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My 13 year old just got expelled for 2 years over a bud of marijuana

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Active member
if the princeable is still pushing for the sale in school charge, at least around here thats an automatic 1 year expulsion regardless if the real courts find you guilty or not.... az


The same thing almost verbatim happened to my friend when we were 13, showing off a piched bud in the bathroom (early 90s) and he got 2 days in school suspension and we were not from a pro pot state. What the fuck is going on here?

I am sorry for your families troubles and all I can say is fight it, tooth and fucking nail and tell your son to keep his head up (and away from weed til he's older)


Although the 2 years might be a little excessive thats the way the world works and thats what he should be taught.

At the expense of his education? Simpleton logic at best... Screw a chance at getting into a good college, this kids needs to learn his lesson!


Let me start off by saying I don't condone marijuana use by kids whatsoever but I would like to hear others thoughts on this.

My son who just turned 13 last month was given a small bud about the size of a quarter from another kid in his school who had taken some from his moms stash. Who knows why he accepted it but he did. So him and another kid were in the bathroom and my kid was showing the other kid the bud and in walked a teacher. So they took them to the principals office and called me to come down there. When I got there the principal told me he had called the police and he was going to push for felony distribution charges, he apparently had it in his head there was a sale trying to take place. Neither kid admitted to this and both said he was showing it to him. So the police come, asked me if he could speak to my son and I told him no. The cop said 'thats fine, we have everything we need anyway' and wrote us a ticket for possession. In the meantime the principal had typed something up expelling him from the district for 2 years! There is a hearing date to go in front of the school board but the principal said at the hearing they will determine if he will be allowed to go to a school for problem kids. WTF?

All this over one small bud? My kid has never been in any trouble whatsoever at school or any other place, he actually is a pretty damn good kid and now they want to fuck his education up over this?
They have 10 days to have the hearing right? Well they cant push the distribution on it because they need to witness a sale or anything else. NO EXCHANGE OF MONEY OR OTHER SERVICES NO CASE!!!!! On the principle stuff. You need to let them know that you have handled the problem yourself. Explain that an education is not worth it espically a half gram nug, and if they still fuck with you contact the ACLU just dropping the this name will make them terrfied enough to drop it completly. Just bullshit them a lot. WORKS!!!! Good luck!!! Oh and by the way FUCK THE MAN!!!!


If it was my son, I wouldn't be to worried about the weed thing, as that seems to have sorted it self out,and as were all well aware kids and drugs in the eyes of a non drug taker is the work of the devil,hence the principals knee jerk reaction.

The thing that would most worry me, was that my son was keeping company with people who think its okay to steel of there parents.

Almost all the people ive met in my life don't mind a pot head, but no one likes a thief.

I reken if your son had better mates in the first place, he might not of found himself in quite so much trouble,and worried his parents half to death.

I hope all goes well for him and hopefully lesson learned.



Active member
I was expelled from high school over something much more trivial (back talking to faculty), so it shows you how much things have changed. This is not a confidence boosting event in a young kids life. It sure doesn't help, and no, I never learned "my lesson".
I have a friend who teaches in Chicago public schools, and the kids think nothing of telling the teacher to f*ck off and/or threaten them. They have no fear of "going to the principals office", as we did when we were kids, because we knew we were going to get a beating. Now that corporal punishment is abolished, they would rather put you through the legal system, which is much worse in the long run. Your records follow you forever, and in that sense, the punishment never ends. Kids in the inner city schools have no respect for their teachers, in many cases. The teachers have to put up with incredible abuse. Sad state of affairs.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Oh yah nothing better then teaching him how to lie right of the bat especially when it come to drugs/hiding criminal activities. Although the 2 years might be a little excessive thats the way the world works and thats what he should be taught. A 13 year old should not be taught how to circumvent the system, he's not old enough to know what that means and the consequences that come with it and it'll lead to him taking greater risks.

He needs to live with the punishment to learn that some things lead to great consequences. If you want him to learn more then he need sto be involved in watching the parent talk with the school board in possibly reducing the expulsion to a smaller term but he still need to see the punishment.

