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probation questions

Im gonna be on 5 yrs probation for growing this lovely plant, :cuss: will plead no contest to possesion which is a class c felony. I havent met the probation officer yet, how should I act around him?
Q#1 Since im pleading no contest to a felony this will be felony probabtion correct?
Q#2 If I test clean for a year or so and dont get in any trouble will he stop drug testing me? then I could :joint: ?
Q#3 I think there was a member here who was on probation and he said he knew when he COULD be drug tested, how could he know that?
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Don Cotyle

1) yes

2) depends on the probation officer, but probably not!!!

3) They will probably put you on a schedual to meet with your probation officer, plan on getting a suprise piss test anytime you go!!!

If I were you I'd give up the smoke till you got off probation, it's not worth going to prison for the first charge and a new charge just for pissing dirty!!! They could put you away for a long time if they wanted too, and you did get probation...why throw that away!!!


her dankness
If you are put on random testing, your possible test dates are not limited to your probation meetings; they may call you in at any time.

I agree; don't screw up the probation! You may find that your PO will choose to meet with you less frequently after he or she becomes convinced that you are unlikely to get in any further trouble, but if the probation paperwork specifies drug testing, that is not the PO's call and don't assume that just because you don't have an office meeting with the PO, you also won't be called to piss at random intervals.

I hope it goes smoothly for you. Try to maintain the best, most positive, relationship you can with your PO, because at the end of the day- he is a good ally.


Active member
no contest to a felony will most likely net you supervised formal probation, the kind I'm on.

I've had ONE test since I was released, even though I had drug charges against me. I'm slightly appaled at that, however I'm more relieved :wink:

agreeing with every other reply, you want that person to be your best friend, you piss them off and they can make your life a bitch.

they COULD call you in at any random time for a test, 3 times in a day, 1 time in a year, who knows. I went a solid 6 months before i even had a single puff since I was released.

I am fortunate to have medical laws where i live, I hurt my back at work and now I have a reccomendation for MMJ. You can use vicodin while on probation if you have a prescrip, why not MMJ if you have the reccomendation? I'd look into it if its a possibility for you.


cannabis enthusiast
dont take the chance of toking while on probo, one day on felony probation my officer told me that i smelled like bud smoke. i think it was the cologne i was wearing but none the less he came to my house with cops and pretty much ripped apart everything to find anything they could, which was nothing. i had been clean and they just fucked up. most felony probation officers will have you come in once a week, or once a month and ya never know when they will ask you to piss for them. you may not be tested for a long time and some will think "they dont drug test i can toke"
then outta nowhere they give you a piss test without warning. if your on probation be glad your not in prison but free, and a dirty piss test can change that really really fast. looking at an extra felony for probation violation then what was held over your head for reason of first felony=not good man. also with a 5 year probation period most will let you off in 2 1/2 years so just stay clean and things will be ok!


Well-known member
and dont forget they can come to your house your job at anytime unanounced we know its hard not to indulge in our favorite med's but it aint worth the time you get and if you get time you get out early on good behavior and on probation again for the remainder of you sentence


^^yep they can and will..I had 18 months a while back. He only went to my house once and my work once. I quit smoking when I was busted. So I went into the PO clean, he tested me twice just to be sure that first day. After that he tested me again 2 months later, still clean. 8 months into it, he called me in a week early. Tested me, and released me that same day. He told the judge I was a waste of his time, and requested that I be released.

I got out of having to attend NA, and the carreer counseling I was sentenced to also..


Grinding extra.
A) The fact you are asking these questions after recieveing felony probation infers you have alot more to worry about than what you want to know.

B) If I were you (and I'm not) I would not grow or smoke while on probation.

C) If you feel offended. Don't speak. Click on this link for starters and begin to understand what a Jedi is.


Chances are you'll have to pass through a metal detector when you report to probation, so get this one and not the one with a battery. Synthetic urine is cheap. You have a lot to learn, grasshopper, but begin with this. Make sure you are strapped with this device and the urine EVERY time you have to report to probation. PERIOD. Be confident, not the pussy you appear to be. Sorry. I'm tipsy.

EDIT: Have a "primary residence" where your PO can come and check and make sure it is cleaner than clean. Then, rent another house and grow in that one. This requires a level of commitment and staunchness.
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M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
you can run circles around the department of probation if you have a head on your shoulders. if not, then you will be one of the 90% who never make it off papers. which will you be? only time will tell...

also, what state are you guys in that the PO's come to your work or home UNANNOUNCED? i was on maximum supervision felony probation for 18 months for an MJ crime and the ONLY time i had to worry bout pissin was at an office visit.

matter of fact, i heard that PO's are no longer ALLOWED to piss test you in your home since they can't control the environment and you could be cheating.

then again your state may be different and i can only report things as they happened to me.


