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Muscadine Mash in the Welding Booth...



Grape Soda All The Way!

Grape Soda All The Way!


The best is yet to come.
:listen2: DJ's gotta rep for flavor. ;)

I had a couple that you could almost taste the carbonated "fizz".
Just like Grape Nehi! :crazy:

...and then there's the high...:abduct:


Gene Mangler
Ah man, new pics & grape Nehi? Even taste the fizz?

You're gonna force me to reschedule my bean schedule :wallbash:


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Looks like they been dipped in frosting! Ditto what ^UFS ^ said :rasta:


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
They done yet Weld? Any up-date?
Stay safe n stoned Bro :rasta:

3rd base

I may be late, but at least I'm in time for the harvest pics! Now where are they? :D

Seriously Weld, the pics have been great throughout... healthy and frosty... great job!


These have been harvested and been puffed for ahwile now stay tuned for my next adventure, we'll just say I'm about to get real WET....lol and I'm not a female. Whoooo hoooo!
Sub glad you stopped by! Been wondering how you have been lately.

Core, always a pleasure to have ya here! Yeah man been updatin on the new situation in the Social Group bro. New set up is just about here so lots of work to do next week. I'll link ya's to the new thread as soon as she' hatches! Peace to you F.U.C.K.E.R.S for carin...lol.