Well, I've restrained myself as long as I can. You are a fucking idiot. It is as a result of people like you that the "zero tolerance policies" run rampant. The only thing that they accomplish is keeping school administrators from having to use a modicum of common sense. Exactly what good do you think is going to come from expelling a 13 year old for 2 years - it seems far more likely to me that the punishment would set him on the wrong road rather than showing him the error of his ways. Two years is 15% of his life, and he wouldn't get that in a court of law if he really was dealing. This makes about as much sense as when a kid (an honor student) in a nearby community was expelled from high school two weeks prior to graduation because he had some expended shotgun shells in the bed of his pickup. Oh yeah, that really sends a message about authority all right.


Glad to hear it is workin out. Five days just about right, work his little ass off.
This brings back memories. 1977 first hour study hall teacher covered for me being late every morn, cause I was dealin in the parkin lot. Look at shit we hav gone thru since.
Good luck brudda. Parent is the only job that truly matters IMMHO, don't F it up.
Bug fucker? srry for the neg rep didn't kno u had teeny daughters. UR SO FUCKED.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Umm seriously he did something wrong and got caught and expelled for having drugs on school grounds. I don't see anything wrong with it. Lesson learned...

22 people disagreed with this post?

My kids go to school to learn. Not get high.
I don't condone kids smoking pot, but if my kids decides they want to smoke weed they damn well better do it at home where I can protect em from LEO and assure they aren't smokin some laced shit.

I would support em completely if they got caught w/weed but in NO WAY would I ever let them forget their mistake either. Supporting them is different than completely taking their side.

Acknowledge their mistake, teach them what's right and let em take their lumps as long as it isn't out of proportion for the mistake.

In your kids case, I would contest and fight the suspension. But I would make damn sure they knew better the next time.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Thanks everyone for your support. This morning I spoke to someone at the school board and asked why such a harsh punishment, their own policy states first time incidents that the student will be suspended for 5 days. I was told it was because the principal was claiming he suspected there was a sale involved. I asked what evidence did they have to back that up and they said it was a hunch. I told them if they were going to accuse him of being a dealer and deny him an education over it they had better have some strong evidence otherwise a lawsuit was going to ensue. They called me back a half hour later and said he would only be suspended for 5 days and could come back next week. Fair enough. I will let him finish out the year and next year its online school.

To butt bug, its pretty damn obvious you have issues with yourself and your own kids and are projecting. Yes he should be punished, but to be thrown out of school for two years and labeled a dealer over half a gram of weed is beyond nuts and only a miserable fuck would think thats a good thing. You are entitled to your opinion but it is one I would expect from a 70 year old bible thumper who still thinks marijuana is the devils tool, maybe you need to reevaluate your choice of hobbies.

That there's what I'm talkin bout!
It's nice to see people being realistic about an instance like this.
Kudos Baddog.


Active member
As the OP stated before his kid was NOT SMOKING THE WEEDS!!

The principal used their positional authority to further their agenda at the kids expense (i.e. fill out this 'voluntary' statement that I dictate to you) And a 'hunch' that you are dealing so I can look tough on drugs?

The kids in schools are one thing, when the administration is just as bad if not worse it compounds the situation dramatically. Im glad that you were able to make the school board realize this as well.

Yes, I agree your child should face the music for being an idiot kid. I think your kids administration needs to come up on retirement sooner than later.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
As the OP stated before his kid was NOT SMOKING THE WEEDS!!

The principal used their positional authority to further their agenda at the kids expense (i.e. fill out this 'voluntary' statement that I dictate to you) And a 'hunch' that you are dealing so I can look tough on drugs?

The kids in schools are one thing, when the administration is just as bad if not worse it compounds the situation dramatically. Im glad that you were able to make the school board realize this as well.

Yes, I agree your child should face the music for being an idiot kid. I think your kids administration needs to come up on retirement sooner than later.

I just re-read that part on the last page and I agree that the principal needs knocked down a notch or 10.

That written confession crap pisses me off too. Even the cop was apparently smart enough to ask parental permission before questioning the child.