Grinding extra.
There's way's around an unnanounced visit. Don't answer the door and make the PO call you to ARRANGE an appointment because you are very busy.


Wow I guess this varies from area to area. In Florida, you report once a month to your PO. Basically its about every 30 days, or once a month. Anytime you go in, you can be tested. They also have a sheriff in the office so if you fail, you get some silver bracelets. Your PO probably will show up to your house. I dont know if they came in and they certainly never went through my stuff. I know the last time was very brief and the guy showed up twice to make sure I was in by curfew. He made it very clear not to open the door as he backed up to his car and kept an eye on my pit bull in the window. I never had one come to my work.

Also in Florida, when you violate probation, you cant bond out and you have to sit in jail till you go to court, could be two weeks or more. Secondly, you are now in the hands of the judge. If the judge wants to increase probation, put you on house arrest, or send your ass to prison for a few years (up to the maximum time for your offense), they can. You already plead guilty, you no longer have control of the situation.

Smoking while on probation is pretty dumb if you ask me.


Active member
if possible, move to a meduse state. once legalized you'll most likely get an honorable discharge from probation as long as your only charges are cannabis related. i served 13 months of a 2 year sentence then as soon as i got licensed the p.o. put me in for early release...the p.o. and even the judge thought it was silly for me to be on probation for what i can legally do now.

if interested i can help you get settled and licensed in nevada. transferring probation to another state is done all the time and shouldn't be a prob.

good luck
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yamaha_1fan said:
Secondly, you are now in the hands of the judge. If the judge wants to increase probation, put you on house arrest, or send your ass to prison for a few years (up to the maximum time for your offense), they can. You already plead guilty, you no longer have control of the situation.

Yeah im dealing with this now got a D.W.I. after i was placed on probation for growing weed. Its 3 mounths in house rehab or 2 years state jail. Im going with the 3 mounths of rehab.


I'm not entirely sure where you are, but in the state of Illinois, especially Cook County, they can do whatever they want to you while you're on probation (within the limits of your executed arrangement with the prosecution). They can call you in for drops anytime they want. Failure of that drop will result in a probation violation, an increase in the amount of time you are on probation or a host of other evil government intrusions. As this is felony probation, the penalties for probation violations are exponentially increased over the same violation for a misdemeanor.

I have been in court numerous times for various issues (I'm defense counsel) and have seen it go both ways. If you're good, don't fail your tests, make nice with the probation/social svcs department, stay in school/employed, stay out of trouble and comply with all of the conditions of your probation, the judge, if in a benevolent mood, may release you early.

If you're bad, unemployed and consistently f-ed up when you arrive in court for status/hearings, you could very easily become one of Bubba's butt buddies.

Long story short, do what they say until you're done with the illegitimate government intrusion. Do whatever it takes to stay clean. Once you're clean, depending on a host of factors, you can (predicated on the fact that you are in Illinois - I'm unaware of other state laws) get convictions such as this expunged or sealed.


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
for the good of the thread, only those who PERSONALLY were on papers should respond. no offense, but what the hell would a lawyer know about probation. doesn't seem like the forte for legal counsel...

there is no early release for drug offense probation (not sure about other offenses, but since i haven't experienced i cant comment.) BY DEFINITION PROBATION IS A TRAP. 90% of those on probation never make it off without violation. have you ever seen the booklet of things you CAN'T LEGALLY do while on felony probation? 150+ items... i was even told i couldn't have contact with my father due to us both being felons at the same time (you are forbidden to associate with other felons.)

also, OPEN YOUR EYES PLEASE! the correctional facilities in this nation MAKE MONEY OFF PRISONERS! this is not a theory, it is fact. why would someone be let off papers early when they might commit a crime during the period of time before their scheduled discharge and be thrown in jail so the government can make money off you...
dontstepongrass said:
what the hell would a lawyer know about probation. doesn't seem like the forte for legal counsel...

a close friend is a criminal attorney, trust me, he answers these questions at 3 am sometimes to nervous and curious clients like the thread creator


Active member
pretty lame all the money that the government spends over little stuff like this.


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
Fatt Daddy said:
^^are u serious?!?! LOL...that's like asking what would a doctor know about medicine.

yes, i am serious. and you obviously lack personal experience to respond.

a medical doctor will have you come through with follow up appointments to check your vitals and talk to you to see how said medication is working for you.

are you trying to tell me that a lawyer will have you come back and TAKE UP HIS TIME to ask you how probation is going? a lawyer makes their bank representing a client in legal proceeding such as motions, trials, etc. there is no pot of gold to be found at the end of probation, so a lawyer won't be there.

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