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mother and son pot emails:

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
I didn't know that God had come down and said that alcohol was acceptable.

Also when she says it's legal by god. Ask her which peoples god. Alcohol is not allowed in Islamic Tradition, as far as I understand it.

Just do what you do. She seems committed to the 12 step plan accepted by society at large.

High School Diploma, Internship, Bachelors Degree, Marriage, Trainee Program at a major corporation, Kids, Buy House, Graduate School, Management Track at a major Corporation, Transfer to Competing Firm for more money, Retire to Play Golf and Live on the Beach, Assisted Living Facility.

The only issue with that is that life is not predictable. Best Of Luck


Eugene Oregon
Face the facts, odds are you won't change your mom's mind.
Unless she inhales she won't know the hidden truths.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
My mom is a deeply religious person, yet is a very smart woman. I've had many discussions with her regarding cannabis, religion, and many other subjects that most people can't speak with their parents about. I've actually swayed her opinion, she wouldn't have tried cannabis EVER had I not provided intelligent arguments to her objections about it. Now, she uses edibles and tinctures I bring her to relieve her arthritis and migraine headaches. :tiphat:

Your mom seems very set on this, don't expect to change her mind, just try to use whatever religious-themed canna-knowledge you can to help your arguments.
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Active member
she replys:

I actually was ambivalent about legalizing pot for a while, but since then I've learned that those European countries that have legalized marijuana are wanting to repeal the law. It has fostered a generation of slackers and is a magnet for the world's scumbags. It also didn't produce the taxes it was supposed to. Having been in Amsterdam, I can tell you that the legalization of pot was not a benefit to that country. There was a pall/ darkness/ nastiness/ evil that hung over the whole city, in spite of its natural beauty. We couldn't get out of there fast enough.

Making it legal, won't make it moral. Homosexuality and fornication are legal, but they will earn one a first-class ticket to hell for an eternity. The price is too high.

First, you said that, to you, smoking pot is no different than having a couple of beers. But it is much different. 1. For starters, alcohol is legal.
2. More importantly, it is also lawful by God.
3. Another difference is that one can drink alcohol and not alter their consciousness. It is a delicious drink and the purpose for imbibing doesn't have to be to escape reality.

Your hope is that pot is legalized and that it will be socially acceptable. However, that is not the answer to your quandry. Even if it is legalized, drugs will never be lawful. If drunkards cannot inherit the kingdom of God, do you think potheads will? Besides that, the law can't force good employers to hire pot smokers. And they won't.

You say that pot is harmless and actually benefits your life. Really? Your choices for employment are severly limited and what gumption you had for school is gone. You are doing a fine job now of supporting yourself (another thing for which I am proud) but you won't be able to support a family on that income, or derive any joy from having a career that excites you. I can forsee that you'd like to support a family and get a career-type job, but you won't have any employment history on which to build. The time for a manly job is now, since you're a man, and employers expect to see progress and diligence in their workers' employment history. Your days of having a teenage job are quickly coming to an end, but you have no other career options if you're unwilling to put down the pipe.

Your relationships are also affected by pot. You know in your heart that what you're doing is wrong, no matter how you try to convince yourself otherwise. As a result, you avoid most social contact. You tell yourself that you just don't like people, but that's not true. When you were younger, you were quite social, and it's only since you've been smoking that you've avoided all your family and old friends. So, pot actually completely controls everything in your life right now. It has affected you: mind, body and soul. It has robbed us of you, it has robbed God of you, it has affected your career choices and perhaps your girlfriend choices. These are HUGE! And none of these effects is positive in your life.

damn thats tough....crazy what god fearing conservatives think.

some of the shit she says sounda kinda true...i know alot of smokers who are pretty anti social or working careers that arent that glamorous..but who is she to hate on your lifestyle choices?

my mom was telling me yesterday about the first time she saw my dads grow...i think shes warming up to the idea of finallly doing some outdoor crops to help with the mortgage payment..


lol all your replys are very entertaining. yes a little background on my mom she is very religious. she goes to a church where they speak in tounges and in my opinion take the bible way to literally.

she is very brainwashed i grew up in that church and ever since i got my first job i always said i had to work and never went back.. its like a brainwashing institution i feel bad for them kinda.

say to her talking in tonges is only mentioned 3 times in the bible
but there are even more times it is frowned apon-talking in tonges.
cannabis is mentioned/interperated at least 5 times in the bible
and the holy annonting oil is supposed to be made by it.


That's a tough conversation to be having. But I have to give you both props for being able to talk about it.
I can't talk with my mother about anything meaningful, let alone cannabis use.
Anything is ammo with my mother. It will get spread around the family so they can all commiserate with her about how unfortunate she is to have a child like me. Good things don't mean shit. She will extract any negative from a conversation, and that will be all she took from it.
If I say, "Got a raise! Spent a real relaxing weekend, it was great. But I think I'm coming down with the sniffles. Looking forward to a hiking trip next weekend."
She'll take the sniffles and run with it. Soon I'll get a bunch of emails praying for my health. :p
Is it the generation? Why can't they see the good that's happening? I'm not living what she'd imagined my life would be and that's a horrible disappointment, no matter how well I'm doing for myself.

