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Mrs. For needs some good vibes.



Sitting here in the hospital er. My wife is epileptic and is having a bout with seizures right now. She has had 4 in the last hour. Our poor son had to see his mom fall to the floor in violent shakes. I know there is a good community out here and I just need some well wishes and positive vibes Mrs. Does way. Thanks guys....


hope she gets better homie, it always works out... hang in there.... much love... bless up


Active member
Sorry to hear that johndoe123; it must be horrible for all 3 of you. My heart goes out to all 3 of you.

Sending my best wishes of healing! jpt


Active member
Stay strong she needs you more than ever.....prayers to all three of you....how is your boy taking it...stay in touch you have my # if you need to call...anytime day or night..DJXX


Thank you everyone for your well wishes and concerns. I hope she gets out today... They had her full of ivs and knocked out by 2 am this morning. I made it back home to pick up the son and get a few hours of sleep. The hospital has free wifi so I will update as I can. She has been doing so well no seizures for over a year and now this....
Again thank you all for your good vibes and well wishes.


Active member
Hope all is well JD sending Love & Light your way ;) Tell Mrs. Doe we miss her & 2 stay strong. I bet your son is built like a brick shit-house already ;) Give me a call buddy. Peace~ DJSF


Thank you... The out pour of support from our community has helped beyond belief. My wife is still in the hospital and will probably stay there for at least another day. When she moved up here with me to MI from FL she was not able to get into the doctor to get a refill of an antidepressant that she has been on since our son was born. She went around 6 days without it with plans on getting off it. Well good ol Pharma drugs caused withdraw symptoms that educed all the seizures that she had. She had been doing so Well. At least a year and a half without any seizures. With everything else on her plate she is also a daily drinker, which I don't condone and have tried many times to get her to sober up. Between a 6 and a 12 pack a day since we have gotten together in 08. The only dry spell I have seen with her was in 09 when she was pregnant withour son.

The doctors in the hospital are trying to get her a spot in a rehab clinic for a bit. She needs to get off the booze. I have cried to her and fraught with her over it in the past to no avail. She is not a sloppy fall down drunk but she has to have her a few drinks every day. With her medical condition she just really needs to quit.

An amazing friend on here has reached out and is going to put me in touch with someone here local in MI to get me some snips of a high CBD strain for her. She has her medical card too. I have not done a lot of research on cbd since she has been seizure free. What is the preferred method of ingestion for the most benefical use of cbd in a seizure patient??? She loves to smoke if that works but I would be more than willing to refine the meds any way that is needed for her.

Again, Thank you everyone for your support. It means the world to me to have such a large family of caring individuals.


Active member
I wish n' hope nothing but the best for you n' yours john...

I'm conflicted about the wanting to cut out her drinking...(no adverse conditions to it, it seems)...

As a drunk myself, I'm not condoning it of course... Just that we all medicate a lil' differently is all.

Hoping for nothing but the best for your entire family :tiphat: