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Mossy needs Help..Please..


well mossy mate im glad you finally found your black beauty! and what a beauty she is! you'll have all these poor growers in suspense waiting for that plant as you did the jems ;)

kudos mate, very well done to ya! now you just have to lock her down ! :D

wont let me give you +rep yet, i have to spread more love around first. i owe u 1+ ;)


Mossy, wow. That is one amazing girl. Very rare trait even in 12/12 strains.. The odds have to be, at least 1/100,000. Excited to see how your progress goes with this one.

The canna gods have smiled upon you mossy! Life is constantly in extremes, you are limited by your sickness, but you get such luck with breeding. Your karma must be amazing :)

Good luck mate. Hope you get it stable for release, that is some looker heb for sure.


Just amazing. I cannot wait for the beans! BTW, ordered some JEMs today, can't wait to see how they go!

Great work mossy, you, S_a_H, mdanzig and arcticsun are kicking ass and taking names!


Hi Mossy! great show, m8! I think that sweetheart could show full black color but it's need to search and stabilize such pheno. Unfortunaly last year becouse of the mold, so I couldn't see the results.

Anyway it's just a question of time to get it :D


Im grabbing a seat before this place get too packed! Good luck with the blacks mossy, they look like a real treat!


New member
Maybe the coloring is not such a great thing for the actual plant (even tho it looks very cool :artist:) because:

Plants are green because chlorophyll, the key pigment that captures light, absorbs blue and red efficiently, but transmits most of the green light for our eyes to see.
So the question is, does the pigmentation of the leaves mean that the Z process[1] is working less efficiently?


[1] http://www.life.illinois.edu/govindjee/textzsch.htm
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cyber echo

its prolly just releasing pigmentation into the leaves...
Being black it might absorb more heat in the outdoors...
What do you think mossy ?


New member
I had another gander on google, and it's absolutely fascinating, but my head is starting to hurt.

Is there a plant biologist in the house?

Here is some stuff I found: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/Hbase/biology/ligabs.html (scroll down a bit, to get the 'why leaves are not black' bit) and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacteriorhodopsin also: http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=23470.0

That said, some plants make purple pigments to protect themselves from too much sun -- for example, Amaryllis and Cephalotus follicularis (a tiny ant eating pitcher plant, very cute to keep in glass bottles)

Capri, who loves puzzles like this


Active member

great work mossy! sorry to hear you've been in pain but the plants are looking excellent! :dance013:

and you always have such nice photos to look at! this is one of my faves.


Hold the thoughts..backin 2 weeks..
planned absense..Nowt to worry about..

Back shortly...wait for me....:thank you:


New member
Mossy's Jem Question

Mossy's Jem Question

Mossy - amazing plant. Thanks for the pics.

I have a question about Mossy's Jem. I was thinking about ordering some Purple Jem from Attitude and doing some breeding work with them.

I imagine there are still varying pheno's including green. Do the male flowers show any color variation to indicate their genetics?

Greetings and best wishes from the Northern USA.



Damn...you wait for a full Black for years...
then 3 turn up at once....



These are the NON-AF Black line..
BUT..being able to pull it into dominance on any line means I have good crack @ being able to hyb..


The Big head is BX1 and the other pot is the f3's.
All the BX1's are showing the colour change..
and I think at least 2of the 3 fem's in the f3's are going to...


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Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
i love the looks of the black plants that come from the jem line. although they are not as potent as the green ones.

what are the bx's comprised of?


Hi mossy,

I remember you invited me to look your threads and stopping by at IC some years(?) ago.. We had some discussions at NWS and Highbred...

Better late than never! :D Your projects have been succesfull I see :)


SmokeyTheBear...cheers m8...:tiphat:
I was on my way to your thread next.
I caught it when I first come in and was I impressed.
NICE work my Friend..:good:

I didn't realise that you had got as far as f2 with your JEM IBL..
And..I love the Materlow too..damn good show in a 16 oz pot.
I just knew you had a Good Hand with AF's.
Always trust a Man who loves his girls to put on a great show.

I know exactly what you mean about the whites..
there is a green/white and a buttermilk/yellow white.
I have had 3 reports of a Mango scented bud coming out of the green/white and the yellow white is the one that hold My Favourite.
IF anybody gets a yellow/white with an incense smell..
dont share it with anyone..it is Amazing. :greenstars:

Bighill...you are spot on m8..
Your karma must be amazing
It is ALL with a little help from my Friends..karma goes round and comes round.

ordered some JEMs today, can't wait to see how they go!
Me too..throw me a few photos when you grow them..:thank you:

what genetics do you have in the sweetheart..?
Anything with Afghan or kush influence..is she in AF..?

Anyway it's just a question of time to get it
That's the spirit..:good:

Good luck with the blacks mossy, they look like a real treat!
...Mossy licks thumb and wipes it twice down the lapel of my ..(T'shirt..cough)
and says..
just call me Merlin my M8..coz I am the Purple Wizzard...:dance013:
Im grabbing a seat before this place get too packed!

:listen2: Meaty Meaty..as long as I have a shoulder..you have a place to sit...
just haven't figured out yet if you are the little Angel.... :angelshug:
or the little devil....:sasmokin:

Capri..I'll catch up on your links shortly..Cheers for your interests..
all black info greatly appreciated.
The ONLY concession toher colour I have made up to now is that I gave her longer to finish..
I will not get an accurate view on her until I get them out on full season for a test run.
Capri, who loves puzzles like this
Me TOO..mother nature is amazing.

cyber echo...:wave:
I THINK that she is going to take longer to cook..
but that seems to be true of all the purples.
She was outdoor from the end of DEC..
so she was way late..but my winter conditions were the worst I have had in 5 years.
I took her down before I went to the UK and I think she could have gone longer..
BUT I didn't dare leave her incase the ripper paid a visit while we were away.

cork144.....:thank you:...

HookaHittaH...not really..it has been crap..but if I can get some girls up to flower Before my first natural 12-12 (21st March)
I can normally harvest about mid May/June..season cheat.

pimp_grow!..cheers m8..I am Well proud..:thank you:

stevefrench...:wave:..wey hey m8..back where you belong.
Welcome Home m8.
Great to see you. :tiphat:


Do the male flowers show any color variation to indicate their genetics?
Yeah m8...Very distinct.
Look for matching pairs male/fem to strengthen any colour traits.
You will see distinct colour in the males first.


Those are my favorite colors too. Has to be green and purple together, just green or just purple won't do.

Like the underside of a rainbow:

Just gorgeous!