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Mr.Wags Goes Buckets But What About Bob?


Tree Grower
:wave: thank for the weekly fix of eye candy :yummy: .Starting to fatten up nicely.Your doing one hell of a job as usual Mr.Wags :friends: :wink:.


I'm loving every update myself. I about got the shakes there for a minute when i saw the pictures. Great job MrWags, doing a awesome job like always.
Take care,


Active member
Im gettin started biulding today broham, will be in touch. I dont wanna look at your pics , i cant take it, too awesome a sight. :lurk:

like BG said he allmost got the shakes, i cant hang with that, i hav a weak ticker :yoinks:

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Active member
Seems TK was an excellent mentor looking at your pics , not that your not a natural to begin with, just unreal growin' bro.


sorry for 3 posts in a row
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Hi Mr Wags I love your grows!

Could you please elaborate on your reasons for the practise of 48 hours dark before harvest.

Most curiously



********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
THSeek said:
Hi Mr Wags I love your grows!

Could you please elaborate on your reasons for the practise of 48 hours dark before harvest.

Most curiously


Why yes sir I can. I was taught that at night with the lights out our girls send the sugars down to the roots away from the part we want. In doing a 2 week ph water flush and a 48 hour light's out before the cut helps with giving me VERY clean smoke to start to cure in the jars after the hang. All I can say is it works for me.



Thanks so much for prompt reply. Yes that makes perfect sense to me too. My system depicts I wont be practising this (Aqua, fish want light, flush involves starving the fish) but it is nice info for some bio-buddies I have.


Active member
I would love to try this mrwags but someone elses plants in flower would probably hermie and there would be no living with him :chin: :D

I've heard it ripens up those trichs amazingly. Has that been your experiance?

Fantastic thread!


Active member
Alright I decided to join in on the masters thread, you are truly amazing mrwags, I just sometimes can't believe your grows. I think you have convinced me with that great description that lights out before you cut is worth it, I'll give it a try. Although you still haven't convinced me on the flushing.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
tokinsmokin said:
Alright I decided to join in on the masters thread, you are truly amazing mrwags, I just sometimes can't believe your grows. I think you have convinced me with that great description that lights out before you cut is worth it, I'll give it a try. Although you still haven't convinced me on the flushing.

Ok the flush part. During the final 2 weeks I ONLY use water,good ole mother earth and change my water every 5 days until the 14 are complete. Each and every time I change the water I can see the ppm go down on my tri meter and by the time the 14 days are complete my ppm is as close as I can get to my standard point of my water thus gettin ALL of the food from the girls therefore the only thing rushing through her veins is water. I will admit using PBP does help but doing this and the cut (in the dark) after 48 hours dark insure's me of nute clean,starch and sugar free Bud's Of Love to dry and cure. I can see the girls swell and you will to when they try to survive on just water and yes dear sweet Jenna the ambers do change right before your eye's letting you know when THEY are ready. Women, can't live without them but never ever rush them. My 2 Cents.

But Jenna (you dear sweet thing) and tokin and Bonz your words are to kind and please understand I will always be the student,for all I know came from here and for that I once again Thank You All. :friends:

Thank For Stopping By

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Tree Grower
:yoinks: damn they really packed on the weight in the last week.I think your being a little modest sweetie IMHO your easily one of the top 5 best grower's on site hand's down (to me #1).Another outstanding grow from The Master :bow: :respect: .Trust all is well with you and your's take care and above all be SAFE my :friends: :wink: .


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Teresa said:
:yoinks: damn they really packed on the weight in the last week.I think your being a little modest sweetie IMHO your easily one of the top 5 best grower's on site hand's down (to me #1).Another outstanding grow from The Master :bow: :respect: .Trust all is well with you and your's take care and above all be SAFE my :friends: :wink: .

Easily :) Man your garden is absolutley awesome .. thanks so much for sharing this love with us all.
nam myoho renge kyo


Active member
Yeah man, I actually was thinking exactly what teresa said a few days before she posted that. Your grows are definitely nothing but amazing, and you definitely are one of the top growers here.


Active member
mr.wags your humility is as amazing as your grows.teresa@your self realy give a noobie like myself somthing to shoot for,but w/your exelent threads it's going to shorten my learning curve. much respect;1twistedtrucker.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
ok so looking at your buckets you have a bucket in a bucket instead of a net pot in a bucket ... is this because of the choice to grow trees ? Im setting up basicly the same thing but im using 3.5 gallon buckets with large netpots ... i think ... can you tell me what the diff is between using a second bucket or a netpot or is it just to grow large trees? My area is only 6 ft tall so i figured the large netpot would be large enough to hold a nice bush not a tree . Can you give me your thoughts on this mrwags :)
thanks buddy
nam myoho renge kyo


Active member
well a few of the advantages babbabud to the bucket inside a bucket is that your hydroton won't get stuck in the drain plug, which I made the mistake of doing. But also the bucket in the bucket will allow you to move around your plants in your room, so you can get even growth with all your plants or for maintenance on the system. I talked to various different experienced growers on here about this a few weeks ago when I was building mine, and no one really knew the reason for it. So it'll be interesting to see what mrwags thinks. BTW I now am using the bucket inside a bucket method which I think was the better choice now that its up and running.