I am the same way. My mom likes to lecture me on the evils of pot almost everytime I visit, but anytime I try to have a conversation with her about it i get the "not this topic again" crap from her. Then she ignores me and goes back to sucking down diet sodas and sitting on her ass infront of the TV.

On top of that she wonders why I don't visit much. Well maybe I would if every time I visited didn't have to include "what are you wasting your life for?" bullshit. I still love her to death though, she cares, but shes been drinking too much of the anti-pot koolaid. However, her being a social worker, she does get to witness what the laws regarding pot use, possession, and distribution does to people, and we are in agreement that the laws do more damage than the drug itself.


reading that, im sorry, but i would love to give her a slap around the face to check shes actually awake,

bet she watches alot of tv.

i suppose i was blessed with a mother who understands that her son is smarter than herself.
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Ask her why is alcohol ok? why is tobacco ok? did god tell her those things where ok? no god did not tell her that the government told her those things. God might hate that people drink alcohol and smoke tobacco for all we know. Ask her how fast does she go for some aspirin when one of her body parts hurt. or how fast does she go for some cold medicine when she's sick.
Damn... sounds all too much like my mother. Luckily I have a dad that helps balance out her stupidity but both of my parents are very conservative Christian right wing republicans from southern California...90% of your mom's arguments sound as if she has been in the same bible study group as my beloved mother. The thing to keep in mind is that they have been extremely brainwashed to the point where it is nearly impossible to change their mind on any of the "truths" that they hold. I won't get into detail on my personal beliefs but what I will say is that if there is a God and he put cannabis onto our planet and the biological THC receptors into our design as human beings to receive it, but didn't mean for us to consume cannabis -- well, I just find that harder to believe than believing it isn't there for us to enjoy (responsibly of course). Religious fanatics in general, and ESPECIALLY Christians, have such strong roots in their beliefs that they cannot afford to let themselves see any other perspective, less their world and system of beliefs come crashing down over their head.
I was raised in a church where "speaking in tongues", at least by the general population is something that would be frowned upon. Speaking in tongues is something that results from a very deep connection to "God" and spirituality...I find it hard to believe that someone with as much hatred towards drugs and drug users as your mom shows would be genuinely speaking in tongues. The bible and Christ teach that above all else, you should love. Love your enemy, love your neighbor, love homosexuals, and love drug users. Your mother's (and mine) version of Christianity is a direct result of the misteaching of the Bible's message. The church she attends is CLEARLY leaning towards a Christ-like Cult, rather than a religion. This type of situation is incredibly difficult because I don't think reversing your mom's beliefs is possible at this point in her life. Things like facts, statistics and the REAL truth all conflict with what she has been told her entire life. Good luck with your journey and remember that if Jesus was still on earth today, he would show compassion for the homosexuals, love for the potheads and probably slap your mom with the righteous hand of knowledge.
I love these kinds of arguements! It all changes in time though. If marijuana was completely legalized and decriminalized in the next 10 years (lets say) then we'd be looking back and saying "I remember when it was illegal" and a whole new generation would grow up with marijuana being accepted and not remember the times we had to go through.

But until that time, people are still going to beat that bible to death and continue watching FOX news about what their government tells them! There is nothing we can do about incidents like this until the change happens. But it's a great slap in the face for the people that used to have an old mentality of thinking when the changes come into place.

Then they'll believe "well, I still don't agree with it and YOU ALL are going to hell". LOL. Nothing you can do or say is going to change their views.


donut engineer
My dad is an evangelical christian.

He used to be a workaholic.

Before that, he was an alcoholic.

Religion is like dope for some people. You're not going to be able to talk her out of this, there's no point in trying. She's a sheep now and she'll believe whatever she's told so long as it's under the guise of religion or family values or conservatism or whatever nonsense someone on 'her team' comes up with.

I'm not saying abandon your mom, but realize there's very little you can do to convince her otherwise. I've found a better approach with my dad is not to argue, but to tell him I respect that he has belief, but that I don't feel the same way about his god as he does. At very least he leaves me the fuck alone and stops mailing me books about converting.

If your goal is to convince her that God/Jesus do not disapprove of cannabis, get some evidence together of biblical cannabis and hemp use. Marijuana and the Bible and another, more convincing Marijuana and the Bible

Cannabis was widely used throughout the world since earliest times. 'Cana' got its name from the same root word as "cannabis," indicating that hemp was grown there. The Bible also describes a common way of preparing marijuana for medicinal use: "The Lord said …Afore harvest, when the bud is perfect and the sour grape is ripening in the flower, he shall cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks and take away and cut down the branches." (Isaiah 18:4-5)

Cannabis was traditionally used in 12 different ways: as clothing, paper, cord, sails, fishnet, oil, sealant, incense, food, and in ceremony, relaxation and medicine. And it was written, "On either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare 12 manner of fruits, and yielding her fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." (Rev. 22:1-2)

The leaves and flowers of cannabis are well known for their medicinal value, and the Thracians Scythians and Zoroastrians were just a few of the groups that were using cannabis socially during Jesus day.

