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My 13 year old just got expelled for 2 years over a bud of marijuana

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I believe 99% of people are missing Bud Bugs message/point due to the fact that this is a highly charged, sensitive, controversial and personal situation.

Bud Bug agreed that the two year expulsion was harsh, yet there has to be some form of punishment whether it be from the public school or the parent. Allowing a kid to commit this act without a punishment only spells doom, not because weed is wrong but because the kid will have a warped sense of consequences and repercussions in accordance with their mistake or crime. If I brought weed to school when I was thirteen, got caught and suspended for two years, went home and my dad said, "WTF, its just weed!", then saw him rolling up a joint or packing a bong- I would not take the time to seriously consider the severity of my actions simply because one of the most important and influential people in my life doesn't think I should! (Through actions) Now, compoound that with JJScorpio's advice of lying to the principal and/or police. What happens when the kid gets in trouble again over weed at 15? Let's say he has an open beer in the backseat of his older friends car, they get stopped by the police and your son automatically thinks, "WTF, its just a fuckin beer", my dad drinks beer sometimes, it couldn't be that bad. He hides the beer under some trash and gets away with it. Now, at this point your kid hasn't displayed the maturity to understand patience, humility, and responsibility. He thinks that since his dad TOLD him to lie about something that the kid clearly did wrong when he was 13, that its okay to lie or attempt to circumvent the consequences of his actions later on in life. Does anyone seriously think an impressionable 13 year old wouldn't EVER lie again to authority if his own dad condoned it and encouraged it? Authority does not necessarily mean Police or FBI, it also means parents, teachers, bus drivers, etc.. So while you are encouraging him to lie to the principal, little do you know you are telling him its okay to lie when you are in a jam. Then to say that Bud Bugs' daughter is screwed? Ironic.

Plain and simple, marijuana has no place in a 13 year olds life for any reason whatsoever other than medical. And if its medical, it should be either a high CBD strain or very low THC to avoid the mind altering effects. No person (my opinion) under 16 should be involved with marijuana. Why? Because at that young of an age, a childs' brain is still growing and developing in ways that we still do not totally understand and to potentially complicate such an important stage of a persons life is not only ignorant but shortsighted and selfish. I started smoking at 14, and now that I look back on it, I wish my life wouldn't have led me to the opportunity so soon, as I showed a lack of maturity and understanding about the rules of society and the world at that age, coupled with a resentment towards all authority and a love for getting high, honestly I wouldve been much farther in life had I chose to focus on my education solely until I was finished with high school.
I am not saying that this applies to everyone who has smoked weed at a young age, but for me- it does apply.

In my household, if this happened- these are the steps I would take.

1. My son gets a whoopin'! A stern talking to, and a nice 'Made-For-TV' bonding moment to explain.... That while WEED itself is not wrong, choosing to bring it to school IS, showing it off to friends in said school IS, having weed in your possession at such a young age IS, smoking it at such a young age IS. Also explain that the two year sentence is HARSH but emphasize that the harsh sentence is directly connected to the offense, therefore if he would've exercised good judgement and responsibility (like he should be taught) then he would never have to face the harsh expulsion in the first place.

2. Talk to the Principal and try/plea to get the expulsion reduced significantly (if not, go private or home school), have your son there at every step so he understands the amount of work and effort it takes to fix a problem and/or do the right thing instead of the wrong thing.

3. Punish my son personally (some bullshit like no games for a month or something along those lines, something that lasts time)

I think a lot of people in this thread are more comfortable being their childrens' buddy and best friend instead of their parents. We all live in the same world, but regardless of what you think a child knows or sees, there is a difference between a childs' place and an adults' place. Parents need to instill the difference to these kids because a lot of them are growing up entirely too fast.

I know you've seen them around. They are the ones walking the streets during school hours, smoking cigarettes and talking back to authority. I'll be damned if any of my kids ever set a gotdamn foot on that path. But, if this thread is of any indication.... that path will be well traveled regardless by others.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I think it's ridiculous that people can't be cool with their kid doing something they did at that age.

I'll be damned if my kid ever talks back to ill informed authority and decides to begin making dumb decisions!! :rolleyes:

It will happen someday anyway.

Did anyone else here besides me really experience 13?

Bud Bug

I think it's ridiculous that people can't be cool with their kid doing something they did at that age.

If I saw you letting your 13 year old smoke dope I'd punch you right in your fucking head. What idiot of a parent would let their kids do drugs at 13? Get some balls and discipline the kid.

Did anyone else here besides me really experience 13?

Yah it was called fishing, bmx'ing, swimming, skating and other things that 13 year olds do. Not smoking dope.

So if you went on joy rides, shoplifting or other criminal activities at 13 then it be ok for your kid(s) to do the same?

2 years suspension might be harsh BUT the school is responsible for 100's of other students and the fact that 90% of you have no problems with the 13 year olds smoking dope shows us how fucking retarded and clueless you all are.

Oh poor 13 year old Johnny, the system is so unfair that he can't have some dry dope on him on school grounds and they have the balls to punish him for such a victim less crime.


Active member
If I saw you letting your 13 year old smoke dope I'd punch you right in your fucking head. What idiot of a parent would let their kids do drugs at 13? Get some balls and discipline the kid.

Yah it was called fishing, bmx'ing, swimming, skating and other things that 13 year olds do. Not smoking dope.

So if you went on joy rides, shoplifting or other criminal activities at 13 then it be ok for your kid(s) to do the same?

2 years suspension might be harsh BUT the school is responsible for 100's of other students and the fact that 90% of you have no problems with the 13 year olds smoking dope shows us how fucking retarded and clueless you all are.

Oh poor 13 year old Johnny, the system is so unfair that he can't have some dry dope on him on school grounds and they have the balls to punish him for such a victim less crime.

Man, you really need to chill out. If I had discovered weed earlier in life I would have suffered a lot less from depression. Let people live their own lives. I don't care if you call me a hippie, anarchist, idiot, whatever but I don't think it's right to try to enforce how SOMEONE ELSE uses THEIR BODY, regardless of AGE.

Bud Bug

This thread is perfect example why kids should have no access to drugs at 13. Yup keep feeding your kids drugs,

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I think he's a truculent Canadian cop.

Keep saying drugs, drugs.

Drugs your narrow view and drugs your absolutionist attitude and drug you while you're at it Butt Bugger.

Darth Fader

Oh yah nothing better then teaching him how to lie right of the bat especially when it come to drugs/hiding criminal activities. Although the 2 years might be a little excessive thats the way the world works and thats what he should be taught.

Lying is how the world works. Hate to be the one to break it to you ... reality, that is. Attorneys and politicians do it everyday. A huge amount of professional athletes do it every day. Advertisments & salesmen do it everyday. You want to teach your kids to give up their 5th amendment rights? You should call it "How to screw yourself 101 - no help required - LOL.

Bud Bug;4400048A 13 year old should not be taught how to circumvent the system said:
It's called circumnavigating the system - keyword=Navigate. When society/the man/some busybody wants to screw up you life over with an unjust punishment, it's time to play for keeps. Win if you can, lose if you have to, but always cheat.

ButtPlug, you remind me of the movie Life of Brian where the old guy is hanging, chained unjustly to the prison wall and says "If anything, it's taught me to RESPECT the Romans".

LOL - neg rep for you!:moon:

Ganja D

If I saw you letting your 13 year old smoke dope I'd punch you right in your fucking head. What idiot of a parent would let their kids do drugs at 13? Get some balls and discipline the kid.

Yah it was called fishing, bmx'ing, swimming, skating and other things that 13 year olds do. Not smoking dope.

So if you went on joy rides, shoplifting or other criminal activities at 13 then it be ok for your kid(s) to do the same?

2 years suspension might be harsh BUT the school is responsible for 100's of other students and the fact that 90% of you have no problems with the 13 year olds smoking dope shows us how fucking retarded and clueless you all are.

Oh poor 13 year old Johnny, the system is so unfair that he can't have some dry dope on him on school grounds and they have the balls to punish him for such a victim less crime.

