cancer taken both my grandfathers, and my dad. Now my best friend is on the brink, why oh why....

Much Love,


Original Editor of ICMagazine
I am very sorry to hear of your friends' troubles...And your pain over it is very real and evident. My own brother-in-law died from brain cancer at age 29, it was no fun for the family. All you can do at this time is keep him comfortable and spend whatever time you can with him before he goes. I know that sounds painful, but we can't abandon our friends in their time of greatest need.

So I hope you are using cannabis... if you have a history of cancer in your family you might be at risk yourself! According to the leading medical experts cannabis can shrink tumors and will prevent cancers from forming in the first place. It's a real crime for the government to suppress this knowledge as it has been doing since the 1960s and even earlier. Cannabis was the MOST prescribed medicine in America before the early 1900s.

Stay strong...we do care.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
That is terrible man, my sympathy and my heart to you

I lose everybody to cancer...

Give your friend good karma from me and you keep your chin up


I am sorry to hear that buckeye-leaf. Life can be very cruel at times, just hold on to all the good times and memories you and your best friend have shared. Many of us have been through this ourselves and I know first hand just how you are feeling inside tonight. It actually has me choking up a bit from thinking about the people I have lost. Keep your chin up and stay strong for your friend. He will need the strength in the coming months.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
thats just awful mate, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend... my best wishes to you both :(


Active member
ICMag Donor
Nothing but peace in your and your friends heart sent from this way on some funky karmic positive vibes of love that go deeper than life itself. I will share the pain with you to lessen it with support and heavy eyes. Peace and smoke.


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
So sorry to hear that, BL. I can't imagine the pain and sorrow you're going thru as I've never lost a friend like that. I do sympathize with you, though. Stay as strong as you can and spend what quality time you do have with him.
Very sorry to hear that! I have gone through similar turmoil with a close family member and have lost others since...Just please keep positive and care for your buddy! God bless.


sorry to hear about your friend but remember everyone check your balls. That age group is prime for ball cancer and like girls check their bewbs we must check our balls.

every month or so play with your nutzies and feel them for lumps it is very important as it can and will spread fast.


New member
Wow i definately seriously feel for friend. Maybe because im going thru something similar, im turning 24 this year and ive had just about the same luck as ur friend... i was diagnosed in 2008 with head and neck cancer (nasophranyxgeal carcinoma sp?) last stage. after 30straight treatments of radiation and over 10 chemo treatments it shrunk :) but after 10 months i had another cancer in my lower back, and had 5 radiation treaments for that. just 2months ago they found a tumor in my left lung and did another 5 radiation treatment for that... All i can say bro is to be there for him, call him out every dayand dont let him die alone like theres no for him.


european ganja growers
oh man FFS why O why...bro i dont know what to say to you.......................keep doing what ya doing,,go see him everyday and get blasted enjoy what youve got bro....but please please sit down with him and let him know how you feel bro. cry, tell him you will miss him, you love him ect ect ect, trust me bro you will feel a million times better for it....
this way at least you will get to tell him how you feel before he passes.. (i never got to say by to my dad & 18 years later i still wish i could of told him i loved him before he passed)..........get the crying out the way,,and enjoy what youve got left bro.......stay strong & keep ya head up ....much love&good vibes heading to you/your friend way ...............

keep it green



man thats really hard,

my father died because of cancer too,

but it's about to rember all the good times you had spend together and dont regret your'e losing someone very special, just feel happy that you had the luck meeting this verys special person in your life!


ive lost so much and so many i can't but help but feel for you

I am sure, that having friends like you will have made all the difference in the quality of his life and his remaining time

I can't offer you words to take the bite out of this, but i can offer you hope and strength during these last days and for those to follow

my heart goes out to you and his family and of course your friend himself
I'm sorry to hear about your friend, but if there is any way you can get him some vital nutrients, he may recover, you never know.
No doubt the chemotherapy has made his situation worse. It killed my father off in two weeks after he was diagnosed and then got treated, so I do feel for you. I personally believe that chemotherapy is one of the major causes to increased breakdown of the immune system, but regardless, the key now is to help him build his immune system. That is the only think out there I know of that actually helps heal people from cancer and other debilitating diseases.
I recommend at least a diet of Hemp Seed Oil for essential fatty acids. Johanna Budwig claims to have a higher than 80% cure rate for cancer using a simple Flax Seed Oil diet. The Hemp Seed Oil though is higher even still, in essential fatty acids. The essential fatty acids, Johanna claims are what allow the body to actually bring in and absorb oxygen into the cells. Without them the body cannot turn oxygen into a usable form for the cells. That is why they are "Essential". It was Johanna Budwig's research on this that led Udo Urasmus to write "Fats and Oils" and he was the inspiration for Jack Herer in his book the Emperor Wears No Clothes, top include a major section on the importance of the nutritional aspect of Hemp Seed Oils.
Next I recommend Wheatgrass Juice freshly juiced daily, if possible. This contains the equivalent of pounds and pounds of leafy green nutrients that your body needs. Living nutrients. This is vital for life force and energy. It also helps detox the body and cleans the liver and kidneys and whole body.
The last thing i recommend is Bee Pollen. If taken daily, this provides all the Minerals and Vitamins the body needs for survival. It is a whole food and can perform miracles in healing and health in general.
I have been there before with loved ones who I knew were passing on, and in some cases, they are ready and willing and want to go, and in some cases, you know just how sad it is because they have been fighting it the whole time. It's the people in the latter category I would stand up and help fight for, because God willing, you might just be their last hope.
I wish your friend the best.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
my deepest sympathys. i only wish there was something i could do or say to bring comfort or depth. i will pray for your friend and keep him in my blessings.


cannabis enthusiast
Folks I really apreciate your kind words it means a lot to me, you are the best! I woke up this morning and only thing on my mind was him so I took the day off work and asked him if he would like to go out to the lake and id push him in his wheelchair but he was just too tired. He then told me a pizza sounded really good so I went to our favorite ma and pa pizza shop and got us one, the smile on his face made me so happy to be his friend. But folks your kind words and good spirits have lifted me from the fog Im truly grateful I really needed it. Next time you see your best friends let them know you care!

Your Buckeye

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