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Mothers Day is coming


Well-known member
Their all whores but your mama and she may be jivin too....mine was...



Words cannot describe how much I love my Mom! I was kind of a shit, especially in the teenage years (I didn't anything really criminal or psychotic, just typical teenager bullshit!), but I can't imagine my life without her! My Mom and Dad are still together and they're just awesome! I call her every weekend and stuff...

Yeah, I sound like a big pussy, but my mom is awesome and I thank God for having such a wonderful woman in my life!:smile:


I'll be sure to take my mum a nice bunch of flowers + chocolates, when i was younger i never used to spend much time with my mum on mothers day, but when you lose the family members that held the family together it gives you a sharp wake up call:badday:, if it wasn't for my mum i'd be dead now for sure!



Active member
Their all whores but your mama and she may be jivin too....mine was...


Well strangely my late husband grew up with Pryor in Peoria Illinois and his granny was a madame.....I am sure this skewed Richards view on women some....But he was genius in comedy and I miss his comedy.


Active member
You are not being a pussy to adore your mom....you would not be here if it were not for her....and usually your mom will love you MORE than any other woman will.

AWWWWWWW you guys are sooo sweet. Just call mom and tell her you love her on Mothers Day....NOW I need to work on Tory Spelling and her mom Candy who just wrote HATE BOOKS to each other and are battling it out in the MEDIA!

Geez and I thought my daughter and I had issues. Hope everybody is having fun on this Saturday night out there....My man is playing Aces High on his computer and my grandson is on his. Quality family computer time....My how things have changed in my lifetime. Freaks me @ times!


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
I am actually not very close with my mother. She does not like my wife, and she seems to try to cause trouble between myself and my other brother. I cannot understand it, and I have given up trying to. I am in my 50's and I have not been able to do anything to her satisfaction, and sadly still look for some type of approval from her. My father on the other hand was a real gem of a person and unfortunatly died too young.

OK, that sounds like I am at a psychiatrist office. Where is Dr. Freud ?



Active member
It is hard when your wife and mom don't get along. I taught my sons that their wife comes first. But I try to get along with my daughter in laws as it makes it easier for them and for me to see the grandkids. A man should not have to choose between his wife and mom because that rips a man apart.

But most boys wish to please their mom and get their approval. But your mom needs to be less judgemental and respect your relationship with your wife now.
Moms are powerful ppl but should not misuse their power and be controlling and give their child and spouse some space and let them live their life their way....

It is hard for a mom to do when they see their kid fucking up in "their opinion" and they only want to help them. But us moms have to let go at some point and hope our best efforts worked and they will do well in life.

So this Mothers Day I know my kids and grandkids will honor me and give me gifts flowers and dinner......but I am giving them a gift back this year. I am gonna accept them for who they are and mind my own damn business in the future..

Because even though they are not perfect....they are some damn fine children and I must have done something right as they are my heros.

Please remember your mom and your grannys on Mothers Day. Forgive them that they are not perfect. But you have to walk in their shoes sometimes to understand them. But moms form the world by raising the children and lets don't forget the Mr Moms out there trying to do a good job also.....Happy Mr Moms Day also!


What to get Mom for Mother's Day? She has done so much for me....must fit in a box for shipping. Hum....Cheers to all the other Moms and grannys out there. I hope that you all have a great weekend!


Active member
Well it is not the value of the gift but just that you remembered her. Unfortunately I won't be spending Mothers Day with my children as my mother in law is in a downward spiral and expected to die. She was knocked over by a large dog recently and fractured FX her hip and had surgery. Many elder women die after this happens as they sometimes go into a downward spiral. The first year after a hip FX is a 30% chance they will die. Even though she is getting the best medical help she is decompensating before our eyes. She only weighs 77 pounds now and we can't get her to eat or accept tube feeding. So I told my children and grandchildren we need to delay my Mothers Day so I can go with D upstate to see his mom as it might very well be her last one. Her husband and very best friend and ONLY lover died 4 years ago and she can't or don't want to live without him.

I am going to be there for D as I know he loves his mom very much and I wish me and my mom had known each other better,,,but she died when I was 3.
But I really like my mother in law....First 80 year old I ever heard say the word ORGASM.......te he...
.she married a technogenius before it was even cool to be one, He was involved in the space program and defence contracts and helped develop the Scudbuster even....I wish I had known him as he was born in Texas.

He was a graduate from Johns Hopkins. But he was a great man and I understand why she wishes to join him.
So I will have my Mothers Day next week but my kids are nurses and restaurant business ppl and they will be working Mothers Day anyway because nurses and reataurant ppl don't get all the holidays off.

But they are my treasures and I am glad I had them and spent most of my life dedicated to them being a teen wife and mother starting out in my life. It was all worth it though in
the end.

Happy Mothers Day Hawaii Nurse and young mother.

Mrs. Swamp

Mother's Day.....

Mother's Day.....

Don't have much time lately these days my friends here on the forum, but I did want to take the time to say:




Active member
Yes Happy Mothers Day to all the MOMS OUT THERE cause MOMS form the world through raising the children of the FUTURE and should do it responsibly.
Happy Early Mother's Day = ) I'm planning on visiting my Mom tomorrow w/ flowers and cooking her dinner! It should be a good time.


Active member
I got a card and some Godiva chocolates from one of my sons already....all my kids are working tomorrow and I am going to Jacksonville to see D's mom. We will get together later. I am proud of my clan. I showed a picture of them to Hawaii Nurse. I am still trying to matchmake my youngest son and he refuses to marry that bad boy.

I am going out to dinner with D for our second anniversary though tonight

Steak dinner....Godivas.....fine wine.....good weed....great sex......life is good for this mama FO SHO!
Madre ~ Your anniversary dinner sounds amazing! Congratulations = ) King n' I have known each other almost a year now, which is pretty awesome!!! I don't know what I'd do w/o him. <3


Active member
Same here and we are very lucky women. King huh....interesting name.
I call D my "love muffin" kind of goofy but he likes it.

When you are with the right person finally it all seems to come together nicely.

We are going back to the Steakhouse we went to on our first date.

Well the Jakinator is climbing all over me so I gotta get off and give this baby some granny love.
Grandkids is the greatest thing in life so far.
Well, I don't really call him King but I'm sure that's what everyone knows him by on here lol

Have fun w/ the Jakinator - that's an adorable nickname btw!!! hehe

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