Man I used to do all types of stuff high when I was a kid. Fishing,swimming,biking,basketball,lacrosse,football,chicks. All that stuff was way better when high.
They have sex education and hand out condoms to kids at 14 in public schools. Why not cannabis education on responsible use and free rolling papers?lol.
Butt Plug really sounds like a guy who doesn't smoke or grow weed. 13 is on the younger side of when kids start to smoke weed,15-17 would be better/more responsible but thats life. I smoked weed with a friends 17 year old son just last week. He's a good kid,nothing wrong with smoking a joint and helping cut clones. In fact,I was at a dispensary recently where the owners son was hanging out and cutting clones,kid was about 16 or 17.


fight hard for him

fight hard for him

I was given a lifetime suspension by the San Leandro unified School district in Cali, I got charged with cultivation for the intention to sell. front page, even made the oakland tribune. i was 15 years old had no intention of selling it, they made smokein it sound so bad I told them i was gonna sell it, charged me with a felony.Listen to lone wolf, it will domino, I saw where they reduced it to 5 days, thank God!! i just looked at my old newspaper article, march 30,1966. it's got a picture of the narc, a Robert DeMaria from SL and a pete quevedo from the hayward P.D. with 17 plants, that bust affected me for years and made me a target for the police, then the pricks decided to draft me, don't let anybody railroad your kids over weed.
when it got to the point I couldn't go anywhere around town without getting rousted i just left town, as far as what jjscorpio said about telling a lie, sometimes you just gotta do what ya gotta do, at the time, discuss it with the kid later, but for those consequences for that crime, lie every time.


Active member
That's the system. His kid new exactly what he had other wise he would not have been showing it to anyone else thinking he's cool and all.

Now you need to talk to your kid and explain to him what wrong and right. A 13 year old should have no idea what weed is unless he's exposed to it though friends and at home.

Just read this>>> Are you telling me that at 13 you didnt know what weed was. For fuck sake man when I was in 4th grade "10 or so" the school guidance counselor brought around pics of weed, plants and seeds. They then burned a little cube that smells like weed and then asked if anybody had seen or smelled it around their house.


Let me start off by saying I don't condone marijuana use by kids whatsoever but I would like to hear others thoughts on this.

My son who just turned 13 last month was given a small bud about the size of a quarter from another kid in his school who had taken some from his moms stash. Who knows why he accepted it but he did. So him and another kid were in the bathroom and my kid was showing the other kid the bud and in walked a teacher. So they took them to the principals office and called me to come down there. When I got there the principal told me he had called the police and he was going to push for felony distribution charges, he apparently had it in his head there was a sale trying to take place. Neither kid admitted to this and both said he was showing it to him. So the police come, asked me if he could speak to my son and I told him no. The cop said 'thats fine, we have everything we need anyway' and wrote us a ticket for possession. In the meantime the principal had typed something up expelling him from the district for 2 years! There is a hearing date to go in front of the school board but the principal said at the hearing they will determine if he will be allowed to go to a school for problem kids. WTF?

All this over one small bud? My kid has never been in any trouble whatsoever at school or any other place, he actually is a pretty damn good kid and now they want to fuck his education up over this?

sounds like the principal might be running for the school board next year ...... you gotta seem like you are hard on drugs if you want those votes ...... politics is a fucking mine field, i am sorry to hear that some clown seems to want to drag your son into it.

may sound really fucked up but i am betting your kid learned a lot more from this fiasco than he would have in class .... question is what were they trying to teach him.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
... ...
...Allowing a kid to commit this act without a punishment ...

... ...

Wow! That sounds familiar. Pretty much the same thing the government has been telling the world since the 60's.

We should teach all the kids to just say no to serious shit like accepting a deadly bud from one of his friends.
Another thing that I think warrants serious consequences is this trend of wearing the pants around the knees. That shit right there should warrant permanent suspension of their birthday.

If I saw you letting your 13 year old smoke dope I'd punch you right in your fucking head. What idiot of a parent would let their kids do drugs at 13? Get some balls and discipline the kid.

Bring it home huckleberry. Everybody isn't so innocent and helpless.

