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My 1st Grow! 5 CFLs in two 26 Gallon Rubbermaid Cab!


Can't wait to see how everything turns out! Good luck.

Well thanks, Mr. Murray. You were good in Zombieland.
Lol. Sorry, bad joke. Thanks for checkin' in! I hope this goes well. :D

Here are some pictures:
New exhaust fan. Might be counter productive, but we will see.

Side view

Hahah. Coat hangers rule.

The plants, as of March 20th. :D

Big Girl #1

Very sad looking Norcal #1

Norcal #2 is slightly less sad looking

Bubba Gum #1. My first plant, growing up nicely.

Bubba Gum #1, she been a little burnt. ):

Welp, that's all for now. :D Lemme know what you guys think.


It's day 21 of veg, for the Bubba's, at least. The two Bubba Gums are getting pretty bushy, and I think it's time for a transplant to bigger pots! Stoked! Yesterday, I went on a little road trip up north to see one of my favorite bands play a reunion (not that it matters), and I sprayed the ladies down just a tad.

This morning, I got back, checked 'em, and my first plant, I'll call her CoCo, well she was COMPLETELY withered. I checked the dirt, and it was dry as a bone. Hopefully I don't kill it. I will probably though. What evs. Hahah.

Also, I found out my friend works at a hydroponics shop. He is going to hook it up with soil next time I go! I'll put pictures up tomorrow.

Stay up!


where are those pictures at man?


Lolz. I forgot about the post I wrote yesterday, but never posted! Here it is.

A relatively solemn update. The three baby clones are looking, well, pathetic. I'm not sure if it's something I had done, or if it's just coincidence, but it's probably something I did. Haha.

I transplanted the two Bubba's last night. The 1st Bubba Gum clone, is doing well. She is still a tad burnt on the upper leaves. I'm pretty sure it's from when I placed her on top of a box to get it closer to the light. Bad idea, obviously. The other Bubba Gum clone is doing hella good. I'm thinkin' those two will be the stars of the bunch. Unfortunately for me, I'm not sure that I'll be able to get the other three baby clones to turn around. I'm already in over my head with two clones, but with 3 brand new clones? Fagghetabouddit. I I was reading about cloning and I read where many people use the plastic domes to keep humidity in and what not. I guess I shoulda' done that! Oh! My friend gave me a bottle of his Fox Farm Grow Big nutrients, so I'll be adding that to water now. Since now, it's just been water! I am too cheap/broke to buy the stuff! Hahah.

Welp, if anyone else knows what the shit I should do, lemme know!!! I need some help over hurr.

Here are the babies. (Notice how they look like shit, lol.)



This is the 1st Bubba Gum plant I had. They grow up so fast, don't they?






Here's the second's root ball. It was way more developed than the 1st one.

And here is my new hiding spot. Lol. Oddly enough, this closet keeps a more average temperature.

Anyone have any ideas on what I should do to my little ones to maybe, make them pop back into shape?

i wish i could help you with those clones, but i've never cloned before! my fix to droopy has always been to water, but i doubt that's what your problem is. have you tried to take a look at the root ball?


Active member
How did you cloned them?

Did you use any cloning gel or you simply cut the top of the plant and planted them in the soil?

I wish you the best... I also have some clone in process and I really don't know if they'll survive!


Hey Happy and Hgl. I checked the root ball on one of them, and it's non-existent. Haha. There's the problem, no roots! We will see what happens to the other two. I was thinking that it would be much more simple to just keep the two original, healthy, Bubba Gum clones and scrap the others, since I'm pretty sure none of them are rooting. I'm not too sure why they didn't do well. Oh, Hgl, my friend used some cloning gel and stuck them in soil. He cloned them for me, so I dunno. He was saying it usually works, but doesn't have any idea as to why it wasn't working this time. Obviously, my fault. Lol.

Ohhh fuuuuuuu- I forgot! One of the clones, right next to the stalk, coming out of the soil, there's a little sprout. It looks like a seed has sprouted, but there wasn't a seed in the soil. I'll get a picture up in just a bit. Any ideas as to where this little bugger came from? I bet it's just a branch or something coming from underneath? What evs.

