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Moving To Portland, OR: How Should I Transport My Weed There?

Moving To Portland, OR: How Should I Transport My Weed There?

  • vacuum seal the jars, put in the U-Haul trailer (high temps, no air circulation)

    Votes: 19 50.0%
  • don't vacuum sealing the jars, put them in the U-Haul

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • vacuum seal the jars, put 'em in the back of my truck (cooler, can open windows)

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • don't vacuum sealing the jars, put 'em in the back of my truck

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • vacuum seal the jars, have them ride up front with me

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • don't vacuum seal the jars, have them ride up front with me

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • send them through the mail (problem: I don't have an address to send them to yet)

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters


Alright! Finally getting my ass out of Dodge and moving to Portland! My trip will be starting in North Carolina.

I'll be driving my Ford Ranger truck, pulling a U-Haul trailer. Truck still has a fairly new looking paint job on it, its a 2002 model. It has a cheapo aluminum cap on the back covering the bed, and this will be relatively empty, almost everything I take will be in the trailer.

My appearance is average, the only thing that makes me look slightly alternative is a goatee that is longer than most guys wear, but its not even close to approaching ZZ Top style. Beard has turned pure white. I look like an old fart...guess I kinda am. :)

I'm not sure the best way to transport the weed. I don't have much, about 4 ounces or so. And, a bunch of seeds, which are even more important than the weed in the long run. But, if I got searched for some reason on the way by a cop with a dog, in one of those states in the middle of the country that have draconian weed laws, that amount would be enough to get me in a world of trouble.

I don't own any vacuum sealing equipment that would aid in hiding any smell from the cop dog. To purchase this would likely cost around $100, maybe $150. I'd rather not have to make that purchase for just this one-time need.

I'll probably take 2 weeks max, more likely 8 to 10 days, to make the trip.

I tend to err on the side of caution, and this is the only reason I am seeking further opinion on the subject. I'm guessing most folks wouldn't think twice about transporting such a small amount, but I'm still interested in how a larger sample would come out....so I'm putting up a poll. :)

1) vacuum seal the jars, put in a box, then the trailer...this will probably get quite hot due to no air circulation in the trailer.

2) vacuum seal the jars, put in a box, then in the back of my truck's cab, will be cooler due to windows I can open.

3) don't bother vacuum sealing, put in a box in the trailer

4) don't bother vacuum sealing, put in a box in the back of my truck

5) let 'em ride up front with me, vacuum sealed, in a box

6) let 'em ride up front with me, not vacuum sealed, in a box

7) don't transport the weed with you at all, send it through the mail (problem...I don't have an address to send it to yet)

Observations, comments and suggestions are highly encouraged!
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The cat that loves cannabis
Kill the smell however you can.
Make sure all your equipment is working (headlights, turn signals, etc...)
Obey all the traffic laws.
Relax and enjoy the trip.
99% chance you will get to OR with your weed problem free.


Kill the smell however you can.
Make sure all your equipment is working (headlights, turn signals, etc...)
Obey all the traffic laws.
Relax and enjoy the trip.
99% chance you will get to OR with your weed problem free.

Exactly. I wouldn't too much worry about being searched unless you do something that would make them want to search you. Do the speed limit the whole way there, and make sure all equipment works.

Good luck.


Active member
Kill the smell however you can.
Make sure all your equipment is working (headlights, turn signals, etc...)
Obey all the traffic laws.
Relax and enjoy the trip.
99% chance you will get to OR with your weed problem free.

i completely agree with above^
be cool, take your precautions, cover the stink the best you can, act like you dont even have it with you. and enjoy it. dont let that ruin your good time. ive driven that far many many times, never had a problem. enjoy!


St. Elsewhere
Yea, I'd spend more time checking signals, headlights, etc. Less time worrying about smell. Be safe, drive the speed limit, and you're golden. Wouldn't bother putting it in the trailer. (What good is smuggling your stash if it comes out tasting like hay because of summer heat?) Bring it with you in the cab.

Oh and the best advice for a trip like this is to forget about it, don't worry. If you spend your whole trip worried about getting pulled over, you're getting pulled over. :)

Jalisco Kid

Active member
Sell the stuff there and buy twice as much in ore with that money. Roll up some spliffs and see the country. Keep a bunch of tourist crap as in park maps etc where they can be seen. drive a few miles over the speed limit like every one else. JK
You could always do what everyone else does. Buy the vacuume device at WalMart, use it and return it. Not sure if everyone does it, or just does it with whatever I eventually buy there.

Good luck, and put the weed up high. in the Uhaul.


Better not smoke any while on the road. It's tempting, but not worth the risk while transporting. Congrats on the move to OR.


Thanks for all the great responses folks!

j6p...I won't be smoking any while I'm driving, but I will definitely be smoking some before I take off in the mornings, and a time or two more during the day, but only in the safest of situations.

I'm lucky, I'm a real lightweight, a couple of puffs and I get just the right adjustment to make a roadtrip that much more interesting. Its so easy to sneak a couple of puffs, by the time anybody smells it, I'm long long gone.


Throbbing Member
You could mail it to me....and then when you get here we could have a smoke-out and some homebrew :)

Be safe and bring some sun :D


Just pack it like you normally do for an outting or if its plants box them. A big tip, travel when its rainning!! Cops are people and usualy won't get out to do the entire routine of hassling you even if you are pulled over speeding. Also I would assume you know enough to do it sober. Good luck!


ICMag Donor
vaacum seal each z ..individually ...then vac seall all 4 together to make 1 package,...Then secure it on the top of your transmission...or in a area of the engine compartment...or behind the splash guard sheeting in your wheel wells...just a few things i would probably try...


I hope the LEO isn't now going to be specifically looking out for a Ford Ranger truck with NC plates and a U-Haul trailer going westbound towards Oregon...



Active member
vaacum seal each z ..individually ...then vac seall all 4 together to make 1 package,...Then secure it on the top of your transmission...or in a area of the engine compartment...or behind the splash guard sheeting in your wheel wells...just a few things i would probably try...

Bad idea, it's Way more hot there than in the Uhaul !!!

U4EA - my thoughts exactly!! At least OP didn't say what color the truck is!!! Hopefully the trailer will obscure the truck plate, and the trailer could have plates from any state. Still tho...borderline TMI !!


We are Farmers
First of congrats on your move to Oregon, I hope you like rain :) It rained all f'ing day today.

I would pack it away in the trailer personally, use a cooler if you can.

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