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mouldy bud, please help


After goin away on hols and leaving my cut bud in a jar its gone mouldy... I had to leave it in it as I cant really tell anyone about it therefore no one to look after it. Its it ruined now or what ? is there any other steps I can take to maybe safe my bud and all my work thats gone into my 3rd grow???? please help me guys..... Peace !!

fully baked

Check out some threads on water curing. I caught some mold after the outdoor season and saved the bud with a water cure. You will lose taste, aroma, and weight, but potency and the high will stay...



not gettin much look, and I aint got much time but thanks for your info and help.... I wil keep reading anyone else . . . . .

Sister Sara

make canna butter. be sure to simmer for four hours instead of 3. canna butter made from moldy bud is okay to eat, i believe. but smoking it might be bad for you.

fully baked

Even before cooking or making green dragon I would want to water cure just to get rid of all the spores and not have to eat/drink dead mold spores...




Here is what you do.

Take the buds out of the jar and lay it all out in a dry container. (plate) Physically remove as much mold as you can, then let the bud dry out while sitting out for 2 - 5 days depending on how wet the bud is (wet causes mold). Then once its dry, put it in a clean jar.

Don't listen to those who say its harmfull for you or are making you feel like its a lost cause. I have had this happen on multiple occasions, I did those steps above and smoke ever last bit even with a little mold on it. I noticed 0 side effects, and it doesnt smoke as good anymore, but it is still 80-90% as good.

Good luck and report back.


Active member
Here is what you do.

Take the buds out of the jar and lay it all out in a dry container. (plate) Physically remove as much mold as you can, then let the bud dry out while sitting out for 2 - 5 days depending on how wet the bud is (wet causes mold). Then once its dry, put it in a clean jar.

Don't listen to those who say its harmfull for you or are making you feel like its a lost cause. I have had this happen on multiple occasions, I did those steps above and smoke ever last bit even with a little mold on it. I noticed 0 side effects, and it doesnt smoke as good anymore, but it is still 80-90% as good.

Good luck and report back.

I'm sorry but telling someone to smoke moldy buds without knowing what kind of mold it is, is not the best thing to do. It can be very harmful to your health with immediate noticeable symptoms or not.

You're right that his stash isn't a total loss at all, but he needs to take care of the mold for his health. Our health is the most important thing.

Please do a water cure if you dont want to make canna butter, which is awesome by the way.


Frozen guy have you smoked moldy bud before?

My point is I have on multiple occasions, with 0 side effects. And you don't smoke the mold directly of course, you remove 90% of the mold, and by letting it dry completely you can remove another 5% of it. If you smoked mold directly of course that would be stupid. So with very small traces of mold left, white cobweb mold every time with me, the weed is not wasted.


Active member
Smoking any moldy bud is bad. It only takes one spore of that crap to get into your lungs and you could be facing a life threatening infection. Not to mention that some people are allergic to molds(most don't even realize it until it is to late, as allergies can form over time from being exposed to it over time).Remove as much mold as you can, plus a little from around the affected area, and either water cure it, make butter or green dragon. I mean, it's your life, and is smoking a little bit of moldy bud worth it?


one spore of that crap to get into your lungs and you could be facing a life threatening infection.

Can anyone find someone who has smoked moldy buds and gone to the hospital?

Just one case. I am very interested in seeing that.

I agree in theory it is bad for you, but no need to be an old lady about it. I am guessing a good deal of people bashing it have never tried it. Seriously how does spore survive the flame of a lighter at 1600degrees, I am not sure this is even possible. Again I have smoked lots of white cob webbed weed, and it was freaking great, some of the best bud i've ever smoked in my life.


Active member
No to fight about it or anything, but I normally light a joint once, and sometimes I end up with little bits of green chunks in my mouth, so unless you use a pipe and hold a lighter to it the whole time you are sucking, the initial flame won't sterilize the bud, let alone remove the toxins mold produce as they grow. Here's a good read about molds and what they can do>>> http://healthandenergy.com/mold.htm <<<


Active member
I do believe smoking mold is bad. If you can grow a real fir tree in your lung, I'm sure you can grow mold spores.

http://www.mosnews.com/weird/2009/04/13/firtree/ <----- picture/more story
And not getting immediate symptoms doesn't mean much.

I have smoked moldy buds and never will again. I smoked from a harvest of buds that had powdery mildew. i removed as much as I could, but we are humans with human eye sight and fingers, we cant work on the microbial scale.


Send me your moldy bud and ill smoke it for ya. Then i will document how it hurts me. I have smoked moldy bud for like 6 months straight, cob web mold, with 0 side effects. If you cannot find a case where it has hurt someone, please try and find one.


Active member
Send me your moldy bud and ill smoke it for ya. Then i will document how it hurts me. I have smoked moldy bud for like 6 months straight, cob web mold, with 0 side effects. If you cannot find a case where it has hurt someone, please try and find one.

Look at tobacco smokers. They aren't dieing or getting lung disease or emphasema the first time they light up or within six months. It takes years.
So I'll say it again, just because symptoms dont show up, doesn't mean nothing is happening.

I'll try and find some, but its not something very widely reported.. Probably doesn't happen that often. Still, its not something I would mess around with.

And why would I send you my bud when I can make some BOMB edibles out of it? I would probably turn all my bud (good or bad) into edibles if I didn't enjoy the act of smoking so much.


Send me your moldy bud and ill smoke it for ya. Then i will document how it hurts me. I have smoked moldy bud for like 6 months straight, cob web mold, with 0 side effects. If you cannot find a case where it has hurt someone, please try and find one.

trying to be the first marijuana related death? allthough it would be mold related.