Grass Lands

Over times minds can be changed...

take my pops for example, when I was in my early 20's I was the worst kid ever for toking pot and trying to grow the sacred herb. Now 20+ years later he has come to understand its not the plant that is bad, some of the folks who use it, is the bad, not the plant itself. He knows I grow and toke and sees me as a stand up guy. my brother on the other hand has been in and out of trouble for his use of meth, and his perception of him is quite the opposite of me.


Active member
Your mother loves you dearly and she has made some good points from her perspective.

Try not to get angry because in the end, you want to preserve your relationship with your mother.

A lot of people, especially of that generation were subjected to a lot of BS about MJ their whle life.

What would you do if in twenty years you start hearing people say heroin is actually fine for you and all the reports were false and part of a smear campaign? It would be hard to stomach while your kid is shooting up.

Show her the science. Ask her for her science.

google harverd lung cancer cannabis

and cannabis kills brain cancer

Cannabis kills 0 people alcohol kills 480000 a year, tobacco around 80000

Show her the verse in the bible that says god gave us every live plant and herb on this earth to enjoy. And alcohol is processed and weed is so natural.

Show her this too, believe me. My mom had heard everything I had to say, but THIS "enlightened" her. Oh I cant post vids but you tube this video, your mom will be very surprised, you should watch it too. its only about 8 min long, testimoney from 1 of only 5 federal marijuana users. He handles millions of dollars a day and smokes 11 oz a month.

lvzX8aNwxgM <----Irv Rosenfeld's testimony in front of Michigan Committee of Government Operations

He mentions how the DEA judge after two years of trials and a year to decide, made the conclusion that Weed is "the most benign substance known to man." From the DEA judge!!!!

Believe me, watch and forward it to your mom.


Active member
Cannabis is deeply ingrained in the past of almost every religion including Christianity. I hate when these bible banging fucktards start telling me how beer and whine are fine cuz they are endorsed by god. If they were truly endorsed my god they would flow from a fucking stream not a tap you douche.


Active member
well no offense bro but your reply was just as stupid as hers. you accuse her of not listening to you yet you didnt even reply to a single concern she raised. you are approaching the subject from entirely the wrong angle anyway. she doesnt care about it being legalized, she cares about what effects smoking it has on YOU and your future. the only way you are going to "win" this argument is to convince her that pot is not having a negative influence on your life.


The cat that loves cannabis
My mom is a deeply religious person, yet is a very smart woman. I've had many discussions with her regarding cannabis, religion, and many other subjects that most people can't speak with their parents about. I've actually swayed her opinion, she wouldn't have tried cannabis EVER had I not provided intelligent arguments to her objections about it. Now, she uses edibles and tinctures I bring her to relieve her arthritis and migraine headaches. :tiphat:

Your mom seems very set on this, don't expect to change her mind, just try to use whatever religious-themed canna-knowledge you can to help your arguments.

Here we go, this might be the route to gaining moms acceptance.
Bake some MJ brownies, tell mom you got them from the church bake sale, she will of course pound down a couple of gods house brownies, then when shes all relaxed and enjoying herself tell her whats up.

1. She says this is OK and she guesses she was wrong about it.


2. She calls the cops on you for poisoning her.


donut engineer
Here we go, this might be the route to gaining moms acceptance.
Bake some MJ brownies, tell mom you got them from the church bake sale, she will of course pound down a couple of gods house brownies, then when shes all relaxed and enjoying herself tell her whats up.

1. She says this is OK and she guesses she was wrong about it.


2. She calls the cops on you for poisoning her.

Not cool to drug your mom. Funny in a Cheech and Chong-sense, but in reality, not cool.


I mean i really wish she could change her mind because of the mountain of evidence but she really is set in her ways and sadly i doubt i would be able to.

i wish she would just accept my lifestyle and stop trying to make me into her perfect little church going son.

well dont attack her beleifs just let her know that yours are different and beleifs are relitive too,and just be generally respectful,if you do shell realize pots not a problem.dont count on her sparking one up.
the 3rd point about how alcahol dosnt alter your concious is pretty funny ,i see your strugggle,and i feel for ya.

good advice thanks :)


Face the facts, odds are you won't change your mom's mind.
Unless she inhales she won't know the hidden truths.

lol so true man. she did smoke back when she was in high school or just out of high school. i dont think she unlocked any hidden truths though haha.


Active member
ya, dont drug your mom lol..

And dont get angry with her because that wont go anywhere.

Plus, she is your mom, she is going to take everything you say in the sense that you are her son and no matter how experienced you are, she is older and wiser. So you have to show her proof from other older wise people. Not saying she thinks youre a liar, but parents are supposed to be firm with their words when their kids argue, to a degree.

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