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My 1st Grow! 5 CFLs in two 26 Gallon Rubbermaid Cab!


Grow like nobody is watching
Cool! I think that's a PL-F or something like that. Kickass. Yes you need really weak lighting in my opinion. I put mine off to the side of the weak-ass lighting in the veg tent. About a foot away from 2x18w T8s, and off to the side. You want it to register that there's light, but not for it to actually photosynthesise anything. Me personally I only dome them if they wilt. If any fan breeze moves the leaves at all, mine will wilt. So, no breeze, and I generally don't need domes. But I know JJ says to use domes so just do it his way to get a feel for it :) I'm pretty sure that's the thread where I started out.

And I think you're right about the branch being too shaded. Hope it helps.


I seeeee, finalllyyyy. No photosynthesis, just light to make the plant realize there's something to grow for. Lol. I think I might just keep the dome on. I left one corner of it propped up so it gets enough air, but it's still humid inside. I figured, by this morning, it would be wilted and nasty, but it's actually lookin' pretty good! Hasn't wilted what-so-ever! I actually kept that light on all night, just off of the plant though. I pointed it at the white wall, so it reflects back onto the plant, but no direct lighting. Hopefully it takes! I wonder if this can be considered monster cropping, since I did take this cutting when it's flowering? Maybe it'll turn into a bushy beast! :D Thanks for the help Scrubs, you always come through! :D


Grow like nobody is watching
Sweeeet! Just be careful acclimatising them when you remove the dome. Yup I think you're a monster cropper dude. Way to go :)


Lol, gee thanks. :) Scrubs, you're a very, very helpful son of a gun. I'd give you a tip if I could. Hahah. I read that somewhere, day 21 into flowering was the best time to Monster Crop, but what ever. Wednesday would be day 21, so I'm not trippin'!

When you say acclimatize, you mean to be rather cautious when I open the dome, because I don't want to change the climate inside the dome too drastically, or the plant will go into shock, right? It will just take some time for the plant to get used to being outside of the dome, once inside the dome for a certain amount of time, I'm assuming. That makes sense. Thanks Scrubs. What would I do without ya? Hahah.


Oh, here are some pictures!

Here's the lamp. Pretty sweet, amirite?!

Lamp and cut from Bubba Gum #2



Hopefully it works out! :D


I love my life
It should work but it will take a while to get back to vegging. How many days into 12/12 did you take the cut?



That would be last night, soooooooo, it would be 21 days Wednesday. Cut it Sunday, so it's only about 19 days. Maybe a tad early, but what ev's. Should I get lights on it once it roots, or before? I kinda assumed it would be after it roots. Sorry, still a huge noob. What would be the best lights on/off schedule for this thing? 24? or maybe 18/6?

Thanks for stopping by with the input, Hydro!


I love my life
No that was way late to take a clone! The plant will take about a month to revert to vegging from flower. This isn't a bad thing it is just a fact.

I take my PK clones on the third day of 12/12 and my BBB clones are taken in veg. Each strain has it's sweet spot where it is easy to root and has a nice amount of growth nodes developed.

The great news is you new lady looks very healthy!



No that was way late to take a clone! The plant will take about a month to revert to vegging from flower. This isn't a bad thing it is just a fact.

I take my PK clones on the third day of 12/12 and my BBB clones are taken in veg. Each strain has it's sweet spot where it is easy to root and has a nice amount of growth nodes developed.

The great news is you new lady looks very healthy!


I see! Yeah, I would have taken a cutting earlier while in veg, but I wanted to try out Monster Cropping. Also, I didn't exactly allow the plants to get big enough to take cuttings from while in veg. Should have, but didn't. Here's what someone said about Monster Cropping:

Taking clones from flowering plants goes against all that has been said about cloning cannabis and might therefore seem a bit confusing at first but the science behind the technique is sound and the results speak for themselves.

Here's the thread:


I figure, it's my first time growing, why wait till I have more plants, and more space to do experiments? I can learn stuff now, and once I have a bigger place to grow, I'll have it relatively figured out! I really wanted this strain again, also. So far, it's grown very nicely for me. Rather bushy and seemingly strong. Thanks Hydro!


that messed up-looking branch looks exactly like my plants that are bouncing back into veg from flower, that could be because its getting more light now than it was, or i could be a complete retard. either way, i'll try to get some pics of mine for reference.


that messed up-looking branch looks exactly like my plants that are bouncing back into veg from flower, that could be because its getting more light now than it was, or i could be a complete retard. either way, i'll try to get some pics of mine for reference.

Oh sick, thanks homie. I was wondering about it. It looked a little more perky today, so I figured it was from lack of lighting or something.


yeah the browing pistils are almost a sure sign of re-veg. but if you keep the lights at 12/12 like you are there shouldnt be a problem, that branch might be a little later to mature than the others but its not a big deal.


Oh, really? I had no idea about the pistils turning brown. I'll keep an eye out for that on my new monster cropped lady. I hope she takes. That would be very grand, if I could have a monster cropped Bubba Gum. Oh boy. I can't wait to harvest, weed's gettin' expensive around here! $190 for an ounce of "Kryptonite." My friend says it's so killer. I hope so, shit. I'll have a smoke report soon. Lol. Thanks for the help there Thc. How's your outdoor grow? I wanna get a sick spot to grow outdoors. Northern Cali lifestyle: Beers, BBQ, smokin' weed. Hahah fuckin' just kidding.


Grow like nobody is watching
Hey ray yeah that's what I meant about acclimatising. It's a very cool light indeed. If by chance this cut fails (it won't!) you can always reveg too.


Hey ray yeah that's what I meant about acclimatising. It's a very cool light indeed. If by chance this cut fails (it won't!) you can always reveg too.

Ohhh, I completely forgot about that! I suppose I could always take the busted up plant and reveg it and turn it into a mother? That would be pretty sweet. I'd get like, 6 grams total for harvest though. Hahahaha. That cut still looks good, by the way. The leaves are still holding themselves up and it's still lookin' pretty green! Hopefully it roots soon! I might end up making this thing a mother plant, and I might have to take a rain check on the Jiffy Challenge, well, until I can find another clone at least. :p


Grow like nobody is watching
Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooo! Oh, well, okay then :)

It took me 12 days to see roots I think.


I was just wondering how long it would take mine to root. Hopefully it's about 12 days. I can't wait till this thing gets going! Maybe I'll just keep this thing as a mother plant!? I think I might. I'll get a new clone soon so I can join the Jiffy Challenge. Woop! I'll post pictures once I see roots.



Here's an update for ya'll. Got quite a few pictures. The plant that had the broken branch has the biggest buds. The other plants got a butt load of buds. I'm very excited for this. Yay!

By the way, it's day 21 of flower.










Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
I see she's starting to frost up . Very Nice :D

I have two 30 gal rubber maids sitting right here, cant wait to see how much weight these pack on