It's a toss up at this point tho cause if you pursue the principal/confession issue then it doesn't blow over like it really should after the 5 days.
But that is plain wrong.

tony clifton

baddog, glad things worked out! 5 days fits the mis step of your son.

bud bug, i got two words for ya, DOUCHE NOZZLE!!!

T.C. :pimp3:


ICMag Donor
Let me make something clear. I was very clear that I'm against people not paying for their mistakes. But to ruin a kids life over something like this would be a bigger travesty. At the time, with a 2 year suspension being discussed it was the only thing that might lessen the penalty.

And yes, the boy would be in a world of shit at home for this. He's way to young to be getting involved in the "bud business", and doing it in school would make matters worse. But at the same time I'd be damned if I let any kid get "labeled" and have the rest of his schooling disturbed over what seems to be a foolish mistake......

I don't know if you're a cop, or what you are but some of your comments in this thread are pretty odd. You seem all for the kid getting hung over this, when he's never been in trouble before. Even a kid deserves a second chance.......

Oh yah nothing better then teaching him how to lie right of the bat especially when it come to drugs/hiding criminal activities. Although the 2 years might be a little excessive thats the way the world works and thats what he should be taught. A 13 year old should not be taught how to circumvent the system, he's not old enough to know what that means and the consequences that come with it and it'll lead to him taking greater risks.

He needs to live with the punishment to learn that some things lead to great consequences. If you want him to learn more then he need sto be involved in watching the parent talk with the school board in possibly reducing the expulsion to a smaller term but he still need to see the punishment.


Registered User
I don't know if you're a cop, or what you are but some of your comments in this thread are pretty odd. You seem all for the kid getting hung over this, when he's never been in trouble before. Even a kid deserves a second chance.......

Stated he did time... if true... gotta fuck with you in some contorted ways.


Where did I say he was smoking? Another kid took it from his moms stash and brought it to school. Has he ever tried it? I can't say 100%, but as much as I am around him I can say without a doubt it is not something he has been doing on a regular basis. Personally I believe this may have happened partly because I have been honest with him about weed, I don't glamorize it but I also don't try to scare the fuck out of him about it either.

Man, I am really sorry to hear your story BadDog. What a shit spot your family has found.

I have a kid a year younger than yours. 20/20 hindsight, taking all of this into account. Do you have any suggestions for us parents of adolescent kids? Maybe it is too soon to ask that one, IDK...

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
Thanks everyone for your support. This morning I spoke to someone at the school board and asked why such a harsh punishment, their own policy states first time incidents that the student will be suspended for 5 days. I was told it was because the principal was claiming he suspected there was a sale involved. I asked what evidence did they have to back that up and they said it was a hunch. I told them if they were going to accuse him of being a dealer and deny him an education over it they had better have some strong evidence otherwise a lawsuit was going to ensue. They called me back a half hour later and said he would only be suspended for 5 days and could come back next week. Fair enough. I will let him finish out the year and next year its online school.

To butt bug, its pretty damn obvious you have issues with yourself and your own kids and are projecting. Yes he should be punished, but to be thrown out of school for two years and labeled a dealer over half a gram of weed is beyond nuts and only a miserable fuck would think thats a good thing. You are entitled to your opinion but it is one I would expect from a 70 year old bible thumper who still thinks marijuana is the devils tool, maybe you need to reevaluate your choice of hobbies.

cool! way to stand up for your kid! now make sure you let him know to watch his every move from here on out, because next time he might not get off as easy...

and for crying out loud, please pick a better school then an online school! send him away to a private academy! you do not want your kid sitting at home all the time... you will probably end up ripping his head off.... let him get out a bit and enjoy life as a kid...

good job though. that is a great ending to this story....

and bud bug, go fuck yourself you pig.


All this over a dried flower? Such a shame. I wish your son the best. It's bullshit, and he doesn't deserve to be treated like this by the school system. Don't be to hard on the kid, I started smoking bud around that age. Not trying to say he should be smoking bud at 13, but I'd wager a fair number of us have been smoking since our teenage years.
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