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Mushu's SQ Round #3

Well guys... Its that time again. This time i'll only be running one plant... I know i know... what happens if its male... I'm not too worried about it as I'm not doing this for maximum yeildage.. I'm still learning and trying to perfect my box an learning as I go, so i'll just rip it out and replant if it is... Although if it does turn out female I'll be purposely herming her to gather more seeds for growing down the road so i can continue my learning experience :)

Nuff of that... Box is still pretty much the same with the addition of a carbon scrubber on the back. I've made a scrubber similar to Pig-Pen's scrubber here: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=86726

but using a 6" atrium grate instead of a 4".
I then took a 6" inline duct booster i got from Home dePOT for $30, pushes 250cfms, and thats actually pushing through as I wasnt able to effectively pull with it. Thats hooked up to the PC case with a 6"-4" reducer and using a.. umm.. not sure whats its called and i've already duct taped it up haha. Anyway.. Its like a box like, we'll call it collector(couldn't find it online at home depot), and all the exhaust from the case funnels into there where its sucked out by the inline fan/scrubber. Keeps my temps 10* above ambient and no more... so thank god i got a 9000btu AC in my room to keep it right at 70* so my case is sitting right at 80-81 with a 70w HPS. Otherwise it would be about 95 in the bedroom during the day and about 85 at night.. Rooms on the southwest corner of the house with little insulation so the walls stay super heated all day/night, that and theres a gaming computer in the room that also puts out some decent heat due to overclocking

Grow container is a sweet little Sterilite container thats 11"Lx6 5/8"wx 5"3/8h, hold right at 3 liters of water, but is filled with soil to the same mark.. about .8 gallons. lightproofed with foil tape for the roots. Nutes will be the same, although I might go to Natures nectar or Earth Juice down the line, preferably the Natures Nectar if I can get it. Also have a PH pen to make sure my PH is right before I throw the mix in the soil as I was having PH problems right at the end last grow, although it still turned out to be a decent smoke, just not very much out of two plants.

I'll be LSTing this thing from sprout and try and bush it out along the soil from the get go to keep it low as possible.

Seed was planted Friday so I'll update again once it sprouts and we'll start the show off with pics of the case an scrubber once that gets going...

Untill then... May your gardens be green and bountiful :)

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Thanks rcknrllmotherfck... I hope your right!

And ladies and gentleman... We have Propagation!

Just no pics >_<

Apparently the camera I decided to use doesnt have a normal size USB hookup.. And i've lost the cord for it... So as soon as I have that, i'll get the pics up ASAP of the case and of my little sprout :)

Sprouted yesterday afternoon btw.. So the 20th is DAY 1 of 24/0 for the plant :)

But just so I don't leave ya hangin....

Little flower shot from my last grow...

Catch ya on the flip side...



Welcome back to growing Mushu!! Hopefully you get what you hope to accomplish with 1 seed...not doubting it but goodluck..

-El KidKannabis
BudToker - Thanks dude!

kidkannabis - Thanks to you too man.. I hope it goes the way I'm hoping.. If not i've still got another 5 SQ, and I just ordered another 10 Hashberry.. Really wanna try that Hashberry.. I've heard lot of good things about it. After that I'll be checkin out the Kalichakra. After i've got myself dialed in and more grows under me i'll using this as a mother/clone cab and building another one to start growing clones in.

Finally posting those pics up... I'll have pics of the plant of what it looks like now up tomorrow afternoon(Hopefully).

First of.. The little sprout itself...

Heres pics of the carbon scrubber I made that I mentioned earlier in the thread.. Check out the link to see how to make one... All I did was attach the 6" atrium grate to the exhaust side of the duct fan, seal that off, then to a 6"-4" reducer, sealed that, then to a dryer vent adapter sort of like this:
only it was about 12" tall, and more compact and came apart, and was able to seal that against the back of the PC...




Its nothin fancy.. but it does the job well at keeping temps low and even acted as a muffler for my noisy fans that were goin fullblast.. now you cant even here em unless your sitting right next to it.

Shot of the thermometer I use to measure temps in my room along with in the case... Lately the RH has been about 30-40% cuz of the high heat we've had... also caused us to have at least 10 highway grassfires in last two weeks in our area alone.

