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Mountain Dew pulls racist commercial ~ racist my ass!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

This shit's the funniest.


so how racist can this really be especially as it was produced by a black man, it was meant to be funny and it is. enough right wing motherflockers get in office & we'll be limited to preapproved christian 'knock-knock' jokes.
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New member
That ad is not only racist, but it's also highly misogynistic and it makes light of abusing women. I'm dumbfounded that you are so blind!

The major reason the ad got pulled was due to making fun of an abused women . . .

It's not about right wing blah, blah, blah, or left wing blah, blah, blah. It's about what's right for crying out loud.

I'm offended you're so offended! Really, you need to think about what you wrote and why you find it funny and not disturbing, because it IS disturbing. Especially because people like you are so desentized you don't see how wrong this ad is, you only see it as a "joke."

And dont try to claim it's not racist because a black man made it, man, your logic is all fucked up! Many black people are racist/bigoted against other black people. Where the hell do you live, on mars?!

Here are some sobering facts for you:

In a nationally representative survey of adults:

Nearly 1 in 5 (18.3%) women and 1 in 71 men (1.4%) reported experiencing rape at some time in their lives.

Approximately 1 in 20 women and men (5.6% and 5.3%, respectively) experienced sexual violence other than rape, such as being made to penetrate someone else, sexual coercion, unwanted sexual contact, or non-contact unwanted sexual experiences, in the 12 months prior to the survey.

4.8% of men reported they were made to penetrate someone else at some time in their lives.

13% of women and 6% of men reported they experienced sexual coercion at some time in their lives.

Every 2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted

There is an average of 207,754 victims (age 12 or older) of sexual assault each year

Now please STOP being part of the problem and START being part of the solution. The first step is reflecting on your beliefs you exposed in your post.


Active member
That ad is not only racist, but it's also highly misogynistic and it makes light of abusing women. I'm dumbfounded that you are so blind!

The major reason the ad got pulled was due to making fun of an abused women . . .

It's not about right wing blah, blah, blah, or left wing blah, blah, blah. It's about what's right for crying out loud. /B][/SIZE]
i am offended by your username,mental illness is nothing to be made "light of"


New member
i am offended by your username,mental illness is nothing to be made "light of"

Anyone with half a brain and ISN'T being dishonest knows you're being dishonest. Stop it, this is a serious issue, unless you think the statistics I cited are "funny."

We all know "krazy," especially misspelled on purpose, is informal usage of the word, and that it's referencing 'excitement at number of crystals,' and in this case crystals are trichomes, in case you wanted to further go-off topic with your untruths.

If I had a digital shovel I'd send it to you, so you could decide if you want to dig yourself out of the hole you're in, or if you wish to continue digging deeper ;)

Here's some more learning for ya:

1. Affected with madness; insane.
2. Informal Departing from proportion or moderation, especially:a. Possessed by enthusiasm or excitement: The crowd at the game went crazy.
b. Immoderately fond; infatuated: was crazy about boys.
c. Intensely involved or preoccupied: is crazy about cars and racing.
d. Foolish or impractical; senseless: a crazy scheme for making quick money.


how is this racist..?
against white folks or goats?

tyler the creater made that commercial...he's black.

this is him,in the commercial..


Active member
Anyone with half a brain and ISN'T being dishonest knows you're being dishonest. Stop it, this is a serious issue, unless you think the statistics I cited are "funny."

We all know "krazy," especially misspelled on purpose, is informal usage of the word, and that it's referencing 'excitement at number of crystals,' and in this case crystals are trichomes, in case you wanted to further go-off topic with your untruths.

If I had a digital shovel I'd send it to you, so you could decide if you want to dig yourself out of the hole you're in, or if you wish to continue digging deeper ;)

Here's some more learning for ya:

blah blah blah excuses excuses

put your logically explanation away,i am a humorless twit and i will be offended no matter what you say gosh darn it!


New member
Wow, two down votes, sweet! (that doesn't bother me)

I think the folks posting in this thread are either very immature or very ignorant, ether way, it's NO excuse.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
No one ever taught you people about sticks and stones.....

The whole PC crowd just encourages people to continue ragging on them by alerting the heckler that they are getting a rise out of the heckled


Active member
Why don't you replace "political correctness" with "those against rape and abuse," or "those against profiling, false arrest and imprisonment," and see how "fucking annoying" you find it.
i see nothing indicating "rape or abuse"...

women CAN be generic victims of crime can't they?

being a bit...sexist,don't you think?


New member
how is this racist..?
against white folks or goats?

Do you see any other race there besides black people? (that's your hint)

tyler the creater made that commercial...he's black.

So what? Do you REALLY think black people cannot be racist/bigoted against other black people? SERIOUSLY? (and it's no only black people, this is common among all races)

For black communities this is refered to as 'black-on-black' racism and "colorism," where darker skinned black people are discriminated against by lighter skinned black people. For many Asian people this can be expressed when rounder-eyes discriminate against those with less-round-eyes.

For example, this work and others:

"Sexual Conquest and Patterns of Black-on-Black Violence: A Structural-Cultural Perspective" http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/springer/vav/1989/00000004/00000004/art00002

"Colorism: Black on Black Racism" http://blog.washingtonpost.com/hs/mckinley/2007/03/colorism_black_on_black_racism.html


New member
What I find stupid is I'm the only one in this thread with any fucking sense on this topic.

If you tools are trying to get a rise out of me, well, sorry but you didn't, this isn't even close to me being upset. I'm used to deal with idiots, the world is full of 'em. But that doesn't mean I won't 'wack a mole' those idiots when they're being idiotic.

Why don't you folks go tell a rape victim that you find that commercial funny, and that what she (or he) went though doesn't bother you at all (otherwise there's no way you could find that commercial so funny). Have fun with that! :)


Its funny, a black guy made it so its not racist as he obviously made it to be funny not racist. Dont like how blacks are stereo typed? Me neither but guess what, turn on BET an what do you see? Guys that look like these because they choose to not because they are paid to. Then listen to the words that come out of THEIR mouths, ghetto.


Active member
What I find stupid is I'm the only one in this thread with any fucking sense on this topic.

If you tools are trying to get a rise out of me, well, sorry but you didn't, this isn't even close to me being upset. I'm used to deal with idiots, the world is full of 'em. But that doesn't mean I won't 'wack a mole' those idiots when they're being idiotic.

Why don't you folks go tell a rape victim that you find that commercial funny, and that what she (or he) went though doesn't bother you at all (otherwise there's no way you could find that commercial so funny). Have fun with that! :)
funny how you see black men and a white "assaulted" woman and automatically assume "rape"

ain't that some shit?


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
This is a cannabis site, have you even posted in any canna related threads?

Maybe you don't like the thread, or the people posting..... then avoid the thread

But using the thread as a soapbox/excuse to turbo post isn't gonna get you far here

ALSO NOTE: no one, besides yourself, has had to stoop to name calling etc..... so try telling us again how you aren't mad

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