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^^die kommentare^dazu findin ich gut...der eine meint

" randy109 vor 2 Monaten

Morphine and its "cousins" will make you feel better than anything in the world (including sex). Problem comes about 2 or 3 years into it. It's an evil drug but nothing can compare to the "warm blanket" of a new user. After 6 months you don't feel "Good" when you use, you just feel "Bad" when you don't... Kids, just say NO! I've been there and am still there at times. Once an addict (H) always an addict. Peace..."

während der andere dies meint :

"RojotheRed vor 4 Stunden

Got home from Nam with a small habit.(due to injury) Been playing by the rules for over 40 years now. The Docs have me on 60mg X 4 a day, along with 15mg Perc for "break-out Pain", Also X 4 a day. My point is that this drug is an Angel of Mercy to me. I have lived a fairly normal life due to it's painkilling properties. Instead of Disability, I have been able to work for a living. I guess that if one abuses morphine, it would be a nightmare, or "evil", as this song might imply."


Well-known member
God Within - Raincry

RIP Scott