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mouldy bud, please help


Active member
Send me your moldy bud and ill smoke it for ya. Then i will document how it hurts me. I have smoked moldy bud for like 6 months straight, cob web mold, with 0 side effects. If you cannot find a case where it has hurt someone, please try and find one.

ive read storys from people who got allergies and some even got asthma ... so just throw it away!


I've grown shrooms on a large scale, both legitimate edibles and our psilocybe friends. So I'm quite familiar with molds and fungi. Most people have this preconceived notion that all molds are toxic. They aren't. Chances are, if this mold is simply the typical whispy white mycelium that looks like this:


Then you're fine. This is most likely just a simple cobweb dactylium mold. Not a big deal. You could eat it and you wouldn't get sick. The molds that will make you sick would grow significantly thicker than that, have greenish, yellow, blue or even black powdery hues to them. If the mold is that bad, then you're out of luck.

My advice is this: remove the moldy portion of the weed. Dry what's left as quickly as possible. Use dessicant if you have to. DO NOT water cure the bud. Mold loves moisture, and by introducing more moisture to the party you're only asking for more trouble. Remember, those mold spores where already on your bud when you harvested. They didn't start growing until you put them in a dark and humid environment, away from UV light. Additionally, if you do happen to have a toxic strain of mold (again, unlikely) then dousing the whole thing in water will only serve to distribute any mycotoxins that were produced by said mold. Bad idea.

Trim it & dry it quick. Forget about curing.


New member
I've been smoking this moldy crap too the last few times I've purchased and while I haven't gotten sick from it I'm discontinuing its origins and going somewhere else, it just isn't cool. I mentioned it to it's distibutor who said to wrap it in a napkin which ticks me off. I stuck it in the oven instead for 15min at 300 and it's gone as far as I can tell but I'm not doing it again, its not like i'm saving a ton of money.


New member
Sheesh this thread is making me laugh. I helped a guy out this summer and about a third of his crop had mold. He and his crew wanted to the me silly when I complained to them about it and all the health risks.
All the while these seasoned tokers were choosing to smoke the moldy buds and moldy hash they made over the healthy buds. LOL:smoke out: I really believe they are addicted to a moldy high! And there is some deprivation going on to their brain.:crazy:

Please water cure or budder it up.


make sure the bud is always properly dry before storing it and that that the stems snap when bent.Smoking moldy bud you risk the chance of a lung infection.


Moldy bud from messed up cures goes to the younger healthy folks that don't have severe allergies and asthma. Seems pretty harmless in small doses if you don't have any conditions that could be irritated by it. I wouldn't recommend making a habit of consistently smoking pathogens tho.

The Sensi Rebel

Just happened to me a bit as well. i didnt dry it bone-dry as i normally would, and just a teeeeeny bit of white growth after letting it sit a few days in a closed jar. im just gonna rub it off with a needle or toothpick, freeze it, and dry it way longer. i think it will be okay..its barely noticeable, i think i nipped it in the bud thankfully..


ive successfully saved a lot of weed by water curing. i like to smoke not a big fan of making budder or using alcohol to extract thc so i just water cured for about a week and then dried it out and smoked it. just make sure you change the water every time you see it getting dirty and youll be alright. its worked for me, but im not a scientist and maybe i just had a harmless strain of mold anyway. dunno bout you but im not growing enough where as i can just toss moldy bud in the garbage