Yah it was called fishing, bmx'ing, swimming, skating and other things that 13 year olds do. Not smoking dope.

True. In between humpin the school teacher and the naive neighbors daughters because they thought we were swimming.

Pot isn't "dope". Dope.
It's a weed that the US government decided was illegal in order to create jobs. More criminals = more prisons = more construction, legal positions, cops, and guards.
The fact is that the only reason weed is illegal is to create criminals.

So if you went on joy rides, shoplifting or other criminal activities at 13 then it be ok for your kid(s) to do the same?

I didn't and would beat my kids ass for such actions of dishonesty and disregard for other people property.
Ya see, mj users aren't by default, liar, thieves, idiots, or criminals. In fact in my experience, pot smokers are more apt to have integrity than non-smokers, because they know first hand the persecution mj smokers deal with. Such as your own.

2 years suspension might be harsh BUT the school is responsible for 100's of other students and the fact that 90% of you have no problems with the 13 year olds smoking dope shows us how fucking retarded and clueless you all are.

Oh poor 13 year old Johnny, the system is so unfair that he can't have some dry dope on him on school grounds and they have the balls to punish him for such a victim less crime.

Only a brainwashed moron would make such a statement after reading this thread. No place did I read where anybody posted that it was considered "okay for a minor to possess or use pot". What I did read repeatedly was people saying that it isn't okay and the child should be educated and reasonable punished. Which in my opinion is pretty much what happened because everybody wasn't willing to execute the child's future as quickly as the principal and yourself.
Instead of following typical government policy and ruining his future, creating another statistical criminal.


Wow! That sounds familiar. Pretty much the same thing the government has been telling the world since the 60's.

We should teach all the kids to just say no to serious shit like accepting a deadly bud from one of his friends.
Another thing that I think warrants serious consequences is this trend of wearing the pants around the knees. That shit right there should warrant permanent suspension of their birthday.

Whoa bro, if you quote me, please quote the whole sentence at least. Snippets and blurbs don't explain the message well.

I agreed that the 2 year expulsion was harsh, but people are failing to grasp that the kid made serious errors in judgement leading up to that point.

You are thirteen. What the fuck are you doing in possession of weed ON school grounds, being a showboat on top of that and displaying your illegal items to others ON school grounds? That alone is a red flag that the kid isn't responsible enough to handle such a issue correctly, concluding that at that age a child is not old enough to be involved in that type of thing.

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
ok i think this thread has pretty much ran its course...........................................

before this thread is closed.....

I think it is safe to say that EVERYONE with a legitimate brain understands that a 13 year old should not have weed in his possession, and that he should be moderately punished if he is caught carrying it in school....fair enough? can we all agree that it is pretty much "common" knowledge that such young kids should not be in possession of marijuana? I agree, and I think it is safe to say that I can agree on the rest of everyone else in this community's behalf .....

The reason why bud bug's comments did not mesh well with most of us is because he started spouting off some non-sense as if the kid truly deserved such a harsh punishment over such a non-harsh "thing" that most every member of this community believes is so wrongly, and negatively perceived by a great majority of the general public....and for everyone else who is trying to stick up for bud bug, you guys are clearly bone-heads as well.... thanks for trying to "Educate" us people who you so naively wrote off as a bunch of morons who think the kid should be able to just light up right in the classroom.... we DO NOT think the kid should walk scott free from this situation, but we DO believe that NOBODY should get away with continuing to tarnish the reputation of marijuana.... for a member of this cannabis community to seemingly take the side of the school in this situation DOES NOT HELP the community out.... not one bit.... and that is why there is such strong opposition (in the form of 50+ "NO'S" :biglaugh:)

so bud bug (primarily), you would have been better off just keeping quiet...

Also, someone please fill me in here..... :chin:
im REALLY confused about how bud bug managed to get another green blob since this thread started? he had 3 at the time he made his first bonehead comment.. now he has 4 ? i think the coding might be wrong and they are giving bonus points everytime someone clicks "no" when answering whether or not they found the post helpful....that is NO GOOD.... :biglaugh:

bud bug only......highlight the words below.....

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt" -Abraham Lincoln
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