Shot of the case sitting next to my PC case.. I've got it tucked away as close as I can get it to the desk with my guitar case sittin on top of that, doesnt obstruct airflow thankfully where its sitting. And i've got an organizer and dresser in front of that so if you opened up my door you'd have to step fully into the room to even see the case, and even then it would look like a PC case sittin there...


And yes... Those are beanie babies i've had since i dont know when.. threw em on top so people would look more at those than at the case haha

Thats about it... Any thoughts, comments, criticisms is gladly accepted as long as you don't just bash my whole idea and try to tell me to do things your way haha :bashhead:

Other than that.. I'm free game.. Hope you all enjoy the show from the slow start we had with the camera issues...

Till tomorrow!

Mushu :wave:
minigreens said:
looks like a big black dong coming out of your pc :)
i'll be watchin

I agree'd after I looked at the pics the first time... I took em, loaded em up on the pc... and said... Shit.. It looks like a huge cock... But I wasnt gonna say anything :puppydoge

Whatever... It just means my PC/Grow cab has a bigger cock than yours :muahaha: :laughing:
Glad to see ya stoppin by Sammet, especially after the help ya gave me on the last one :wave:

Little update today...

Day 6 of veg from seed, I think i'll be vegging for two weeks, maybe 3 before throwin into flower.. I'm gonna try and fill the whole PC. So that leaves another 11-18 days before 12/12.. We'll see what happens, I'm also thinking of going 18/6 tomorrow for a week and then going 12/12 instead of going straight to 12/12.. Little less stress I think.

Here it is!


Your probably all wondering what that is and wtf I'm thinking with the criss-crossed airline... Gonna start scrogin her from the get go as soon as the first internode appears and keep it VERY tight along the soil and as short as possible... its maybe 3" from the 70w HPS so i'm trying to keep her as short and bushy as possible with minimal stretch. Its staying cool even right there under the light, put the temp probe right there and its right at 85* where down a few more inches it sits at 80* We'll see how this works out :)

Just watered again today... She drank it all up.. I did a little reading on the Mandala Seeds section, one of their stickies,
Fertilizing Wisely , gonna try doing it that way, less fertilizing.. last grow I think I over ferted, so we'll see what happens this time. PH of water goin in was about 6.4, run off was right at 6.2, so PH is pretty good so far.

Nutes an stuff I'm using this time around:

The Koolbloom, Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, & ChaChing are all freebies I got from my local Hydro store, real cool dude an his lady, low key, and pretty resourceful, just opened so i'm supporting my local shop, and they support me too haha. Not sure if I want to use those at all this round(If i did I'd be using the FoxFarm trio instead of the KoolBloom), but I might if anyone has anything good to say about em that stops by in the thread...

For now it'll just be the EJ nutes once in a while... Probably once every 3 waterings unless it looks like it needs more.

Also took a gallon SunnyD jug, filled it with sugar, water, an some o so cool yeast.. Made a little co2 booster that should last a while an put out a good amount of co2.

All for now... I'll throw an update in upon request(don't expect to many as its only a single plant grow lol) regular updates @ watering or as needed. Response to all questions and comments will be ASAP :)

That's all folks! Thanks for stoppin by to check it out!

Mushu :wave:


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Wow, you're certainly all prepared with the nutes mate. You'll have to be really careful when you lst a seedling, I accidentally snapped some a couple of weeks ago (slowed them down for a while). I'll be looking forward to seeing how you do, fingers crossed for a lady :joint:
Well.. I thought I was prepared with the last grow with the BC Recipe for success crap.. And no offense to the company.. i've heard lots of good things about it.. but it just didnt work out in end and i've always wanted to try the EJ an go organic instead of chem ferts.. I think i'll be scratching the Foxfarm Trio and Koolbloom till way down the line when i've got my own house to experiment.. I've got alot of time yet ahead of me so I figure why run an fall on my face when I can learn to walk and make the running easier down the road... I'll KISS it with just these three for now.. Only using the Grow during Grow and bloom for bloom and Catalyst every other feed of nutes.. Instead of mixing the right amount of the proper nutrients when theres 5 seperate things ya need to add for one feed haha....

