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My 9k Adventure


stoned teacher

Sick new strains! Free electricity! What an adventure!!!!

I've followed this with interest b/c if the right opportunity presented itself I'd go on a similar kinda adventure....

So I'm not sure if i gathered this or not, but since this guy seems to freak out every now and then, are you gonna look for a new partner/site?


Active member
The adventure is almost over...

The adventure is almost over...

Hey guys, what's up?

So the partner and I have made the split. He can't handle the stress and I can't handle the stress he causes me with his stress.

I signed a lease yesterday on a super-tight spot. No partners. Landlord doesn't hold a key. Steel doors, open space...it's gonna be nice.

I haven't taken any measurements yet, but I should easily be able to fit 8-10 1k lights in there. The plan, so far, is to build a room within a room. It's a lofty plan, as it's going to be a pretty big room, but I'm sure it can be done. Experience has told me in the past that the original plan can change at any notice, any number of times. But I have a vision and I shall see it through!!

dirtdog - Yeah man, I'm looking forward to running The White. I've never had anything in my garden so damn frosty. I can't wait to see it in person.

IndianHay - Heh, thanks bro. There's way bigger grows around for sure, but I try to do what I can do :joint:.

unta - Yeah the partner thing has been quite a challenge. We hung out a couple nights ago and got really drunk. The nice thing is that we were able to make a nice clean break from each other and still remain very good friends. The man is 60 years old, and never had any brothers. Before, we got all drunk, he told me that I was the closest thing he's ever had to a brother in his whole life. Honestly, that brought a slight tear to my eye.

Yes4Prop215 - Pretty nice getting shit for free because of other people's screw ups, huh? No more worries about our meter. Another week or two and everything will be out of there.

ARTofMAKINGfire - Hey brother! Nice to finally have you chime in!! Glad to have you here. Thanks on all the kudos, my man. I love weed, what can I say. I want the weed to love me back, so I do everything that I can to make her happy. That SQ had a couple month's cure to it. It's way more flavorful in a joint, for sure. Good luck on your bubble runs, bro. Wishing you nothing but melty goo with clear domed bubbles!! I may need to hit you up for some HVAC advice during the setup of this new room. Oh yessss, The Uptown....can...not...wait.

stoned teacher - Hey F.A.M., I love when you stop by!! Yeah bro, I got gifted some really cool stuff for sure. I am so anticipating the smell of blueberry muffins from the Dabney. And boy oh boy it would be nice to have a deep headstash of Uptown Haze. If you do decide to go bigger, I'd advise you to go at it by yourself if possible. I think everyone who's ever had a partner would agree with me. So yeah, no partner, new site, VERY happy FIP.

Yesterday I chopped down another 20 plants. Here's a few shots. (Rez's) William's Wonder #10 pheno:


And I got lucky with a couple close-ups:


As always everyone, thanks for stopping by and leaving me your lovely comments. It keeps me coming back. This adventure is nearing it's end, but stay on the lookout for an even better one. Updates on the remaining plants to be chopped coming soon.
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Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Good deal Freedom seems like youve got shit all ready and set to go. Goodluck with the new spot and Ill be waiting to see how it looks once you get shit set up and move in. Peace for now homie :joint:


i read this whole thread last night, then caught myself thinking about it this morning when I was OFF the internet, so I realized I am pretty impressed. even more so, it seems with the screw up's in the beginning (100 degree heat) most people would walk away from the thread and the grow with their tail between their legs. you admitted your mistakes, made it right, and came out on top, all the while you were humble. Really good work, and I wish you tons of success in the future.
(p.s. good job on splittin from the old man)
Strong choice on the split with the partner. It sounds like you have your shit down tight, so you will probably be better off without him. Congrats on the new place too.

My boys are up in Philly right now, gettin outta the Nova game. Can't believe they lost!

Can't wait to see the new spot.

Stay safe,



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
good wat to part ways with ur partner yo,on a positive tip...no good havin bad karma goin while ur havin things goin on.
lookin forward to seein the new diggs come together yo.


Good luck with the new op! Must be exciting to double your income and half your worries.

Just curious, are you going to let your ex-partner know where you live or when you hang out will you always do it at his place or neutral ground? I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but just wondering.


This is the baddest shit I have EVER fucking seen. Thank you for this thread man. It was truly awe inspiring. I, like GoldenCloud read through the entire thing tonight. I could not stop, it was like reading a good book or article that you just couldn't put down. I was dying to see what was around the corner and what was going to happen next. You are living the dream man. So inspiring to the rest of us. Oh man. I literally CANNOT WAIT to see the new place. Shit I want to come out there and train under you so that I can do the same back here in the mw. Then we could take a trip down to the islands together, my treat ;). PR is my preference as I've had a good time down there before, lol. Peace bro, and thanks again man. I wish you many years of success and prosperity.



not you man your partner....

good on ya Philly

beautiful macros of the WW

make sure you check out the new season of that show mang.....sunday night at 10

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Breaking Bad. johnipedestran and cellardweller are right. I can't wait to start watching the new eps. That Cranston dude from Malcolm in the Middle and various Seinfeld eps is crazy and funny as hell. Good show.

Watch last season here. The 20 minute mark is classic.


Hey what's up everyone. It's been about a week since I've updated the diary. As always, I appreciate everyone's compliments and thank you very much.

LiLWaynE - Man, I thought so too. It's a Nokia N95 8GB. The camera is 5MP with a Carl Zeiss lens. It's a fucking kickass phone all around.

REZDOG - I've never had to justify my power consumption to anyone. Our bill isn't that crazy though, it was less than $900 on the first one we got.

250wscrogger - I looked into solar panels and it really isn't that great of a benefit.

So here are some budshots (taken with my phone). Two phenos in particular are starting to fill in pretty nicely. With 4 weeks to go, they should end up being some phatties :pimp3:






And some of the whole room.




What where you using on the floor there. is it carpet or concrete or what i cant tell..thanks


And I got lucky with a couple close-ups:


Hey free..howzit goin? Good to hear things are moving on and moving up for you. Great update!
btw, I don't think thats considered luck anymore, you're experience level has gotten a few new notches..:yoinks:


Active member
I came across your thread today and was unable to stop until I had read the entire thing. Great work man... Very informative, entertaining, and not to mention sooo fucking inspirational! I love your writing style, reminds me of an old member we use to have that went by the name Grower in Shorts. Anyways, can't wait to see what you have in store for us next! Take care man.


Pull my finger
Man, you might be on to something there. Just make sure you PC guy doesnt have to come inside.

Everything is super clean bro. The setup of my dreams. TIGHT!

BTW, I got to sample some of the Dabney blue. Well grown organic nuggets from a female. The flavor is outstanding.