Hey Hgl, my clone went straight to soil, so if you're not going straight to soil, I bet you'll do just fine. Even if you are in just straight soil, just keep an eye on em, and make sure they are watered well.

Grow and learn, I guess?! Lol. Good luck fellas.

EDIT: Ohhh fk! Check the top picture, with the clone on the furthest left, right underneath the stalk, you can see the sprout.


Active member
ok! I cloned them in Jiffy pellets and putted them in a small humidity dome... hope they'll do fine!

Good luck!


Ohhh man, that's the way I shoulda' done it!

Good news for me though, the baby Big Girl clone, with the yellowing leaves, is perking up helllllla good. The top leaves aren't drooping at all now. Pretty sure that one is going to turn around. I think the other is going to do better too. I used some Fox Farm Grow Big, or what ever it's called and they seem to be reacting well, so far.

We'll see. The Bubbas are lookin' legit. I'm thinkin' bout supercropping them, and flowering relatively soon. Prolly within 2 weeks or so. Thanks for hangin' guyzz. :D


Introducing my newest invention, the Toaster Oven Clone Keeper.

Lol. I made this bitch in an effort to make room in my grow box, plus to help germinate seeds, and grow clones till they are ready for the big box. I'm going to start flowering cycle soon too.

It's pretty janky, and it gets pretty warm, but I've gotta work on it still. Anyhow, I threw the one shitty lookin' clone in it. It fits about 4 red cups in it, but I'll probably end up just using it to germinate seeds and grow sprouts up. Here she is, in all her glory. Sorry for the sideways shots. It's posta' stand up on it's end, lights on top.





And then there were three.

Unfortunately, I killed off one of the Nor Cals, along with the Big Girl. What ever. They didn't even root. Hahah. The one Nor Cal is growing like a motha! The two Bubbas are growing like weeds. Lol, bad pun. They are both about 7 inches now. SWEEET! Hopefully, I'm going to start flowering soon.

I finally got a cheap ass thermometer. Being broke sucks. Hahah. The temperature is at a relative constant 80* F with lights on, and about 76* F lights off. I'd say, it works. Haha.

Here are the living.

Here's the first Bubba I had! Growin' up real fast.

The flash on this one makes the leaves look a little washed out, but they are vibrant! Check that purple stem!

Here's the last living Nor Cal. The leaves are lookin' way better

Her measurements. :)

Later fellas.


Whattttt uppp Lil! Lol, pretty sweet invention, that Toaster Oven Clone Keeper, right!? Hahah. To tell you the truth, I've used it only 1 time. Hahahah.

Hey Lil, see how the stem is pretty purple on the BK? Uncle said it is probably from a K deficiency. Maybe I'll show him this picture too, it seems like a better shot.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
We grow Purple Kush at the office. The large water leaf stems turn dark purple in flower. But I've never seen the whole stem go purple like that.


We grow Purple Kush at the office. The large water leaf stems turn dark purple in flower. But I've never seen the whole stem go purple like that.

UGH! PK! I've been reading a ton about how quite a few ICmag-ers are growing some BOMB ass Purple Kush. I've been trying to get my hands on it for a while now. I think it would do well in my small growing space since,from what I've seen, it grows rather bushy. As for the purple stems, I've heard a bunch of people say they've never seen stems like that! They've been purple since the get-go, so I dunno. Hopefully, it's just the plant. I'd be bummed if it was all ruined because I was being a noob. Haha.

they're coming along nicely raymond. norcal and bubba are lookin to be promising :)

Thanks Happy! I'm pretty stoked, considering this is my first grow and whatnot. Recently, I've been stressing about the purple stems, a few say it may be a potassium deficiency, but we will see. I figured I'll add a little Cal/Mag and see how the two Bubbas react.

Thanks for hangin' guys! Maybe since you guys seem to be interested, I'll start posting more pictures and updates more often. :D Oh, and, since I'm bored, I'm going to be cleaning, and taking pictures of all my glass. I'll have a few pictures up later today, if you guys feel like checking out my collection! :D You guys are welcome to post your bitchin' collections too!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
take small steps and dont add too much at once,fix one problem at a time,let the cal/mag do its work,and if the plants seem to do ok with that,maybe see about getting them a little mild K,like maxicrop or any seedweed based product like thrive alive