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Moving to Denver from Texas


New member
Im doing the same thing. N. Texas to Denver. Keep in mind, anywhere you go is going to beat facing 6months-2 years state jail PER PLANT (!!!!!!)

The front lines are tough, its almost like fighting a losing battle, and out here...its just a matter of time, these tx LEO are no joke. Moving to denver, "in the rear with the gear" is a nice promotion...

Denver winters will be a rough transition from texas, but michigan has to be worse...and it never gets warm there...denver has an actual summer. And thats without comparing the outdoors scene, gun laws or people....Each to their own though, and legally it might be a better option to move to michigan. Detroit is just one big cold traffic jam though, fyi.

Lastly, if going from possible 6months-2 years jail per plant, to possible 2-6 years jail for your total grow (mandatory offer for probation on 1st offense, and this is after/if they get through your medical defense) is too scary for you....then by all means...stay in hell...lol, fck texas leo...i cant wait to get out of this place


I'm still fairly certain the wife and I are packing our bags and heading for Denver. I already have work lined up, living costs seem comparable to Dallas, crime seems lower, etc.

The only thing that I am not seeing in the HB-eleventy84 bill is, is it legal to grow your own meds? I'm on page 5/97 on the thread and so far all I've gathered is, it's screwing with caregivers and it seems to be forcing people into dispensaries. If this is the case, I'm less enthused - but as I've read somewhere here, "move here for a better life."

I considered Michigan for about 10 seconds - no way am I moving there.


Active member
You guys will love Denver! Hit me up when you get here..I can give you a good run down of the laws and what's really going on. Clones fall out of the sky all around me too! Haha

I grew up in Texas and hell yes there is still money to be made out here


still2big - thanks a lot, your post has kind of eased my mind a bit about the move. I'm now just trying to figure out which areas of Denver we should move. Anybody with any recommendations?

My only concerns about a house is I'd like a garage, and FiOS would be nice - and of course a decently safe area. Not that we go out looking for trouble, just don't want it to be a worry that it's going to come to me.

Tierra Rojo

You guys will love Denver! Hit me up when you get here..I can give you a good run down of the laws and what's really going on. Clones fall out of the sky all around me too! Haha

I grew up in Texas and hell yes there is still money to be made out here

It's the truth man. If you have skills and ethics and are able to meet the RIGHT people things will fall into place. CO is an amazing place on all levels. I have spent my entire life working outdoors and in greenhouses in Texas, and the heat has aged me. It has not even come close to 100 yet, and nights actually cool off considerably. Most of the people I have met are cool and honest, but there are a lot of shady fuckers too. I love it. I'm home.


I had a good upbringing morally/ethically speaking, I'm a very nice person that tries to help others even ahead of myself in most cases, and never ask for anything in return. Skills, as far as growing - I have yet to give a proper test. I have picked up most things fairly easily and quickly, even things I'm not interested in - hopefully MMJ will be no different. I know it's not a walk in the park, but I know my abilities to become good at something.

The last few years have taught me that knowing the correct people helps considerably and makes life a lot easier. I'll have to start that process of meeting the right people over again being in a new state, but I'm hoping to get to know people prior to the move.
You guys will love Denver! Hit me up when you get here..I can give you a good run down of the laws and what's really going on. Clones fall out of the sky all around me too! Haha

I grew up in Texas and hell yes there is still money to be made out here

hahahaha did you say "MAKE MONEY" wow kind of a big turn around there after the shit you were giving all of us who have to make money and do have the golden ganja tree like you and support ourselves off of, giving shit away all the time stop working for ya......hhmmmm. Nice back peddle.


-1 for skunk, what is your problem, you flame Still2big for giving away free meds claiming its railroading the other caregivers and calling him a douchebag. Then when he says something about making money you flame him again.

To the OP, CO is the best damn state I have ever lived in. Shit, its my favorite place to live and I have lived in two different countries! There are some parts of the metro area to stay out of if you are moving here. Dont even bother looking for houses in North Metro, they have a douchebag sheriff and he doesnt like MMJ. You also want to stay out of CO Springs, pretty conservative there too. Denver and Boulder County are great. I personally like Boulder better than Denver but to each their own.

Im curious if you are coming to here to only grow or if you are going to be working a full or part time job, too. The reason I ask is because if you are going to be growing for a living, then I would say screw the city, get up to the mountains. Less people, more protections, and peace and quite.

If you are going to have to work, then I would stay a little closer to Denver or Boulder.

Some areas to stay out of for MMJ purposes:
North Metro, Adams County- Thorton, Broomfield, Brighton, Arvada, there are a few others too.

Jefferson County can be pretty strict also.
Why is everyone always dissing Jeff-co? Oh, wait, Canna-girl is right, whatever you do don't move to Jefferson County! No one grows in Jeff-co! NO ONE! Now, why we have 3 Hydro stores on Hwy 285, I don't know, since no one grows here. NO ONE!
; )


I'm going to be working full/part-time when we move. Might have a job lined up already, might not - I'm just hoping the job market is a little better than where I'm currently living. I wish I could grow well enough to do it to pay the bills - but right now this is not the case.

My cousin, who also wants to move to Colorado said that Boulder is kind of like "Austin, TX" in some ways - so that has me kind of intrigued. I love Austin, and any city that is compared to it, I think I would enjoy living there.

Thanks everyone for your replies.

Tierra Rojo

I lived most of my adult life in Austin. Denver is more like Austin is now. Boulder is more like Denton. Straight up crunchy college town.


I lived most of the last five years in the metroplex - mostly in Dallas proper, but I liked what I saw of Denton the few times I visited.


Colorado doesnt even start untill you get west of the divide. Denver and boulder are just like any other suburban city in America. Mountains are where its at. 9 months of winter, and 150 days of snowboarding. NOW thats CO!