So to keep a long post short >_>... I'll just go with i'm only keeping the EJ in and I think it'll turn out ALOT better than my last grow where I had issues with the two ladies at the end... And I almost broke on of my ladies in half last grow when I was trying to LST it later on after it had a substantial mainstem >_<.. So i think thats my reasoning for keeping this one so short at the beginning... hopefully make it easier in the end too


edit: wow.. Didnt mean for such a long response.. I'm not gonna go back through an read it though.. Didn't think I was that high :puppydoge

On that note... G'night.. Cya tomorrow :kos:
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I really need a camera... Updates are no fun without a decent camera >_<

Watered again yesterday and today.. Seems to wanna drink up everything I'm givin it which is good.. Think it finally started filling out the container root wise :)

I took out the airline from the top and decided i'll veg it for a little longer and top it instead and keep the canopy even that way so it gets really bushy.

Also made a modified/ghetto cooltube using a piece of candle glass(not hurricane glass) and even bought myself two presents for when the plants done :)

Pics will be up later this evening/tomorrow morning so you can see the mods i've done, i've scrapped the co2 all together as I dont have a compact/easier/consistent way of maintaining a flow to the case, i sleep in the room so hopefully thats just enough haha

Also finally realised that i'll be brewing my EJ nutes for about 24 hours before I use them as I mixed together a light mix to use to check the PH out for later, and using a base water of PH 7(Alhambra spring water) it dropped my ph down to 5.5 using grow and catalyst. Did more research and found a nice little read found herehere . So i read that and figured i just need to brew my tea for a bit before I use it :)

Alright.. Thats it finally.. Pics up later >_<

Finally got those pics I promised for ya guys :bashhead:

First up the cool tube I built..

Connected to a 50CFM intake fan and a 80CFM exhaust.. gotta love cheap PC fans with high performance.. Its actually keeping temps the same, go figure, but I think it looks better than the lexan sheets I had up. Allows for the plants to grow up and around if need be also where as the lexan gave them an even shorter head room.

Next up the plant itself.. Nice an green despite a little deformed from being held down so low.. I'll probably be topping it tonight or tomorrow waiting on the next internode to pop up more


And the piece I got for when these babies are all done...

They had a dark one that I REALLY wanted but was short by like $20 so i settled for this one after hagglin with the shop owner for a bit.. paid about 80 for it.. so i was able to get a sweet deal on it :muahaha:

Until next time!

Mushu :wave:
Thanks Sammet and Sawhiskey :wave:

Yesterday was day 14 of veg, think i'll let it go a couple more days before throwing it into flower...

I was going for fimming the top but i think i might have just cropped it but either way i'm comfortable with it to give the lower part a little time to catch up.

Plants are still lookin pretty healthy, watering everyday with a ph of 6.3 and the run off is right at a 6.2, i try not to get too much run off.. just enough to dump it and test it, not wanting to wash it all out.

And a little shot of what i'm smokin now... Still have some SQ left, its the little bright green nug thats smaller than all the rest in the middle lol.

Other than that.. Plants growin well.. Picked up one of those Nutrifin co2 boosters for aquariums.. They put something else in there besides sugar and yeast.. looked like baking soda or powder.. So i wonder how that works in the whole process.. Got it on sale for $20 at petsmart so we'll see how it works out..

Thats all for now folks!

Mushu :wave:
Well.. Time for a MUCH needed update... Sorry its been so long guys :badday:

Today is day 23 of Veg.. Gonna be throwin it into flower on Friday.. It's currently on a 16/8 Veg time, switched it over about 4 days ago, so about 2.5 weeks of 24, then about a week of 16/8, then 12/12 on friday... See what happens.

Added some Dolomite Lime to the soil, about 1tbs to the top of the soil, used my fingers to agitate it in in a bit, and the waters gettin the rest down deeper. Plants looking nice and healthy so far... The LST is workin out good as theres about 4 main stems right now and 2 smaller ones from the topping I did.




Edit: Does it look like I might need to give it a little more N? I think the 2nd pic the left side of the plant looks a little lighter green than the rest.. What do you guys think...

Any comments, observations.. Much appreciated..

Thats about it untill next time.. Update on friday or saturday when it goes into flower...


Mushu :wave:
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