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Moving to Nepal


New member
I am moving to Nepal next june and was looking for some insight on the quality of buds and hash. I have heard alot of stories and such but only travled with my inlaws. I would like some hard up facts as to what to expect.


Lots of dope available, very very easy to score.

The street dealers mostly offer only poor to moderate quality stuff unless you are very lucky

When you have some connections - like the medicine man says - some of the best dope on the planet, both weed and resin (and there is both charas and hash for the resin fans).

You're gonna have fun!


New member
our house will be done being built in march so we will be moving not long after. we will have a nice walled garden and a roof deck that i could grow on. will it be to late to start when i get there and how safe would it be to grow around katmandu. not alot just 1-2 plants for myself?


legend is you can get some 10g balls of creamy hash for about $1 a gram but that's just what I hear. Befriend some smoking monks and you should do well, meditate much with the herb in the mountains I wish I was going!


our house will be done being built in march so we will be moving not long after. we will have a nice walled garden and a roof deck that i could grow on. will it be to late to start when i get there and how safe would it be to grow around katmandu. not alot just 1-2 plants for myself?

Hmm be careful. What goes for the locals will not necessarily be ok for you (and it may be considered disrespectful - Nepal is a very conservative country in many ways and repectability/"face" is terribly important ; not sure you'd want to jeapordise that so soon after arriving). I would, at the very least, train the plants such that they keep a low profile... but I am not sure why you would bother, for personal use. It's so easy to find good puff in Kathmandu without the risk of attracting hassle and trouble by growing it yourself. With only a very little effort (getting outside the Valley) you can find superb weed to smoke as it is or indeed to make hash out of...

if you are very keen to grow, I would consider reaching an agreement with a farmer out of town, off your own doorstep, so to speak. I think nepal is probably a good place to do just that (a 'sponsored grow', if you like) as the locals are very nice, broadly trustworthy and land and labour very inexpensive.

...buds or hash. Won't look very amazing - don't think there's going to be "bag appeal" It's all indica and will get you high high

... and I'm afraid I dont agree with this post at all (sorry, doesn't reflect my experiences). Yes, the street weed in KTM is not the best (though better than street weed you might find at home, I'd guess). But there's great weed to be had... and little of it is indica. There is indica weed grown in nepal (the Jomsom purple, for example) but the majority is sativa or heavily sativa influenced. Almost all the weed grown in the Terai (on the plains), round Nepalgunj, for example, is sativa. The plants I have seen around the Kathmandu valley is sativa. The weed I made hash from outside Pokhara (you can guess)....



As soon as you land in Kathmandu wander around Thamel,your besieged by kids selling Hash,I used to buy it on a sort of greased paper rolled flat and cut into squares,cant remember the price but it was dirt cheap.


NEPAL -very easy to get cheap QUALITY HASH

NEPAL -very easy to get cheap QUALITY HASH

First I would like to mention that most of the cannabis in the TERAI is INDICA and the weed in the mountains is SATIVA. I live in Nepal part time , have house wife, bike, etc,. I usually hook up in many ways , true sometimes the ganja from THAMEL can be already rubbed down, but MOST people go to NEPAL for HASH not ganja. Most of the time the buds are already rubbed down. But if go trekking you will find vast fields of cannabis not rubbed down. The host will offer up his own charas and ganja.

The post that the hash doesn't look very good is a misnomer! NEpalese HASH is the best in the world! THat's why it's the most expensive in AMSTERDAM. They make damn sure that you wont smuggle it out. The mountains give host the best sativa know to man.. the TERAI best INDICA.

First and foremost you will be shipped off to the tourist part "THAMEL". where hagglers will shove hash in your nose to smell it. I disagree with the post that says it will be bad quality, MOST of the time, thee guys are peddling EXCELLENT hash, otherwise they wouldn/t sell shit. I have purchase some of the best in THAMEL. However, go to PASHUPATHINATH, where the BABAS worships shiva, they WIll find you the best charas. My mother usually brings me the best from here relatives. You will NOT have a hard time finding any hash though, take a walk thru FREAK ST or THAMEL and it will come to you. I promise.

Once you obtain a smoke , and get the munchies, go to the "BAKERY CAFE" they have the bEST momo! and the coffee shop above the BAKERY CAFE has the best coffee in KTM. PLEASE take a look at my videos.






enjoy the videos....next will be a dOCumentary on CANNABIS IN NEPAL>

pm me for more BETA on NEPAL.


Active member
What would be the cost of a piece of land and a house in Nepal in US dollars? What's the cost of living like?

~Abbie :joint:


Be very careful of pickpockets in Kathmandu. We had our passports, tickets , and travelers checks stolen there. I also got very sick from some of the food in Kathmandu. Stick to a vegetarian diet if you can. Freak st is where it is at. We bought some really nice chillums and there is plenty of hash available. Up in the Mountains we were able to find some decent weed. Better than in India. There are plenty of wild pot plants growing everywhere so I think if you try to grow there your weed will get seeded.


What would be the cost of a piece of land and a house in Nepal in US dollars? What's the cost of living like?

~Abbie :joint:

land is expensive in KTM, my house would cost about 40-50,000$ usa dollars to build, but the land itself is about 10,000$. Not cheap. But cost of living is descent, fuel is about 90 rupess/liter so over 4$ for a gallon of crappy fuel. I suggest staying vegetarian unless you stay with an aware nepali family that knows your intestines arent the same. lol. ONLY DRINK BOTTLED WATER SEALED. never accept a water that''s been opened. You can always find chiso pani. We eat alot veggies and rice , I<E. DHAL BHAT. which is really cheap , can feed the family for about 100 rupees. Our utilities arent so bad about 10$ a month. but it's amazing . I bought my house then built 2 more levels, only coz I thought life was pretty shitty under GEORGE FUCKING W BUSH> 2 terms had me thinking of high tailing permanenlty to KTM , NEPAL. My house is paid for so no mrtg, I would probably start a seed bank here. I already have alot of special seeds saved up. Some from TERAI and some from sativas in the Himalaya.


Be very careful of pickpockets in Kathmandu. We had our passports, tickets , and travelers checks stolen there. I also got very sick from some of the food in Kathmandu. Stick to a vegetarian diet if you can. Freak st is where it is at. We bought some really nice chillums and there is plenty of hash available. Up in the Mountains we were able to find some decent weed. Better than in India. There are plenty of wild pot plants growing everywhere so I think if you try to grow there your weed will get seeded.

there are professional pickpockets, but never ever expose where you carry pp or wallet, mine stays in my pack or my pouch on my tummy.