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My 13"x13"x18" garden


Thanks Pan

Hey jiff, Im going to keep weight out of this thread. I dont want to have to defend myself to the haters. Each of the SC's is enough to last me 6-10ish days.

A couple buds

oh alright then :) completely understandable. buds look great by the way !


Hey ItGrows that is a sweet micro grow man...looks like you got that little space dialed in pretty good!

K+ bro!


Thanks guys!

Hey Braddah, 16" no problem. When I get around to making another box I will put a 150 or 250 hps vertical. I think it will work best for our real limited height.

:smoke out:




Cut one down put one in. Its a little sunny in the cab today.

This is where I do the work of god. Mums and clones.

Hey pan I put them into 12-12 with 0 veg time. keep them right under the light. If they just keep stretching I will tame them by cutting off as much of the top as I need too.




Got some pics. The first pic is out of the cab, 2nd pic is where they live.

Ignore the plant on the far left... Guess which 2 were planted on the same day. It is the 2 on the left the 3rd one is 4 days older.
Fucking runt.

Again ignore the sneak on the far left. The one in the middle looks like it may be my best yet.

These 3 are the babies. The warlock on the far right has some serious growth issues. So I backed it away from the light... hope it stretches.
Looking good. Have you done any form of defoliation there or is it just the style of growing with small pots? Looks efficient anyway.

You mentioned you use an S&P 110. Is that the same as the TD-160 and does it have enough poke to run with a commercial carbon filter?


Looking good. Have you done any form of defoliation there or is it just the style of growing with small pots? Looks efficient anyway.

You mentioned you use an S&P 110. Is that the same as the TD-160 and does it have enough poke to run with a commercial carbon filter?

I cut fans leave the stems on till they fall. I also leave some of the lower fans to catch any rays they can. If a leaf is shooting out of the budsite, I just trim the fingers back and leave most of the leaf. Dont know if its right or wrong but it works for me.

I am almost certain this is the S&P I got. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=123789 It sounds like a loud computer. I have had it hooked to 2 different brands of filters. It controls the odor for the most part. Some mornings though i will wake up and smell something. Both filters did the same thing. GH and Phresh. If I could find a can filter that would fit I would try it too.
Certainly seems to work for you!

The fan seems to be a slightly lower powered version of the 160. If you are getting flow through the filter then it seems like the smell in the morning is maybe down to a leak in the ducting or something. These are hardly high CFM fans so it is unlikely that flow rate is too high for sufficient contact time. Thanks for your help and for the link too.


I think the leak is from the carbon not being filled to the top in these filters. When they get shipped, they are tossed around and the carbon settles and breaks down. By the time it gets to me I can hear the carbon rattling around inside. I can get away with the smell because everybody that knows me knows I smoke. They just dont know where it comes from... heh
I think the leak is from the carbon not being filled to the top in these filters. When they get shipped, they are tossed around and the carbon settles and breaks down. By the time it gets to me I can hear the carbon rattling around inside. I can get away with the smell because everybody that knows me knows I smoke. They just dont know where it comes from... heh

That's bad. You would think that the top would be spring loaded or better packed or something. Especially at the prices they go for.

Do you expect those taller plants(Warlocks?) to fill out along the length of the stem?

Anyway, grow's looking good. Going to keep an eye on it as your dimensions are similiar to the cab I have yet to start using and you seem to be pretty dialled.


No they wont. Its Strawberry cough btw. The lowest bud is almost as dense as the ones on top. However, the plant I thought looked like my best one, is going to fill out like that. it has almost 5 weeks left. the one its next to has about 3-5 days. heh