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Muscadine Mash in the Welding Booth...



Muscadine Mash - Peats cross of Dj's GK x GK....come along for the ride....plan is as follows....:dueling: Dropped five beans this am in Distilled h2o,
these are going into a light soil mix (local nurshery) and gettin some sex going on and then taking cuts for my first hydro run...wish me well. :woohoo: Doing a double bubble bucket run with two 400's and see what goes down. :yeahthats Peats results are amazing with this plant and I can't wait to get down with some MM dry sieve hash! I'll update this regularly as I can as lately I've been bombarded with computer viruses. Hopefully this time I got her all str8nd out, lmao.

Peace and shine on good people of IC and my fellow F.U.C.K.E.M crew...lets do this.


Yeah WF!
My last run of 5 seeds yielded 2 fine females.
One turned out a bit more "grapey" than any I've come across, yet.
Smooth, deep, rich, sweet smoke. :yummy:
Oh yeah...potent, too.

Good luck! :ying:

Hey there WF now I know who nicked that auction from me while i was sleeping :mad: Just giving you shit man hope the best for those seeds ill be watching .


Well things are looking great so far!:woohoo:All five beans have sunk and three have cracked so far....headin for the paper towel and baggie now...

Peat, great to have ya along for the ride, brother.
Philthy, nice to see ya again mang, shit is always tight in your grow room, hopin mine turns out the same...
Bossman Frank, very happy to have ya aboard man this is going to be a nice show for sure with these genes...
JoJo, get the fryer ready for the pots cuz I've got the fuckin munchies already! Nice to have ya aboard for the show.
GIG, around here ya gotta be quick and can't take no cat naps while theres good beans to be had!!!

Ya'll are welcome to pull up a chair, pack up the chillums, blunts and pipefulls, we're in this one for the long haul...peace and shine on to you all.

And never forget to F.U.C.K.E.M forever!


ICMag Donor
sounds like you are off to a good start! still waiting for my beans in the mail ;)


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Hey, my man Weld! Good to see you got a grow thread started! Got er tagged up and sitting back ready for the show to begin :rasta: Stay safe & :smoweed:


Got four outta five to pop so far and the four have between 1/4 and 1/2 inch tails...I'll get a shot of them before they hit the dirt, but we all know what beans with tails look like. Anyhow, I'm pretty amped about this grow, actually going to fab up another whole cab in another week here for the bloom boom room, (somewhere to get my feet wet with hydro). So stay tuned its about to get real fun around here super quicklike. Peace and shine on.


I dropped 5 today myself! :) Can't wait to see them pop!

Peat that grapey pheno you were talkin about makes me want to go put 5 more out... LOL.

I did share my stash with another ICMagger, so hoping to make some beans to replenish the supply. :)

Can't wait to see these 2 grows! Good Luck!


Whoohoooo, we have babies! So far, theres four outta five above soil line, pics tomorrow night or tuesday during the day. Welcome aboard, Lola, peace and shine on.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
can i still tag along...?
hehehe,seems awfull quiet inhere?


Yeah Core I'm thrilled to see ya here I've been lacking in the pics dept. but things are going real well now that I've got my soil mix right....Pics very soon to come....as in I need to charge the cam batteries up but they arent seedlings anymore...whooohooooo! Hopefully I'll have some pics to look at in here by fri. at the latest...Peace and shine on to you all.


Active member
Tagged! I'm interested in your grow! That GK x GK sounds awesome :)

Here's to an abundance of fine females!!:joint::friends:

Looking forward to what nature brings you.

- SubN


Here they are finally Muscadine Mash at day 16 from germ...

And now for some out door shots....strains are Jacks Cleaner II and Jilly beans mixed up with a couple of plants that lost their tags when they hit the outside...

Enjoy, cuz I'm sure gonna if I can stay away from the mold!!! Peace and shine on!


Look at dem lovely ladies! :respect:

"May God bless & keep the mold! ...far away from your plants"
~ Shakespeare (Loosely translated, of course.) ;)

:listen2: Those seedlings look very happy too! :woohoo:

Nice work, WF! :friends:


Thx Peat! Gonna do ya proud with the Mash...if they turn out half as good as yours looked I'll be smokin some super dank for xmas this yr.

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